Monday, January 29, 2024

Gravitation and space.

The main question about gravity is how or where the quantum overpressure that pushes particles forms. In some models, the whisk-looking structure that forms particles would connect the gravitational radiation between them.

That forms the gravitational electric arcs or very small virtual particles in the main particle. And in that case, the energy that reflects from those virtual particles that could be gravitons push particles forward. 

Gravitation and superstrings: superstrings act like rockets that move energy to another side of a particle from the direction of the gravitational center, 

Gravitation will affect space. And pull quantum fields in the gravitational center. But can gravitation also affect individual particles? We can think that gravity is a complicated interaction. Gravity is the force that affects the wrong way. 

When gravitational radiation hits particles they form an electromagnetic shadow or lower energy area at the front of the object, if we think that "front" is the direction of the gravitational center or travel direction. There is a possibility gravitational waves also consist of superstrings. Those are extremely thin waves. 

Those superstrings would be small and thin wormholes. When a gravitational wave superstring hits a particle its front side would be at a higher energy level than the side behind the particle. And that means energy travels to the lower energy side. That lower energy side would be the electromagnetic shadow behind the particle. 

When a superstring travels through a particle energy flows on it. And that superstring acts like a rocket engine that pushes particles forward to the gravitational center. The electromagnetic shadow pulls particles back. And the superstring drives them forward. 

But then there is another model. In that model reflection forms a standing wave that denies the wave movement that comes from gravitational center impact with a particle. That causes a quantum freeze or electromagnetic shadow at the front of the particle. And backward-coming radiation or wave movement pushes particles forward. 

The quantum vacuum that forms between a standing gravitational wave and a particle causes an effect that quantum fields that travel into it push the particle forward. 

In that model gravitation is reflection. When gravitational radiation or gravitational waves impact particles they reflect. That causes an impact between wave movements with the same wavelength. Those waves form a standing wave until another wave movement pack must give up. Because wave movement cannot reach the front side of the particle it causes energy flow from backward to the front of the particle. In that model, the back-coming wave movement pushes the particle forward. 

If an observer wants to measure an object's speed in the quantum system the observer must be outside that system.

The gravitational interaction with space explains why the speed of light can cross inside black holes. But if we want to see that thing, we must stand out of the black hole. 

When we are in falling quantum fields that pull objects with them like rivers, we will see that the speed is zero. Same way as when a river takes a person with it, we can say that our speed, compared to the flowing water's speed is zero. Observers must stand at the river bank to measure our speed. 

Gravity pulls quantum fields inside the black holes. And the speed of light is relative to those quantum fields. So the speed of light is always the same. If we sit in a craft that travels in falling quantum fields we would not see any changes, because we are inside the system. 

When those quantum fields' speed increases the speed of light compared to the speed of those fields is the same. If we want to measure the changes in the speed of light, we must stay outside the system. In that case, we can measure the speed of light, and the speed of the quantum field. 

Space is the quantum fields that form "space" in the universe. 

Can we see the wormholes? The question is are the mysterious wormholes in the relativistic jets that are leaving from black holes? The model of the wormhole is the gravitational tornado. There is a possibility that a relativistic jet can transfer so much energy in it that gravitational waves can form a spiral structure. And if that is right the relativistic jets are the place where gravitational wormholes exist. 

Relativistic jets are the highest energy places in the universe. The energy level inside them is so high that particles will not age in that high-energy plasma beam. That means the relativistic jets are electromagnetic wormholes, but is their energy level so high, that it can close gravitational spiral, or gravitational tornado in it? 

A gravitational tornado explains why black holes are not expanding. The idea is that the black hole expands until the gravitational tornado that forms its rotational axle breaks itself through the event horizon. The idea in this model is that spiral gravitational field turns so dense, that gravitational waves cannot affect inside it. 

Space or quantum fields around the gravitational center acts like air around the tornado. The gravitational tornado just moves quantum fields sideways. And that is its effect on space. When quantum fields move sideways other quantum fields must fall to that area. Called gravitational center. 

