Friday, March 1, 2024

The diamonds are impressive qubits.

"A recent study has introduced a potent combination of diamond and lithium niobate for quantum technologies, achieving a remarkable 92% light transmission efficiency. This advancement promises to enhance the development of quantum computing and communication networks." (ScitechDaily, Redefining Quantum Possibilities: Scientists Develop Diamond-Lithium Niobate Chip With 92% Efficiency)

The idea in diamond qubits is that there are some different atoms in the diamond's carbon structure. Those different atoms like nitrogen, boron, or some noble gas can turn into the part of a diamond using electromagnetic radiation. The idea is that those boron atoms can used to make the quantum entanglement in that diamond.

In some visions, the high-class light handling capacity makes it possible for the entire diamond or carbon atoms in it to turn into the quantum entanglement network. That makes this system the most powerful solid qubit in the world. 

"Figure 1: Lower right: Structurally, the NV center consists of a pair of adjacent defects in the diamond lattice, namely, a nitrogen atom substituting for a carbon, together with a vacancy (a missing atom). Main figure: In abstract terms, each NV center is composed of at least one nuclear spin, and an electron complex with total spin 1. Bermudez et al. have determined that under a suitable driving field, the electron spins will constitute a channel by which the nuclei in neighboring NV centers can interact, thus achieving entanglement." (Physics, Driving a Hard Bargain with Diamond Qubits)

In some models, the diamond can replaced using the mountain crystal or quartz crystal. The quartz is a chemical compound. And in that case inside artificial mountain crystals will be landards. Those rare earth metal atoms can also form structures. Where the quantum computer makes the quantum entanglements. 

And in the most interesting vision is that the system replaces mountain crystals using a very clean glass that is pressed in a very high pressure. In that model, the pure glass or silicone crystal is the new material that stops electrons inside it and can used as the qubit. In other models, the system can put lenders. Or some other material such as salt. Into the glass crystal. And in that case, the silicone replaces carbon in that structure. 

The new metamaterial can revolutionize the AI and quantum computing. The metamaterial can stop electrons inside it. And that thing can turn it into the most advanced quantum computer. The system can make quantum entanglement between two stopped electron lines. And that thing can revolutionize quantum computing. The qubit doesn't have its final shape yet. And the advancement in quantum systems is very fast. The leading companies invest billions in that research.

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