Thursday, November 16, 2023

Energy is relative.

    Energy is relative.

Relation between energy levels forms energy. 

If we think that some lake is energy and we want to benefit from that energy, we must put that water to flow. Without that water flow. The energy stored in the lake is useless. But if we dig a little ditch and make the water flow through that ditch, we can turn the energy that is stored in that lake into energy if we conduct water through the turbine wheel. 

The universe is full of energy. We cannot benefit things like dark energy, because there is no interaction. We cannot benefit from zero-point energy because it is standing energy. But if we could make the energy flow in that zero point energy that makes it possible to benefit that energy. 

Energy always travels from the upper to the lower level. 

But there is one little problem. The energy minimum or absolute zero point in the universe is -273,15 C or zero Kelvin. That is energy minimum in temperature. And nothing cannot go below the energy minimum. 

That means we cannot benefit from that energy. Because, if we want to move that energy we should go below the zero Kelvin degrees. And that is impossible because we must go below the impossible energy minimum. So zero point energy itself is a scam. Benefiting that energy requires the possibility to travel outside the universe to an area where the energy level is lower than in the universe. 

If we think that there is an absolute zero point in the other side of the bulb energy travels through that line to the zero point. In that way, it's possible to benefit from zero points in energy production. But we must first find the method to harvest that energy. 

The energy is relative. And when we think about combustion engines. The difference between temperatures in and out of the cylinder makes the energy. If the temperature outside of the cylinder and in the cylinder is the same, that causes the engine to stop. The thing that makes energy is the expansion of the material (fuel) during combustion. 

And if the temperature in the flame and environment are the same that means there is no expansion and energy transfer. When something is burning energy travels out from the flame. And if temperatures between flame and environment are the same there is no energy flow. 

The thing. That makes the sunshine the difference between energy levels in the sun. And out of the sun. That energy level difference causes a situation. That energy travels out from the sun. So the lower energy area pulls energy and particles out from the sun. 

In the same way, we and nobody else cannot create energy from emptiness. But we can create energy using a vacuum. We need only a tank there is a vacuum, and then we must just put air to flow in that vacuum. Through the turbine wheel. And that airflow will rotate the turbine. Standing energy cannot turn into the form that we can benefit it, and that's why we must make that energy move. 

Zero point means minimum energy level in the system. So we can benefit from that thing in the form that we will make energy travel into that minimum energy point. And in that case, the energy flow to the minimum energy point makes it possible that something can benefit energy. 

And that thing causes another thing about relativity and relations. What is hot and what is cold? We can say that water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. And we can say that is hot on Earth. Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius. And that is cold on Earth. 

Three things determine energy's strength. 

1) Difference between energy levels. 

2) Speed of energy flow. 

(3) Receiver's surface area.)

If we return to this text's begin and to that vacuum tank the vacuum tank lets gas travel through the turbine wheel. We face one interesting thing. If we can let gas travel in the vacuum slowly, that thing puts the turbine wheel rotates. If we let lots of gas travel into that vacuum tank at the same time we can see that pressure impulse can break the tank. 

The Triton moon is at the front of Neptune. 

What is cold on Earth is hot on Neptune's giant moon Triton. 

In some models, future astronaut bodies will create so much energy that they can give electricity to the entire space station on Neptune's giant moon, Triton. The average temperature on Triton is 34,5 Kelvin. So the temperature difference between astronaut's bodies and Triton is about 275,95 degrees. 

That thing causes energy to flow out from the astronaut's body. That causes an explosion immediately because energy flows away very fast as well and low gas pressure destroys the cells. 

But on the Triton moon the temperature is near zero kelvin or the average temperature on that moon is about 34,5K. That means nitrogen is in ice on that moon. The liquid helium can form puddles in Triton's shadows and nightside. The melting point of that gas is 0,95 K . And liquid helium boils at 4,22K. 

So in Triton's nightside, the steam engines can use liquid helium as vaporizing material. Energy is flowing between two energy levels. That energy flow is the thing that we benefit from. And we can say that on the Triton moon, zero Celsius is an extremely high temperature. Water melts at 238,65K temperature on Triton. The absolute zero point is -273,15 degrees Celsius.  

So if some astronaut removes gloves at Triton moon the situation is the same with bringing an object that is heated to 273 degrees Celsius into some space. That thing causes extremely fast energy to flow out from the object. On that distant moon, even the low temperature is very hot. And then that thing causes an idea that on Triton astronauts will not need extra energy sources. Their bodies make enough energy to heat the entire base if the inner space is well isolated.

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