And those quantum fields feed that quantum tornado. The gravitational radiation is like reflection radiation from that tornado, that forms swirling superstrings. The time dilation means denser energy or quantum fields around that quantum tornado. 

The model goes like this: there is a gravitational tornado in the black holes and all gravitational centers. That tornado or gravitational whirl transfers quantum fields or space sideways and when a gravitational tornado moves quantum fields sideways, another quantum field must fall to that tornado.

The thing. That makes gravity interesting, and special it just pulls objects. Sometimes I wrote that gravity could be the force that affects space. The space means the quantum fields around the object. And those quantum fields will travel to the gravitational center. 

If there is some kind of gravitational tornado that guides that radiation or quantum fields sideways to quantum fields that travel into the gravitational center, we can say that the gravitational center like a black hole just moves the quantum field into another direction. And that causes an effect where the quantum fields pull objects with them.

What unites new mass memories, snowflakes, and lasers?

"A new phase-change memory developed by Stanford researchers offers faster, more efficient data processing capabilities. This scalable, low-power, and stable technology could revolutionize computing by improving performance metrics across the board, marking a step toward universal memory. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Stanford’s Revolutionary Universal Memory: The Dawn of a Fast, Ultra-Efficient Memory Matrix)

Nanotechnology is an excellent tool for many things. New and powerful microchips and solid-state quantum systems make it possible to create more complicated molecules. In some models, the solid-state qubit is the glass where superconducting wires transport information. The problem with this type of system is that glass absorbs photons. 

And that disturbs information that the system transports into the qubit. Photonic microchips are useful systems. Also in nanotechnology, they don't heat so much, and damage the complicated 3D molecular structure. 

The new nanotechnology requires information on how snowflakes form. The next-generation nanomachines are complicated structures. Same way, modern medicines have very complicated molecular structures. 

Knowledge about the formation of snowflakes allows systems to create a complicated structure in a molecular size machine. The knowledge of the formation of the snowflakes allows developers to create fractal formulas that can simulate nanomachine formation. 

Knowledge about conditions like temperature and acid level create certain forms in snowflakes allow researchers to create more and more complicated molecules. The H-C-O (Hydrogen, Carbon, Oxygen) molecules,  hydrogen, and oxygen atoms are on both sides of the carbon-chain molecule. It makes it possible for the system. To use those atoms to glue new things for the nano-systems. 

"Atmospheric scientist Tim Garrett’s innovative research on snowflakes has revealed that their movement in air turbulence, previously thought to be highly complex, can be predicted using a simple mathematical model based on the Stokes number. This breakthrough, achieved through advanced instrumentation, has significant implications for weather forecasting and climate change understanding. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Snowflake Secrets: Scientists Discover That Their Movement Is Astonishingly Predictable)

The AI can predict the movements of the snowflakes. And that thing also makes it possible to create new types of tires and driving systems that predict how slippery the road is. 

The AI that runs those systems is specialized for handling complicated structures. When the AI creates complicated 3D molecular structures it requires systems that allow to observe components in the system. That's why things like the ability to see things like single atoms are not meaningless. The AI requires the ability to see things that happen in the reaction chamber. And then it drives conditions in that chamber into mass memories. 

The new ultra-fast memory matrix guarantees that those systems can react very fast. The fast memory matrix makes it possible for the systems. That they can react fast enough to the suddenly happening cases. 

Systems like femtosecond lasers that can turn glass into energy harvesters can transport information into the nano-systems and those new mass memories. For rapid reactions, the mass memories require fast-reacting switches and sensors. Femtosecond lasers can used to transport information to those fast-reacting mass memories. 

Femtosecond lasers that turn glass into semiconductors can also used to turn binary bits into qubits. It is possible to transport energy or information into the glass layer. Then nanoscale electrodes will transfer that data to the quantum system. 

The problem with those new photon-based systems is that they should somehow control photon absorption. Glass would be an excellent material for the new highly effective microchips. As well as glass is an effective tool for the new solid quantum systems. But the problem is that the glass must not disturb data that will transported into the superconducting wires using optical femtosecond lasers.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Microquasars challenge theories of the cosmic speed limits.

