Thursday, November 9, 2023

Project 8 measured the neutrino's mass.

     Project 8 measured the neutrino's mass. 

There are a couple of places, where neutrinos can used. However, the use of those particles requires full control of neutrinos. 

The ability to control neutrinos is also closer. The neutrino is the ultimate tool for the long-range quantum communication. However, making successful information transportation by using neutrinos requires that the system can catch neutrinos and then remove the information. 

Another way to use neutrinos is so-called neutrino photon rocket engines. Those systems accelerate neutrinos with photons. And those particles would give more thrust to the rocket. 

"Project 8 has innovatively used Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy to observe electron behavior in tritium decay, setting an upper limit for neutrino mass. This marks progress in a long-standing challenge in particle physics, with the potential to improve our understanding of the universe’s evolution." ( Particle Unmasked: Project 8’s Neutrino Mass Breakthrough)

Project 8 measured the neutrino's mass. 

Now it's done. Neutrino's mass is measured. And that thing can bring the mystery of dark matter closer to unveil than ever before. The neutrino is a ghost particle that forms in nuclear reactions. The sun, nuclear reactors, particle accelerators, and some other things like supernovas form neutrinos. There are three types of neutrinos. Electron neutrino, Tau neutrino and muon neutrinos. 

The reason, why those light and weakly reacting particles are under intensive research is that they could give new information about the Universe. In some visions, the neutrinos are particles that are between visible material and dark matter. 

In the most exciting models, the neutrino is a particle that transformed from hypothetical WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles). So if that thing is true, neutrinos are the key to the world of dark matter. 

In some visions, the neutrino is the particle whose origin is in hypothetical WIMP. In that model the hypothetical WIMP turns to neutrino and after that to some other elementary particle. 

In that model, the route from the WIMP to the subatomic particle could be WIMP that transforms to tau neutrino, then to muon neutrino, and then to electron neutrino, and then gluon, quark, or electron. During that process that small and maybe quite high-energy particle delivers energy to its environment. Finally, when a neutrino's mass or energy level is low enough, that thing makes that neutrino a stable part of the atom. But that is only one version of the neutrino theorem. 

Because neutrinos have mass they have a quantum gravitational field. The neutrino's mass is also opening the door to the dark matter. When researchers test the form of dark matter. They are searching for objects that they know very well. Then they calculate the visible material's mass and conclude what the object should weigh. And then the rest of the weight is the dark matter weight. 

That calculation is impossible if researchers don't know every particle's mass. And neutrino's mass makes the material's model more complete. The neutrino is a particle that can easily travel through planets. But sometimes it hits water molecules. And that forms the blue light shockwave. That interaction tells that neutrino has mass. For making a complete analysis of the targeted system the analyzer requires complete information about the system and all its participants' behavior.

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