Thursday, November 30, 2023

Dark matter sends gravitational waves like visible matter.

   Dark matter sends gravitational waves like visible matter. 

There may be two types of gravitational waves. The gravitational waves with ultra-short wavelength. And gravitational waves that have ultra-long wavelengths. The idea came into my mind because some galaxies seem to wave. If that thing is true, another gravitational effect can interact with the smallest parts of the material. Another long-wave gravitational effect can interact only with large material entireties. 

Ultra-accurate clocks search differences in time. And those differences would hope to make dark matter visible. In those ideas, the system tries to detect differences that dark matter can cause in time. So those systems measure time dilation. Researchers are interested in dark matter,  because, it can open the road to complete gravitational models. 

When researchers try to create a gravitational model the key element is that the gravitation effect forms when some kind of radiation acts like a heat pump. When that radiation, called gravitational waves comes out from the gravitational center, it makes the front side of the particle colder. 

When energy travels to that colder area. It makes particles travel to the gravitational center. So gravitation makes particles colder. And that makes energy travel in it. Then in the middle of the gravitational center forms the point where that wave movement impacts forming a stading wave.  

Then reflection from the middle of the gravitational center causes things, called gravitational waves. Gravitational effect means. That radiation that reflects out from the middle of the gravitational center makes a lower energy point in the front of the particle. 

Or maybe the gravitational waves can be radiation or wave movement with extremely short wavelengths. The particles are whisk-like structures where quantum fields form the quantum lightning around the vacuum or graviton. A graviton can be an extremely small quantum-size black hole. Gravitational interaction may look like Earth's plasma pulses, but gravitational waves interact in different scale entireties. And those entireties are smaller than atoms or smaller than even quarks and gluons. 


Can gravitational interaction look like plasma pulses near Earth? However, the size of the gravitational interaction is much smaller than the plasma-pulse interaction. 

If gravitational interaction forms like plasma pulses around Earth that can explain why we cannot see dark matter. In that model, gravitational waves travel past some structure in particles. Then that thing forms an impact or gravitational pulse behind that particle. If dark matter is a 2D ring-shaped skyrmion that thing denies that gravitational pulse cannot push that material in any direction. 

It's possible. That dark matter can send gravitational waves. But itself cannot interact with gravitational fields. In that model, WIMP is like a ring and that structure makes gravitational waves reflect from the middle of that particle. The dark matter gravitational interaction looks like a galaxy with relativistic jets. 

But gravitational waves replace those jets in this extremely small object. That structure makes dark matter send gravitational waves. However, gravitation is a one-way interaction in this model. Outcoming gravitational waves cannot form gravitational wave pulses to those 2D particles. And that makes gravitational interaction one-way in the case of dark matter. 


In this model, gravitational waves travel past the particle or some part of its structure. Then they impact behind that particle. There are gravitational waves forming bubbles or quantum high pressure that pushes the particle forward or opposite direction from that "gravitational pulse". The gravitational pulse is like a plasma pulse. But it interacts with subatomic particles. 

We cannot see dark matter straight. But we can see dark matter's gravitational effect. That means there is some unifying thing in material and dark matter where gravitation can touch. That means dark matter also sends gravitational waves that we can observe. Gravitational waves cause gravitational interaction. And gravitational interaction requires that both participants in the system send those waves. The lack of other than gravitational interaction causes a question: can there be something in dark matter, that makes dark matter itself unable to react to gravitational fields or gravitational waves? 

In this model, a hypothetical WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) can be like skyrmions or ring-shaped quantum fields. The gravitational waves form in the middle of that ring. But that structure forms gravitational stealth around that hypothetical dark matter particle. The reflection from inside the ring-shaped structure pushes other gravitational waves away. And that thing means that the gravitational interaction between visible and dark matter is one way. The dark matter itself sends gravitational waves. However, it doesn't interact with the gravitational field because gravitational waves cannot form a gravitational pulse behind it. 