"Recent studies of SS 433 have unveiled the mechanisms behind its gamma-ray emissions, revealing how particles are accelerated within its jets. This discovery challenges existing theories and provides a closer look at the processes driving relativistic jets, crucial for understanding cosmic phenomena. Credit:". (ScitechDaily, Breaking Cosmic Speed Limits: Powerful Astrophysical Jet Challenges Existing Theories)

"A microquasar, the smaller version of a quasar, is a compact region surrounding a stellar black hole with a mass several times that of its companion star" (Wikipedia, microquasar). Microquasar SS433 challenges theories about the cosmic speed limit. In that object, extremely powerful plasma jets send gamma-ray emission radiation. The gamma-ray radiation forms when hyper-fast plasma interacts with its environment. And especially with particles that fall into the black hole in the middle of the quasar. 

(ScitechDaily,Breaking Cosmic Speed Limits: Powerful Astrophysical Jet Challenges Existing Theories)

There is a possibility that strong radiation from the black hole's material disk forms a situation where the black hole is like in a WARP bubble. WARP bubble can be real or it can be virtual. In a real WARP bubble, the radiation from the object replaces the outside quantum fields. In virtual WARP the particles that fly for example 70% of the speed of light impact with particles that speed for example 60% of the speed of light. If impact happens oppositely the sum of impact speeds is 130% of the speed of light. 

When high-energy particles come out from a black hole's poles and travel in the universe they start their journey in an electromagnetic wormhole. That radiation channel or tunnel closes those particles in it. That channel is called a relativistic jet. Relativistic jet pushes other material away from its route. And that allows photons and other particles to travel faster than usual. In a relativistic jet is no scattering effect. And that makes it an electromagnetic wormhole. 

"Artist’s impression video visualization of the SS 433 system and summary of the main results of the paper. Credit: Science Communication Lab for MPIK/H.E.S.S." ScitechDaily, Breaking Cosmic Speed Limits: Powerful Astrophysical Jet Challenges Existing Theories)

A black hole's jet's spiral form makes the electromagnetic wormhole possible. The spiral-form radiation and material pump energy into the middle of that jet. The effect is similar with lasers and masers where EM (electromagnetic systems) input energy in standing waves. 

And that thing forms an electromagnetic wormhole. A real, gravitational wormhole can form if small- or quantum-sized black holes can form a spiral structure, where they can send gravitational waves in that structure. The spiral structure acts like a laser, which inputs energy in the radiation and material that travels in it. In those structures, all wave movement acts similar way. And that's why we can use EM radiation and plasma spirals to model how gravitational waves interact in those extreme conditions. 

"Artist’s impression of the SS 433 system, depicting the large-scale jets (blue) and the surrounding Manatee Nebula (red). The jets are initially observable only for a short distance from the microquasar after launch — too small to be visible in this picture. The jets then travel undetected for a distance of approximately 75 light-years (25 parsecs) before undergoing a transformation, abruptly reappearing as bright sources of non-thermal emission (X-ray and gamma-ray). Particles are efficiently accelerated at this location, likely indicating the presence of a strong shock: a discontinuity in the medium capable of accelerating particles. Credit: Science Communication Lab for MPIK/H.E.S.S." (ScitechDaily, Breaking Cosmic Speed Limits: Powerful Astrophysical Jet Challenges Existing Theories)

"Composite images of SS 433 showing three different gamma-ray energy ranges. In green, radio observations display the Manatee Nebula with the microquasar visible as a bright dot near the center of the image. Solid lines show the outline of the x-ray emission from the central regions and the large scale jets after their reappearance. Red colors represent the gamma-ray emission detected by H.E.S.S. at a) low (0.8-2.5 TeV, left), b) intermediate (2.5-10 TeV, middle) and c) high (>10 TeV, right) energies. The position of the gamma-ray emission shifts further from the central launching site as the energy decreases. Credit: Background: NRAO/AUI/NSF, K. Golap, M. Goss; NASA’s Wide Field Survey Ex-plorer (WISE); X-Ray (green contours): ROSAT/M. Brinkmann; TeV (red colors): H.E.S.S. collaboration." (ScitechDaily, Breaking Cosmic Speed Limits: Powerful Astrophysical Jet Challenges Existing Theories)

The radiation that escapes from the material or transition disk pushes some of the particles away. 

