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Quantum field theory vs. String theory.


Are gravitons rolled photons? 

In some models, those superstrings are the photons or the waves or wave-shaped photons that turn into rolls. If that quantum field is like a roll that thing can explain many things. 

And this can be the mysterious graviton. The photon that is turned into the tunnel will impact the structure and then energy flows into that quantum tunnel. 


The quantum field theory and string theory can explain things, like photons' ability to change their shape between wave motion and particle. 

The quantum field theory and string theory are different. Or they describe the different things. And the thing is that the quantum field theory is difficult to fit into the quantum field theory. And the main problem is that the scale of those theories is different.

The quantum field theory is the theory about quantum fields that surround particles. And the string theory is the theory about things inside that quantum field. The string theory is the theory that some kind of superstrings are things that make the material from the wave-particle duality. 

There is the suggestion that the superstring is the wormhole. And the photon's particle-wave property is one thing that is proposed as evidence of the superstring's existence. The idea is that when the photon or its wave movement form travels in the universe, it sometimes hits with a superstring. That thing presses the wave movement into the wave-shaped wrinkles. That causes the photon to turn shorter. Then photons can slip into the superstring. And turn back into wave movement. And that thing just pulls photons straight. 

Another thing is the photon's energy stability. In some models, the photon travels in the universe. And quantum fields make the shockwave around that photon. In the field model. That shockwave or bubble is the thing, that we call a photon. 

Then those quantum fields or quantum strings connect back in the photon, and then that thing pushes the photon forward. There is a model that a superstring travels through a photon, or photons travel around that string. And then, the photon transports energy into the superstring. Then that structure transports energy back to the photon. 

Same way. When we think about the Theory of special relativity, it feels right because observing large entirety is easier, than observing small systems. 

The theory of general relativity becomes more effective when we close to the strong gravitational fields. The reason why the Theory of Special relativity is easier to prove than the Theory of general relativity is that the Theory of Special relativity describes or handles larger entities. We must have a certain accuracy. That we can start to use the Theory of general relativity. 

The theory of general relativity is suitable near the massive gravitational centers. But to observe that thing, we must stand out from that center's gravitational pothole. 

And if we want to make observations about the systems. And measure changes in the system, we must be outside it. If we are middle of the system we are part of it. And when something happens that thing happens to us and the system. At the same time.  Things like speed and energy levels are relative. 

The energy level is relative to its environment. And if the observer is in a system where the energy level rises, let's say about 1000 times, the observer's and its environment's energy level rises the same way. The observer will not see anything special. That thing requires that the system will not start to leak energy away. 

When we are in a hot room energy travels to the environment from the the room's wall. That thing causes energy flow in the room. Energy flow and differences in energy levels in our body are the things that we feel as heat. If we want to increase energy levels to deny aging we should raise energy levels in every single particle in our body and our environment. Precise at the same time. If that thing is not done, energy flow destroys the material. 

That means standing energy does nothing. The energy that flows makes things work. This is the main problem in things like interstellar flight. We can raise the energy level in the craft very high. 

And that stops aging. But the universe expands. That thing causes that energy level to decrease. When our astronaut steps out from the craft, that thing causes energy to flow out from the astronaut, and it causes an explosion. The outflowing energy just rips the astronaut or craft in pieces. And that is one version of the reasons, why interstellar travel is very difficult. 


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