The antigravity means that this gravitational pulse will turn so high energy that it starts to mirror gravitational waves to the front of the particle. The idea is that the gravitational effect forms when a gravitational pulse forms behind the particle from the direction of the gravitational center. And that shines energy on the particle. If that gravitational pulse forms at the front of the particle or system can create a stronger gravitational pulse to the front of the particle. That thing pushes the particle backward from the gravitational center. 

When researchers talk about gravitational centers they mean dominating gravitational center. All particles and superstrings are gravitational centers. In the Earth-Moon system, Earth is dominating the gravitational center. But the moon is also a gravitational center. The distance between the observer and the object determines which object dominates. If the observer is close to the moon, the moon dominates. And the observer falls to the moon even if the dominating center of the system is Earth.

MOND ruled out.

   MOND ruled out. 

MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics) hoped to answer the question: why do some galaxies rotate too fast? Black holes may have two transition disks. The other is visible. And the other of those transition disks are invisible to humans because it's formed from dark matter. The gravitational interaction between black holes and dark matter would be similar to visible material. So if that invisible dark matter transition disk around black holes is real, that means interaction between those particles causes the mysterious lack of dark matter. 

The thing that can interact with dark matter is dark matter particles. That means black holes load energy on those invisible dark matter particles as well it load energy on visible material. And if those hypothetical dark matter particles get an energy level that is high enough, that thing causes a situation where hypothetical dark matter particles start to repel each other. 

Scientists ruled out MOND (Modified Newtonian Gravity). The most popular alternative theory for Dark Matter theory. The problem with MOND is this: it cannot rule out the gravitational effect that has an unknown source. The dark matter is the thing that is hard to rule out. When we think about one galaxy. That has no dark matter, we cannot rule out dark matter as an entirety. 

If one galaxy in billions and billions of galaxies has no dark matter that thing opens new and interesting visions about dark matter. If dark matter is not a homogenous thing, that means it can form planet-size objects. So could the dark universe be true? In some theories, dark matter is between antimatter and material. 

The WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) or hypothetical dark matter particles have some kind of thing that makes them interact with visible material only through gravitational waves. And that means there is some joint structure in material and dark matter particles. But are those WIMP particles "real" or are they virtual? 

A virtual particle is like a whirl in a wave movement. The idea is that the virtual particles can act like real or static particles. And those things can also have gravitational effects. This thing formed an idea for the "Superstring theory". This theory involves the idea that. There is a joint structure. That is involved in every particle and that structure is the same in wave movement. The particle is like a yarn ball or whisk of superstrings. 

In this theory or model also wave movement has mass. The superstring makes that mass wave movement. So if the dark matter is a so-called free superstring. That causes the question of whether the Dark Matter exists or not. The gravitational effect remains. The dark matter is a mystery. Researchers want to make the interaction between matter and dark matter by using high-energy particle accelerators. They hope that dark matter reacts with extremely thick energy fields like antimatter-material shockwaves.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Where went antimatter?

    Where went antimatter? 

Just after the Big Bang, there were as much antimatter and matter in the universe. But then the scattering effect near the Big Bang or in an extremely hot universe turned some antimatter particles into material. And that formed material as we know it. The powerful energy fields can turn matter into antimatter. 

In a hot universe, the energy level was extremely high. That formed an asymmetry between matter and antimatter. Still today, impacts between particles form a small number of short-term antimatter particles even in Earth's atmosphere. That thing causes questions about how much antimatter forms in high-energy reactions in the universe. 

Galaxy with its hydrogen halo. 

The fact is that the antimatter still exists in our universe. Every day antimatter particles hit Earth's atmosphere. Antimatter may form when a high-energy particle hits Earth's atmosphere. And that impact changes its spin. That thing turns particles into antimatter particles. But the question is, how much antimatter forms in the universe because of high-energy reactions and interactions? 

Hydrogen halo around the galaxy uncovers that supermassive black hole in the middle of it has poles. Those N/S poles of the black hole make the relativistic jets around it. And those relativistic jets form a hydrogen halo around the galaxy. When that hydrogen hits the galaxy's and its star's magnetic fields and plasma it's possible that there is forming antimatter. Also if some other black hole's relativistic jet impacts with another relativistic jet, that thing can form antimatter. There may be antimatter stars or even antimatter galaxies in the universe. 