When that radiation energy decreases the particles hit to material with a speed, higher than the speed of light in that medium. When a particle that has mass hits a medium it must release or transfer its kinetic energy to that medium. In that case, the particle sends electromagnetic radiation. 

The neutrino detector uses this phenomenon. When a neutrino hits the water, it sends a blue light flash. Same way when neutrons and other particles travel out from the nuclear reactor, they must slow their speed and release their kinetic energy to the water. That thing is visible as Cherenkov-radiation or blue shine around the nuclear reactor. Also, the sky is blue because Cherenkov's radiation from particles that hit the atmosphere makes it blue. 

The speed of light in a vacuum is higher than the speed of light in air. When a particle hits to air, it must release its energy into the air. Same way when particles come out from a black hole's relativistic jet they send radiation or wave movement around them. The interaction between particles, that travel in relativistic jets is not as simple, as we usually think. The energy level decreases faster at the edge of the relativistic jet. 

At the edge of the jet, particles start to impact with particles around that jet. Those impacts release gamma rays. And the same wave that radiation will transfer to that relativistic jet. The effect is similar to laser rays. The radiation, that comes out from the jet's edge impacts the particles that travel in the black hole's jet.

Short-term WARP bubbles can form around the super-high energy particles. The high-energy radiation from the relativistic jet forms a situation in which WARP bubbles can form around the plasma particles that escape from black holes. The energy that comes from those particles pushes material and quantum fields away from that jet. That situation continues until those particle's energy level decreases enough. Then they start to interact or impact with another particle.

New nano-and quantum materials make new and strong structures and new energy sources possible.

"Scientists applied a simple approach for growing hBN films on the surface of ubiquitous steels and other metal alloys to “armor” them and thus increase their capabilities. Credit: Adam Malin/ORNL, U.S. Dept. of Energy" (ScitechDaily, Invisible Armor for Steel: How hBN Coating Is Reinventing Metal Durability)

The invisible armor layer. 

The hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) can create lightweight armor on steel. The hexagonal boron nitride forms similar structures with the graphene. But it's easier to make and put to cover large areas than graphene. The idea of this kind of layer is simple. An extra layer with homogenous material can conduct impact energy between those 2D layer particles. And that thing isolates that layer from the steel core. The use of that kind of armor can make revolution for tanks, helicopters, and aircraft. And that lightweight strong armor can also used in satellites.

The hBN layer can also give new strength to armor-piecing ammunition. In that case, the hBN layer will cover the flechette (sabot, arrow ammunition) or regular bullet. That thing makes the new strength for that kind of ammunition and improves their armor-piercing ability. 

"For example, armoring may boost the ability of solar panels to conduct heat and resist environmental factors. Additionally, it allows semiconductors to maintain proper operating temperature, and aerospace turbine blades to guard against wear, reduce friction and withstand hot conditions". (ScitechDaily, Invisible Armor for Steel: How hBN Coating Is Reinventing Metal Durability)

The microchip-looking robot bugs can used to create self-healing layers. 

 In some models, the nanomaterial is forming robots that look like microchips. Those robots are like pieces of the puzzle. And they can fix damages on that layer quite easily. 

When something hits that layer the robot bugs will removed. And that structure limits damages. Then the new robot bugs can create a new layer on that material. The idea is that the system will remove all damaged robots from the layer. And then it transports the new replacing parts of that puzzle with it. 

"Researchers have developed an advanced optical technique to uncover hidden properties of the quantum material Ta2NiSe5 (TNS) using light. By employing terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, the team observed anomalous terahertz light amplification, indicating the presence of an exciton condensate. This discovery opens up new possibilities for using quantum materials in entangled light sources and other applications in quantum physics. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Shadows and Light: Discovering the Hidden Depths of Quantum Materials)

"Using an improved technique that gave access to a broader range of frequencies, the team was able to uncover some of the hidden properties of the TNS exciton condensate. Credit: Sheikh Rubaiat Ul Haque / Stanford University" (ScitechDaily, Shadows and Light: Discovering the Hidden Depths of Quantum Materials)

The new quantum materials. 

