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Microquasars challenge theories of the cosmic speed limits.

"Recent studies of SS 433 have unveiled the mechanisms behind its gamma-ray emissions, revealing how particles are accelerated within its jets. This discovery challenges existing theories and provides a closer look at the processes driving relativistic jets, crucial for understanding cosmic phenomena. Credit:". (ScitechDaily, Breaking Cosmic Speed Limits: Powerful Astrophysical Jet Challenges Existing Theories)

"A microquasar, the smaller version of a quasar, is a compact region surrounding a stellar black hole with a mass several times that of its companion star" (Wikipedia, microquasar). Microquasar SS433 challenges theories about the cosmic speed limit. In that object, extremely powerful plasma jets send gamma-ray emission radiation. The gamma-ray radiation forms when hyper-fast plasma interacts with its environment. And especially with particles that fall into the black hole in the middle of the quasar. 

(ScitechDaily,Breaking Cosmic Speed Limits: Powerful Astrophysical Jet Challenges Existing Theories)

There is a possibility that strong radiation from the black hole's material disk forms a situation where the black hole is like in a WARP bubble. WARP bubble can be real or it can be virtual. In a real WARP bubble, the radiation from the object replaces the outside quantum fields. In virtual WARP the particles that fly for example 70% of the speed of light impact with particles that speed for example 60% of the speed of light. If impact happens oppositely the sum of impact speeds is 130% of the speed of light. 

When high-energy particles come out from a black hole's poles and travel in the universe they start their journey in an electromagnetic wormhole. That radiation channel or tunnel closes those particles in it. That channel is called a relativistic jet. Relativistic jet pushes other material away from its route. And that allows photons and other particles to travel faster than usual. In a relativistic jet is no scattering effect. And that makes it an electromagnetic wormhole. 

"Artist’s impression video visualization of the SS 433 system and summary of the main results of the paper. Credit: Science Communication Lab for MPIK/H.E.S.S." ScitechDaily, Breaking Cosmic Speed Limits: Powerful Astrophysical Jet Challenges Existing Theories)

A black hole's jet's spiral form makes the electromagnetic wormhole possible. The spiral-form radiation and material pump energy into the middle of that jet. The effect is similar with lasers and masers where EM (electromagnetic systems) input energy in standing waves. 

And that thing forms an electromagnetic wormhole. A real, gravitational wormhole can form if small- or quantum-sized black holes can form a spiral structure, where they can send gravitational waves in that structure. The spiral structure acts like a laser, which inputs energy in the radiation and material that travels in it. In those structures, all wave movement acts similar way. And that's why we can use EM radiation and plasma spirals to model how gravitational waves interact in those extreme conditions. 

"Artist’s impression of the SS 433 system, depicting the large-scale jets (blue) and the surrounding Manatee Nebula (red). The jets are initially observable only for a short distance from the microquasar after launch — too small to be visible in this picture. The jets then travel undetected for a distance of approximately 75 light-years (25 parsecs) before undergoing a transformation, abruptly reappearing as bright sources of non-thermal emission (X-ray and gamma-ray). Particles are efficiently accelerated at this location, likely indicating the presence of a strong shock: a discontinuity in the medium capable of accelerating particles. Credit: Science Communication Lab for MPIK/H.E.S.S." (ScitechDaily, Breaking Cosmic Speed Limits: Powerful Astrophysical Jet Challenges Existing Theories)

"Composite images of SS 433 showing three different gamma-ray energy ranges. In green, radio observations display the Manatee Nebula with the microquasar visible as a bright dot near the center of the image. Solid lines show the outline of the x-ray emission from the central regions and the large scale jets after their reappearance. Red colors represent the gamma-ray emission detected by H.E.S.S. at a) low (0.8-2.5 TeV, left), b) intermediate (2.5-10 TeV, middle) and c) high (>10 TeV, right) energies. The position of the gamma-ray emission shifts further from the central launching site as the energy decreases. Credit: Background: NRAO/AUI/NSF, K. Golap, M. Goss; NASA’s Wide Field Survey Ex-plorer (WISE); X-Ray (green contours): ROSAT/M. Brinkmann; TeV (red colors): H.E.S.S. collaboration." (ScitechDaily, Breaking Cosmic Speed Limits: Powerful Astrophysical Jet Challenges Existing Theories)

The radiation that escapes from the material or transition disk pushes some of the particles away. 

When that radiation energy decreases the particles hit to material with a speed, higher than the speed of light in that medium. When a particle that has mass hits a medium it must release or transfer its kinetic energy to that medium. In that case, the particle sends electromagnetic radiation. 

The neutrino detector uses this phenomenon. When a neutrino hits the water, it sends a blue light flash. Same way when neutrons and other particles travel out from the nuclear reactor, they must slow their speed and release their kinetic energy to the water. That thing is visible as Cherenkov-radiation or blue shine around the nuclear reactor. Also, the sky is blue because Cherenkov's radiation from particles that hit the atmosphere makes it blue. 

The speed of light in a vacuum is higher than the speed of light in air. When a particle hits to air, it must release its energy into the air. Same way when particles come out from a black hole's relativistic jet they send radiation or wave movement around them. The interaction between particles, that travel in relativistic jets is not as simple, as we usually think. The energy level decreases faster at the edge of the relativistic jet. 

At the edge of the jet, particles start to impact with particles around that jet. Those impacts release gamma rays. And the same wave that radiation will transfer to that relativistic jet. The effect is similar to laser rays. The radiation, that comes out from the jet's edge impacts the particles that travel in the black hole's jet.

Short-term WARP bubbles can form around the super-high energy particles. The high-energy radiation from the relativistic jet forms a situation in which WARP bubbles can form around the plasma particles that escape from black holes. The energy that comes from those particles pushes material and quantum fields away from that jet. That situation continues until those particle's energy level decreases enough. Then they start to interact or impact with another particle.


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