Milky Way's supermassive black hole spins as fast as it can.
"It's spinning, after all."
Galileo Galilei, when the Inquisition forced him to deny his observations.
Gravitation is like monotonic pull. A small quantum tornado in the gravitational center causes this effect, where an object rides with a quantum field into the gravitational center.
The black hole's spin forms the gravitational tornado. That thing is like a screw that transports energy out from the black hole in a certain direction. That thing causes the energy pike or relative jet. And in this model, the wormhole is in that relativistic jet. In this model, the cosmic "neural structure" is the wormholes that interconnect black holes with each other. It's also possible that the tube- or string-looking structures in the universe are forming around wormholes.
Relativistic jets are also electromagnetic wormholes and they act like thermal pumps, that allow the black hole to transport its energy to space. That denies the overheating of the black hole. If there is too much energy in a black hole, that thing detonates it. The thing called antigravity could be the gravitational wave that jumps from standing gravitational waves. And that reflection causes a situation where gravitation turns opposite. Gravitation or part of it is radiation like all other interactions. And that means that gravitation can mirror and reflect like all other wave movements.
The gravitation might have so short wavelength that it interacts straight with superstrings around the gravitational center. The gravitational interaction causes situations where electromagnetic and other quantum fields travel to the tornado in the middle of the gravitational field. And that interaction pulls particles into the middle of that effect. The gravitational field is like water around the whirls. It pulls particles with it.
In this model, gravitational waves are the antigravity. The reason why that effect is so weak is that quantum fields like electromagnetic fields transport or pull quantum fields into the gravitational center in entirety. The pulling effect is so much stronger than gravitational waves that are not affected by particles all the time as the pulling effect affects. Another thing is that the gravitational wave's wavelength is so short that it forms an electromagnetic shadow to another side of so small part of an atom that it cannot pull the atom as its entirety.
"This image taken by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope shows part of the Veil Nebula or Cygnus Loop. To create this colorful image, observations were taken by Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 instrument using five different filters. New post-processing methods have further enhanced details of emissions from doubly ionized oxygen (shown here in shades of blue), ionized hydrogen, and ionized nitrogen (shown here in shades of red). Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, Z. Levay" ( to the Stars: NASA’s INFUSE Probes Sizzling Supernova Secrets)
If the point where gravitational wave can form the electromagnetic shadow that pulls particles into another side forms to gluon or channel that is between gluon and quark is impossible for it can push particles. And in that case, another thing is that there is a possibility that the electromagnetic radiation from the environment fills that vacuum and pushes particles forward.
The relativistic jet around the black hole's axle acts like a hole in a balloon. It transports energy out from the event horizon. And sooner or later black holes will vaporize or turn into radiation or gravitational waves.
The supermassive black hole in the Milky Way galaxy spins as fast as it can. The spin is a requirement for the Einstein-Rose bridge or wormhole formation. Einstein's great idea of wormholes or energy bridges through the universe was based on this idea. The gravitational field is one of the quantum fields. And all quantum fields act similarly. All four fundamental forces gravity, electromagnetism, weak, and strong nuclear forces have particle and wave movement forms.
In this text, the term quantum field is a term that means all of those four fundamental interactions or their waveform. The power field is a circular wave movement series that simultaneously leaves the center of the fundamental interaction. There is always a particle that sends the wave movement around the universe. That means the transmitting particle is not moving.
The thing that we see as one of the four fundamental forces is the interaction between the transmitting particle and some field. When a quantum field or quantum wave hits the transmitting particle it acts like a ball that travels through the water. During that interaction, the particle turns the quantum field into a wave. That it sends to space.
So gravitational interaction is like the electromagnetic interaction. A gravitational field may have poles like an electromagnetic field. In this model, the spin of the black hole forms the gravitational tornado at the black hole's poles or around its rotating axle. That forms the vacuum in the gravitational wave's wavelength.
A similar effect but in another wavelength forms an electromagnetic tornado into the neutron star's poles. That electromagnetic tornado forms a vacuum in the electromagnetic field's wavelength. And that makes electromagnetic fields and particles travel to the neutron star's poles.
The thing that transfers particles in the quantum field is the traveling quantum field. And the thing that determines the quantum field's name is the wave movement's wavelength. The reason why the gravitational field can pull all particles including photons into the gravitational center is its wavelength is so short that it starts its pull from the gluons or superstrings between gluon and quark.
Or maybe, the point where the gravitational field interacts with material is the whisk-looking power field around the quarks or gluons. The thing is that the gravitational tornado pulls the quantum field to the gravitational center. And the material that travels into the black hole or some other gravitational center rides that power field.
Without spin that quantum tornado formation is impossible. That quantum tornado transmits the wave movement (or fields) that the gravitation pulls to the gravitational center away from the black hole or other gravitational centers. And that tornado is the thing that maintains the quantum low pressure in the black hole. If a black hole doesn't have spin that tornado is not forming.
And is black hole is static without spin and causes an effect where the quantum field that falls in it reflects straight back from its nucleus called singularity. In that process, the reflecting quantum fields form the standing wave that turns stronger and stronger. Then that standing wave fills the entire black hole and causes its explosion.
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