The new quantum materials are things that are revolutionizing material research more than nobody ever imagined. Quantum materials are materials that are more than nanomaterials. In some models, the quantum materials can be stronger than even diamonds. The idea is that active quantum materials are things like laser rays. 

Those laser rays will transfer energy out from particles. And that laser ray will pull the material together. That thing allows it to conduct energy out from material when it faces impact or electromagnetic radiation. The laser- or cathode ray that means electron flow can act like a thermal pump. 

Graphene ribbons and hemoglobin are the new power sources for batteries. 

"Mickael Perrin’s pioneering work in quantum electronics focuses on generating electricity with minimal loss and improving energy efficiency in electronics, using groundbreaking applications of graphene nanoribbons. His research, recognized by prestigious awards, aims to revolutionize the practical application of quantum technologies. Credit:" ScitechDaily, Nanoscale Power Plants: Turning Heat Into Power With Graphene Ribbons)

Graphene ribbons turn heat straight to electricity. 

Graphene ribbons that can harvest energy from heat are interesting tools. Those things can harvest energy from exhaust gases. And that thing makes the power plants more energy efficient than before.

The graphene ribbons are nano-size. But a large number of them can deliver electricity for things like fast-reacting sensors. And systems that optimize the fuel use. And a large number of those graphene ribbons can deliver energy for larger-scale objects. 

 The use of heat as a power source is interesting. The graphene ribbons are fundamental because they turn heat straight into electric power. And that makes them useful energy sources for machines. That can operate in heat. 

"Researchers at the University of Cordoba, in collaboration with other institutions, have developed a new type of battery using hemoglobin as a catalyst in zinc-air batteries. This biocompatible battery can function for up to 30 days and offers several advantages, such as sustainability and suitability for use in human body devices. Despite its non-rechargeable nature, this innovation marks a significant step towards environmentally friendly battery alternatives, addressing the limitations of current lithium-ion batteries. (Artist’s Concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, The Future of Sustainable Energy? Scientists Create First-Ever Battery Using Hemoglobin)

The use of hemoglobin in the battery is also a fundamental tool. 

The use of hemoglobin in batteries makes it possible to create environmentally friendly batteries. But that thing can used to create nano-size power sources for nanorobots. The hemoglobin battery can be the deck of red blood cells. And then there could be a gold layer between those blood cells. That kind of system can deliver electricity to small-size microchips. The hemoglobin molecule's central actor is iron. 

And if iron touches with some nobler or less nobler metal that causes electron flow between iron and that other metal. The less nobler metal can be zink, that used in ships to deny corrosion. In metallurgy, the less noble metal faces corrosion. And the distance between metals in a Galvanic series determines how fast electrons travel between those layers.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Researchers found a new model of quantum tunneling.

"New research reveals new insights into electron tunneling dynamics at the sub-nanometer scale. Using a van der Waals complex, Ar-Kr+, and an innovative approach for tracking tunneling dynamics, the research highlights the crucial influence of neighboring atoms in quantum tunneling. This work has important implications for quantum physics, nanoelectronics, and the study of complex biomolecules." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough: Unveiling the Mysteries of Electron Tunneling)

Electron tunneling is one model of quantum tunneling. This new solution means a tunneling effect between electrons. That are in opposite positions to the potential wall. 

Researchers created a new model for electron tunneling. Electron tunneling is one version of quantum tunneling. In quantum tunneling particle or wave movement impacts the potential wall. And then that thing travels through the wall. In electron tunneling, an electron makes that thing. 

Electrons can travel through the wall itself. In that case, its energy level rises so high that it pushes other particles away from its route.  Or it can send wave movement through the wall. That thing makes electron tunneling important thing in semiconductors. 