Also, other particles except photons have anti-particle pairs. There are quark-antiquark pairs in protons and those particle pairs interact like positronium. Positronium is the combination where positron and electron orbit each other. And also other particle-antiparticle pairs annihilate or turn energy than electron-and positron pairs. 

Antimatter is like material as we know it. But for some reason the electric loads in antimatter are opposite. Things like gravity interact with antimatter similar way as they interact with material. Anti-electron or positron has a positive electric load. An antiproton has a negative electric load. The spin of an antineutron is opposite to a neutron. In normal material electron has a negative electric load, a proton has a positive and a neutron's spin is opposite to antineutron's spin. 

And that means antimatter is the material's mirror. The thing is that all natural laws in antimatter are the same as "regular material". Only the mark of the electricity makes a difference between antimatter-material particles. When antimatter hits material both particles turn into energy. That reaction is known as annihilation. 

The annihilation is possible only between a particle and its antiparticle pair. That causes an idea that the opposite spins cause situations where there is some kind of flash between a particle and its antiparticle pair. That thing causes a reaction where both particles turn into energy. 

"Bubble chamber tracks from Fermilab, revealing the charge, mass, energy, and momentum of the particles and antiparticles created. This recreates similar conditions to what was present during the Big Bang, where matter and antimatter can both be readily created from pure energy. At the highest energies, all particles and antiparticles can be created, but at energies corresponding to "only" a temperature of ~10 billion K or so, electron-positron pairs can still be spontaneously created". ( was it like when the last antimatter disappeared?)

The reason for antimatter research is that thing is a useful tool in high-power rocket engines that can transport humans to another star.  The antimatter flash can also be in lasers.  Antimatter would be an excellent power source in compact power systems. In an antimatter battery, the antimatter particles like positrons are in a magnetic chamber. 

Then the system lets only one or two electrons travel in that chamber in time. And that makes it possible to create a controlled antimatter reactor. First, the system drives antimatter in the magnetic chamber where positrons hover in a vacuum. The system lets electrons travel in that chamber one or two per time. Then the system collects energy using photovoltaic cells or making that reactor heat some liquids. The problem is this. If the reactor's shell is broken, that can cause detonation that can destroy large land areas. 

The energy output from antimatter happens when antimatter annihilates with material. The thing that makes antimatter dangerous is its high energy load. And 1g of antimatter can detonate Earth. 

There is a theoretical antimatter bomb there antiprotons or positrons stored in magnetic capsules. The magnetic field keeps those particles away from the wall. And when an antimatter bomb is used the system opens the capsule. Then the material reacts with antimatter. The pencil-size antimatter bomb can destroy an entire planet. The paradox is that antimatter bombs can someday destroy the rogue planet or rogue stars that incomes to the solar system.

Monday, November 27, 2023

There is the possibility that extreme stars are behind mystic FRBs (Fast-Radio Bursts)

    There is the possibility that extreme stars are behind mystic FRBs (Fast-Radio Bursts)

Maybe some chain reactions between magnetars and neutron stars can explain FRBs. FRB (Fast Radio Burst) is one of the most high-energy phenomena in the universe. And the thing that could form the FRB is an energy beam that impacts with magnetar. That energy burst can come from other magnetars or black holes. When a magnetar's jet or black hole's relativistic jet impacts with magnetars. That thing causes an extremely high-energy impact. 

There is a possibility that FRB will form when: 

*Jet from another neutron star or magnetar hits magnetar. 

*Plasma from supernova hits magnetar. 

*Antimatter impact in relativistic jet raises its temperature. It's possible that crossing a relativistic jet can form antimatter in another relativistic jet.   

"Researchers discovered a universal scaling law in neutron stars, including magnetars, that might explain mysterious Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs). By studying the sub-structure of their radio emissions, they found a commonality in their rotation periods, enhancing our understanding of these celestial phenomena." ( Enigma Solved? Extreme Stars May Hold the Key to Mysterious Radio Bursts)

In this text term, relativistic jet means all high-energy jets that come from black holes or neutron stars. Crossing high-energy jets can form the situation that there is forming an FRB. In those cases matter can turn antimatter and cause annihilation. 

