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The quantum batteries break causality.

   The quantum batteries break causality. 

Indefinite causal order (ICO) revolutionizes quantum batteries. 

In the regular world "causality" follows certain rules.  When case A predicts case B (AB) that closes the opposite case away. At the same time, B cannot predict A in the same system. In the quantum world, A can come before B (AB), and B can come before A (BA) can happen same time (AB) and (BA) happen at the same moment. 

The reason for that is the superposition. When the quantum system is in superpositions cases (AB) and (BA) can happen at the same time. And information can travel in both directions at the same time. That is called indefinite causal order (ICO). 

In regular causality, the system acts like this: 





The system must wait for (BA) can happen.





This opposite case is possible only when the first case (AB) is completed. 

In indefinite Causal order or non-centralized causal order: 





Part of the system acts in order (AB). And part of it operates in order (BA). 

We can think of the indefinite causal order as a hill that rises in the middle of the causality. Then the order would travel like this (AB) (Energy Hill) (BA). In causality, cases happen in a certain order. So (AB) is like in a tube where energy flows from up to down. Then there rises an energy hill in the middle of that tube. The energy hill cuts the tube in the middle and then on both sides of the energy hill cases travel like this (AB) (Hill) (BA). 


"Quantum batteries, with their innovative charging methods, represent a leap in battery technology, promising higher efficiency and wider applications in sustainable energy solutions. Credit:" ( Breaking Causality: The Revolutionary Power of Quantum Batteries)

"In the classical world, if you tried to charge a battery using two chargers, you would have to do so in sequence, limiting the available options to just two possible orders. However, leveraging the novel quantum effect called ICO opens the possibility to charge quantum batteries in a distinctively unconventional way. Here, multiple chargers arranged in different orders can exist simultaneously, forming a quantum superposition. Credit: ©2023 Chen et al."  ( Breaking Causality: The Revolutionary Power of Quantum Batteries)

"Common intuition suggests that a more powerful charger results in a battery with a stronger charge. However, the discovery stemming from ICO introduces a remarkable reversal in this relationship; now, it becomes possible to charge a more energetic battery with significantly less power. Credit: ©2023 Chen et al." ( Breaking Causality: The Revolutionary Power of Quantum Batteries)

"While it’s still quite a bit bigger than the AA battery you might find around the home, the experimental apparatus acting as a quantum battery demonstrated charging characteristics that could one day improve upon the battery in your smartphone. Credit: ©2023 Zhu et al." ( Breaking Causality: The Revolutionary Power of Quantum Batteries)

Common intuition suggests that a more powerful charger results in a battery with a stronger charge. However, the discovery stemming from ICO introduces a remarkable reversal in this relationship; now, it becomes possible to charge a more energetic battery with significantly less power. Credit: ©2023 Chen et al. ( Breaking Causality: The Revolutionary Power of Quantum Batteries)


When cases (AB) and (BA) happen same time. That makes it possible that energy can travel out from quantum batteries same time as it travels in the quantum battery. Quantum batteries are the next-generation tools that can store very high energy levels. The idea is that the system breaks causality. 

In broken causality, the action and reaction do not follow each other. So in that case the (A) can happen alone. Term causality means that action A comes before action B (AB). The A will affect (push) to B. That means we can call broken causality an action without reaction. In retrocausality or opposite causality, the reaction B comes before A. So we can say that retrocausality is like backward playing film. 

In normal causality. When a football player kicks a football. We see the kick first. And then the ball moves forward or away from the player. In retrocausality, the ball moves before the player kicks it. But it will not travel backward. The retrocausal film would be a moving ball that moves out from the player. And then the player kicks air. 

Indefinite causal order separates from regular causality in that in regular causality entire system operates in a certain way. Which means the order (AB) is a state of the entire system. In indefinite causality, the part of the system works in by following order (AB. Part of the system operates following order (BA). At the same time.

"New Approach Developed for Electrocatalytic H2O2 Production and Biomass Upgrading. Credit: Hui Xu" ( Breakthrough for Efficient H2O2 Production and Biomass Upgrading)

The hydrogen peroxide can be one of the future power sources. 

The new electrocatalyst brought a new way for H2O2 production. And that thing allows us to make cheap hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is used in many chemical reactions and antiseptic cleaners. But hydrogen peroxide is also useful as a power source. When hydrogen peroxide is mixed with water, that reaction creates steam. The system can conduct that steam to the turbine or piston steam engine. The name of that system is Walther propulsion. The patent for the so-called Walther turbine or Walther propulsion was given in 1933. 

During WWII German researchers created the so-called Walther propulsion system. The German-type XVIII U-boats were used for testing this system. 

The system used hydrogen peroxide as the heat source. The Walther engine created a hydrogen peroxide-water mixture. And when hydrogen peroxide impacts with water it forms heat and steam, that system conducts to the turbine or piston steam engine. That kind of system was ineffective in peacetime because natural gas and oil were cheaper than hydrogen peroxide.  But using modern technology this forgotten patent can turn useful power source for larger-scale use. The future of this kind of innovative system depends on the cost and emissions of hydrogen peroxide production.


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