 And then make a superposition with some other electron. In that case, the higher energy electron can send information through the wall to another electron. In that case, the electron simply transfers its oscillation to another electron that starts to oscillate with the same frequency as the first electron. 

"The electronic chip and the Van der Waals complex with an internuclear distance 0.39 nm. Credit: Ming Zhu, Jihong Tong, Xiwang Liu, Weifeng Yang, Xiaochun Gong, Wenyu Jiang, Peifen Lu, Hui Li, Xiaohong Song & Jian Wu" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough: Unveiling the Mysteries of Electron Tunneling)

The potential layer can pump energy to wave movement that tunnels through it. 

"A simulation of a wave packet incident on a potential barrier. In relative units, the barrier energy is 20, greater than the mean wave packet energy of 14. A portion of the wave packet passes through the barrier." (Wikipedia, Quantum tunnelling)

Quantum tunneling can used in a very large technology sector. Engineers can benefit from quantum tunneling in microchips in semiconducting technology. However, the tunneling effect is useful in next-generation sensors and scanning technology. 

Quantum tunneling is the thing that makes it possible to create new types of engines. Those systems send wave movement against the plates. Then those plates will resend that energy to another side of the wall. If the system drives energy to those walls, that will increase the energy level of the wave movement. 

From the image, you can see the thing in those engines. The main part of energy reflects forward. The tunneling effect makes the small pike behind those plates. In some models, the system can operate otherwise. The plate is at the side or direction where the craft is moving. And the wave movement hits it like a sail. So that kind of engine can give thurst. 

That tunneling effect can create at least a pressure impulse at the other side of the wall. But it's possible to use that kind of engine system in outer space, if the system sprays particles to the layer, the tunneling engine can transfer energy to them and push them backward.

Friday, January 12, 2024

The Cheshire cat effect debunked.

"Recent studies challenge the quantum Cheshire cat effect’s initial interpretation, highlighting the role of contextuality in quantum mechanics. This research suggests that the perceived separation of particles and their properties is a result of how quantum systems are measured, not an actual physical phenomenon. Understanding this could unlock new insights into quantum mechanics and its applications. Credit:" ( the Quantum Illusion: Debunking the Cheshire Cat Effect)

The next part of the text means that the particle cannot leave or separate itself from its properties. But the particle can multiply its properties into another particle. And if the particle transfers its quantum field and quantum field's oscillation to another particle. The receiving particle's energy level rises so high level that it covers the original particle below its shine. 

The particle and its properties cannot separated from each other. And that means the Cheshire cat effect is not possible. 

The Cheshire cat-effect in quantum mechanics was a hypothesis that the particle can separated from its properties. But that thing was not possible. And the particle is always connected to its properties. 

In some models, superposition makes two identical particles. And if the energy level on the other side of the superposition steps to a far higher energy level than the other. In that model, the "shine" of the other particle covers the original particle. 

The model goes like this. First particle 1 makes superposition and entanglement with particle 2. The energy level of particle 2 turns higher than particle 1. That means the shine of particle 2 covers the particle 1. The reason why this superposition and entanglement must go like this is that explains why researchers cannot see differences in an "empty" quantum field. 

But when we think about the situation in which a particle seems to leave its properties behind it, we can think that the particle's quantum field is the thing, that we call properties. So the case should look like this. The particle disappears or changes its position. And then that particle leaves an "empty quantum field behind it". And the question is how this thing happens? 

Some other particles like quark or gluon may reach the same energy level as electrons. Quarks and gluons are far smaller than electrons. 

And if they get the same energy level or mass as electrons the electron's quantum field can make a superposition with that quantum field. The energy flow from the quark or gluon would be very strong. And that makes it very hard to detect and recognize the particle. If there is some kind of particle. The virtual particle can also have a quantum field. 

So how could researchers think during some tests particles separated from their properties? That is an interesting question. The particle leaves its position and leaves the quantum field behind it. That field acts like the particle's or particle-pairs original quantum field act. 

That thing might be some kind of virtual effect, where some particle made a superposition with some other, different types of particle, like an electron-quark pair.  Could that thing be possible? 