FRB may form when a high energy burst of high energy particles and radiation hits the magnetars. The source of those particles could be in black hole's relativistic jets, other magnetar jets, or supernova explosions. In some vision, the kilonovas or impacting neutron stars can send plasma waves that can form the FRB. Or in the wildest visions, the antimatter impacts the neutron star's or black hole's jet. That can raise its energy level to a very high level. Negative ions can pull anti-electrons into themselves. And that thing can cause annihilation in a relativistic jet. 

The negative ion can pull antiprotons into them. The difference between antimatter and "regular" material is that the antimatter particle's polarity is opposite to the material. Extremely strong magnetic fields can turn particles into antimatter. And that makes it possible that antimatter impact in a relativistic jet can cause extremely high-power energy bursts that we see as FRBs. 

Sometimes supernova explosions where shockwave impacts with magnetars can cause the FRB. When high-energy plasma travels in space, magnetars can pull it into its shell. The speed of those particles is near the speed of light. And when they impact with magnetars that causes a very high energy reaction. Those things can be good explanations for enigmatic high-energy phenomena. That is frightening and fascinating. The remarkable thing about FRBs is that they are hard to predict. And the second thing is that they seem to come from nothingness.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Previously unknown high-energy particles hit Earth.

 Previously unknown high-energy particles hit Earth.

In 1991, the sensors detected a particle whose energy level was 320 EeV (Exa Electron Volts). Researchers thought that this thing was some kind of system error. Then, on May 27, 2021, researchers detected particles with an energy level was 244 EeV. 

Sensors detected those particles from cosmic rays. Those ultra-high energy particles are interesting because their energy level is millions of times higher than particle accelerators on Earth can create. One suggestion for those particles' names is "Ameretasu". 

"Cosmic rays are energetic charged particles originating from galactic and extragalactic sources. Cosmic rays with extremely high energy are exceptionally rare; they can reach greater than 1018 electron volts or one Exa electron volt (EeV), which is roughly a million times higher than achieved by the most powerful accelerators ever made by humans". ( Science Fiction: Earth Hit by Unknown, Extremely High-Energy Particle)

The question is: are those "Amaretasu" particles between the Higgs boson and photon? The thing that makes those Amaretasu particles interesting is their high energy level. If their origin is in intergalactic space, we must ask how they maintain their energy level. 

"Astronomers discovered a high-energy cosmic particle named “Amaterasu,” with an unprecedented energy level of 244 EeV, using the Telescope Array experiment in Utah. This rare cosmic ray, comparable to the historic “Oh-My-God” particle, raises questions about its origin and composition." ( Science Fiction: Earth Hit by Unknown, Extremely High-Energy Particle)

"Astrophysicists at the University of Utah and the Telescope Array have detected cosmic rays with energies beyond theoretical limits, challenging existing understanding of particle physics. These discoveries, including the Oh-My-God and Amaterasu particles, point to unknown cosmic phenomena and are the focus of ongoing research. ( Shocked by Mysterious Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Ray – “What the Heck Is Going On?”)

"Artist’s illustration of the extremely energetic cosmic ray observed by a surface detector array of the Telescope Array experiment, named “Amaterasu particle.” Credit: Osaka Metropolitan University/L-INSIGHT, Kyoto University/Ryuunosuke Takeshige" ( Science Fiction: Earth Hit by Unknown, Extremely High-Energy Particle)

Artist’s illustration of ultra-high-energy cosmic ray astronomy to clarify extremely energetic phenomena in contrast to a weaker cosmic ray that is impacted by electromagnetic fields. Credit: Osaka Metropolitan University/Kyoto University/Ryuunosuke Takeshige. ( Science Fiction: Earth Hit by Unknown, Extremely High-Energy Particle)

If the Amaterasu-particles source is in intergalactic space, the question is: how can they keep their energy levels? 