Theoretically electron can make a superposition with, as an example, the quark's quantum field in the case that the quark reaches the same energy level (mass) as an electron. 

So in this case, some particle that gets the same mass as the first particle can get superposition into its quantum field. The fascinating model is that theoretically is possible. That hypothetical graviton particle will reach the same energy level or mass as an electron. And that thing can form the "empty quantum field".

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Hunting of dark photons.

   Hunting of dark photons. 

The reason why a photon is forever could be that it recycles energy through it. In that model, the photon gets as much energy as it delivers. And that energy stability makes the photon the only known particle, that reaches the speed of light. Also, still, hypothetical gravitons can reach the speed of light. 

But in some models, a graviton is a static particle that sends only wave movement. So in this model, graviton will not move like photons. It is the static point, and the only thing that is gravitation that moves is the wave movement. In electromagnetism, photons can move as in particle or wave movement forms. 

 In some models, the dark photon is a particle that travels in quantum fields like stealth aircraft. In that model, there should be a double-layer quantum field around the dark photon. The outer layer will make other quantum fields slide over dark photons. In that model, the hypothetical dark photon can be a chameleon particle. The quantum field around the particle looks like a red giant star. Those giant stars have no clear impact point where their atmosphere is turned into space.  

If we want to use that model taken from stars to explain why we cannot see dark photons we can say that there is the point is the dark photons quantum field where its energy level is the same as its environment. That means there is no information change between a dark photon and its environment. The most out layer of that particle would merge with its environment. 

 "Illustration of two types of long-lived particles decaying into a pair of muons, showing how the signals of the muons can be traced back to the long-lived particle decay point using data from the tracker and muon detectors. Credit: CMS/CERN" ( Mysterious World of Dark Photons: Trailblazing Particle Hunt With the Large Hadron Collider)

Researchers believe that dark photon exists. In modern hypothetical models, the dark photon is a particle. That is as fast as a photon but unseen. The idea is that the dark photon would somehow avoid interaction with quantum fields in their environment. 

In some models, the dark photon is a photon the energy level is very high. That thing causes a situation where wave movement escapes from that particle. Then the Schwinger effect turns the dark photon into a photon and maybe a muon. The problem is that because the dark photon is invisible, researchers have a problem determining the point where the decay results form. 

The model of how a hypothetical dark photon decays is taken from Higgs Boson. Many decay productions form when Higgs Boson decays very soon. Things like W and anti-W boson pairs are confirmed. The W and anti-W boson pairs give a hint that the Schwinger effect forms those particles. Schwinger effect always from particle-antiparticle pair, and that thing means that there is a model, that most of the decay produced from Higgs Boson forms in the shockwave interaction between decaying Higgs Boson and its environment. 

There is predicted a muon-antimuon pair that decay of Higgs Boson forms. The idea is that when Higgs Boson splits there forms a quantum tunnel between those splitting halfs. The decay of Higgs Boson may form more than two primary particles. Primary particles are particles, that form just in the decay process. 

Most of those decay particles that source are particles in the top energy levels. Are short-living. Their energy level is very high. And that means that those primary particles themselves form particles that are secondary particles. If we take the timeline from the Higgs Boson. But some of those decay productions are photons. 

Every decay process forms photons. The sensor must recognize if the photon forming in the primary decay of Higgs Boson or is annihilation production or the secondary particle's decay production. The problem is that the W and anti-W bosons annihilating. And that annihilation reaction forms flashes that can cover particles that the primary particle's decay produces. 

The dark photon can decay like Higgs Boson. Or it simply blows its energy away. That energy flow would turn it into a "regular" photon. And the same time it corms the Schwinger effect that forms short-living particles. Dark photons may form in the middle of the Higgs Boson's decay produces. 

When those produces travel outside the decay point, they form a small, short-term electromagnetic- or quantum vacuum. That vacuum pushes superstrings, or extremely thin quantum fields together. And that thing forms the dark photon. And maybe we can someday see dark photons and measure their interactions.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Quark-gluon plasma was the first material. Or was it?

 Quark-gluon plasma was the first material. Or was it? 

Quark-gluon plasma (QGP) is one of the most highly energetic research objects in the history of physics. The QGP forms when particle accelerators impact hadrons together. Like in proton-proton or proton-neutron and proton-electron collimations. If those impacts have enough high energy levels, that impact destroys the shell of the hadron and releases quarks and gluons free from hadrons. 

The energy level in QGP must be high enough. That it can keep quarks and gluons away from each other. If the energy level is too low. Quarks and gluons return to protons and neutrons. For observing quarks and gluons researchers must produce clean particles and space, where quarks and gluons are separated. And that thing requires lots of energy. 

We are wrong if we think that conditions in particle accelerators are the same as they were in the young universe. The size of quark-gluon plasma was larger. The other thing is that the energy level in that young universe was far higher than it is now. Absolute zero point or energy minimum was more than millions or even billions of degrees. The radiation level was far higher than it is now.  

"Quark gluon plasma (QGP) is a unique state of matter produced by colliding heavy nuclei in laboratories, leading to the creation of a QGP fireball. This fireball undergoes expansion and cooling, eventually forming subatomic particles that are key to understanding QGP. New research using the maximum entropy principle has led to advancements in understanding the transition from QGP to hadronized states and identifying critical points in quantum chromodynamics. Credit: ( Puzzle: How Do Quark-Gluon-Plasma Fireballs Explode Into Hadrons?)

The big question is: what comes first? Gluons or bosons. Or fermions? 

In a chaotic universe, quark-gluon plasma started to form hadrons or protons. There is a possibility that some particles formed before gluons, and before QGP were "G" or gluon plasma. The idea is that the very first particles were gluons or some other similar bosonic particles. Gluon itself is a gauge boson that transports a strong nuclear force. Quarks are fermions that form the hadrons. The hypothetical G plasma is one of the suggestions for the first stable particles. 

Hyperons are very short-living hadrons. 

Could there be some other kinds of hadrons or baryons in the young universe than hadrons made of up-and-down quarks? The fact is that there are lots of more short-term baryons than just protons and neutrons. Those short-term particle groups are the things that could be stable somewhere in the past. But then the universe started to turn colder and those short-term baryons. Lambda baryon could be stable. There is the possibility that those lambda-baryons exist near high-energy objects in the universe. 

The structure of lambda baryon is simple. There is one up-and-down quark. And then one other like strange quark. There is a particle called xi-baryon where there are two up quarks and two strange quarks. That particle has a very short life. But it's possible that if there is only one strange and two up quarks in the hadron. There are exotic short-living hadrons called hyperons in particle accelerators. And those things are extremely interesting. 

The problem with the standard model is that. Also, other quarks should form hadrons rather than up-and-down quarks. So what kind of hypothetical hadron would form of strange quark and two down quarks? Or what kind of hadron would form when the top quark makes a "hadron" with two bottom quarks? I think that it's possible. That in the young universe, those particles could exist. And maybe some of those hypothetical particles had some other lepton shell than electrons. 

The problem is that the standard model involves many other fermions than one quark. There are six types of quarks. The up-and-down quarks form protons and neutrons. And nobody saw material where there are two up quarks and one top quark. Quarks are in the atom's nucleus, and also other than up and down quarks should make stable hadrons or baryonic hadrons. 

Baryonic hadrons are subatomic particles that act like elementary particles. The most well-known baryons are protons and neutrons. There are up-and-down quarks in those baryons. In a proton two up and one down quarks. And in neutron is two down and one up quark. But there are short-term baryons where there are charm quarks or even top quarks. The high energy level of those particles guarantees that they are short-term particles. The energy level in the young universe was higher. And that means that those exotic baryons could exist longer. 

Also, if we think that all leptons act like electrons. And they orbit the atom's nucleus. We know that electrons are leptons that make this thing they orbit every single atom nucleus in the universe. But also things like muons and tau-particles are leptons. Also electron neutrinos, muon neutrinos and tau neutrinos are leptons. But we have no atoms that those other leptons orbit.



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