Some parts of cosmic radiation form. When high-energy particles that source in intergalactic space hit the galactic nebulas. That thing causes a situation. The particle whose energy level is very high sends similar radiation to Cherenkov's radiation.

During that process particle's energy level decreases. When a particle travels in the galaxy, it releases more energy. And that causes a question, what was the particle's original energy level if it hits the sensor on Earth with 330 EeV power? 

Are Amaretasu-particle particles that come out from wormholes? Or are they particles that form when hypothetical faster-than-light particles, Tachyons lose their energy and form super-high energy particles? 

Are those ultra-high energy particles the result of wormholes? If a particle travels a long time in space. It releases its energy. Why those "Amaretasu" particles can keep their energy during the long journey? 

Amaterasu particles come from some other particle. That yet unseen particle is even at the higher energy level. So could the Amaretasu particle travel in the wormhole, the energy channel that denies it to deliver its energy? Or could their origin be in the hypothetical Tachyon particles? 

Faster-than-light particles called Tachyons are the hypothesis. But there is the possibility that Tachyons are things that can slow their speed lower than the speed of light in extremely low energy areas in the universe. And between galaxies and galaxy groups is possible that Tachyons can lose so much energy that they form particles that can interact with 3D material. 

One answer could be that those Amaretasu particles traveled through wormholes near Earth. That thing makes them keep their energy level. Another possible thing could be that Amaretasu particles are a source of hypothetical tachyon interaction.  

Hypothetical faster-than-light particle Tachyon that loses its energy can fall in the universe to the area where the energy level is very low. That means they fall from the fourth dimension or their speed increases so much that they can form super-heavy particles that can interact with the material.  Between galaxies and galactic groups energy level is very low.  That could pull energy out from the tachyon if that particle exists.  And that causes induction conclusion. Are those "Amaretasu" particles the Dark energy source? 

The idea is that when a particle travels in the interstellar or intergalactic space. It sends its energy away. Energy travels out from a particle very fast if energy levels between it and its environment are far from each other. And because Arametasu travels in space a long time that means it releases its energy during the entire journey. So the origin of that Arametasu particle is in a particle whose energy level is even higher than Arametasu.

New materials and laser technology improve the computer hardware.

    New materials and laser technology improve the computer hardware. 

Scientists created a femtosecond laser straight from the glass. That thing makes it possible to create new types of flat laser systems that can improve things like laser microscopes and photonic microchips. The laser beams that come out from glass make it possible to create new types of laser solutions. 

The laser system shoots a laser ray through the glass tube. That will send more photons in that beam. That system forms a more powerful laser ray than regular lasers because photon impacts happen in larger areas. 

But the laser-rays that, can come out from glass can make things like ultimate protective fields possible. In those cases, the material that can create energy beams in the wanted point can make the energy beam that crunches incoming ammunition. In some ideas, the energy beam can be produced using nanotubes that are in surface material. 

When the system transfers energy in the material it forms microwave impulses in those nanotubes. That allows to creation powerful, extremely fast-reacting system. And the thing is that those nano-systems act as a group. They can point energy to incoming ammunition. And if they can make an electric arc in the middle of it, that thing breaks the structure. 

"A team at Tufts University’s Silklab has developed transistors using biological silk as the insulating material, allowing them to interact with the environment like living tissue. These hybrid transistors can detect various substances and conditions, potentially revolutionizing health monitoring and computing. By altering the silk insulator’s ionic composition, these transistors can process variable information, similar to analog computing. This breakthrough in microprocessor technology could lead to self-training microprocessors and new interfaces between electronics and biology." ( Meets Silicon: The Dawn of Biological Hybrid Transistors)

But also the ability to create laser rays straight from the wanted point in the structure is interesting. In that model, the system can use electrodes that can input electricity into the glass. If those electrods are in square formations they can create laser beams just from the middle of those squares. 

In the same way, the ability to make laser rays straight from glass makes it possible to create new and more effective quantum computers. In those systems, multiple laser rays are making the qubit. The system shares information as bites to those laser beams. And that allows us to make qubit. 

"Researchers have developed a new method to create compact mode-locked lasers on photonic chips, using lithium niobate for active mode-locking. This technology promises to bring large-scale ultrafast laser experiments to a chip-scale format, with plans to further shorten pulse durations and increase peak powers."( Powerhouses: Ultrafast Laser Technology Miniaturized on Tiny Photonic Chips)

The light-based microprocessors can make computers cooler. That ability is required when the processor is driven all the time with full power. Photonic microchips can make it possible to create ultimate powerful systems that can drive complicated code. And those systems can drive information straight to the qubits in quantum computers. 

Biological materials allow us to connect things like mini-brains with microchips. That allows to creation of brain-controlled robots that use living brains for their operations. 

Biological materials like silk make it possible to create new types of microprocessors that can act like living tissue. Those biological materials make it possible for living neurons can connect with silicon-based structures. And that thing makes new, half-organic microchips possible. And that makes it possible to create microchips that can interact with things like minibrains. The minibrains are lab-grown neuron structures. That is used in R&D work in medical factories. But biomaterials are giving a new role to minibrains.

Friday, November 24, 2023

Why the photon has no mass?

    Why the photon has no mass? 

If the photon doesn't send gravitational waves.  That means it doesn't have mass. In that model, gravitational waves give mass to the material. 

The quantum fields are all around the universe. In this text, that term means all electromagnetic fields and gravitational fields in the universe. Those quantum fields are one of the reasons why the particle cannot reach the speed of light in a straight universe. 

Quantum fields are things that transfer energy to particles. They are like air or gas, but they interact with smaller particles than air. The light wall means the speed of light. Or we should call that point the photon's speed. A photon is a particle without mass. That thing causes an idea that mass is the thing that denies crossing the speed of light or the speed of photons. There is something in the photon's structure that makes it possible to reach the top speed in nature. 

Because a photon doesn't send gravitational waves it has no mass. 

It's possible. That the photon is not hollow. And that denies the gravitational waves that come out from photons. The solid structure causes an effect where there is no internal reflection from the particle. And that means the photon itself does not send gravitational waves. 

Because the photon doesn't send gravitational waves it cannot have mass. Gravitational waves make particles colder lower energy. And that thing causes a situation in energy, or quantum fields around particles are traveling back and forth in and out from it. And because photon doesn't send gravitational waves it has no mass. 

When the speed or energy in a particle rises, the particle turns smaller. Then the particle turns so small that quantum fields jump out from the particle. That thing causes a situation in which energy travels out from it. That thing makes it impossible to transfer energy into particles. 

The particle is hollow and it looks like a whisk. When wave movement hits it it causes reflection from the inside particle. And that reflection is seen as gravitational waves. When a particle's speed or energy level rises that thing causes this reflection inside the particle to turn stronger. And that thing increases the power of those energy waves around the particle. 

Also, the particle whose energy level rises will send that wave movement more often. That thing forms a standing wave around a particle. When outcoming energy transfers in that wave, it causes a situation in quantum fields from outside the standing wave that cannot break it. In that moment energy travels out from particles. 

So in photons, there might not be that hollow structure. If there is no hollow structure there is not that internal reflection that we see as gravitational waves. The thing that causes gravitational interaction with photons might be asymmetry in the photon's quantum field. When a photon travels near the gravitational center that gravitational interaction pulls the quantum field around the photon into it. And that asymmetry changes its course. 

The speed of light is relative. 

Why particles can cross the speed of light near black holes? The reason for that is that the particle travels in an environment that travels faster than other universes. That means the speed of light in a particle is relative to the speed of its environment. 

Also, things like the scattering effect and medium affect the speed of light. The sky is blue because the speed of light is lower in the atmosphere than outside it. When a particle hits to atmosphere with the maximum speed that it can reach in a vacuum, it must slow its speed in the atmosphere. That thing causes a blue light shockwave called Cherenkov's radiation. 

Things like gas pressure or how dense gas is determines the speed of light in that environment. That's why there is green twilight on Mars. Also when a photon travels out from the gravitational center its speed is lower than the photon's speed that travels into the gravitational center. 

And then finally, we must realize one thing. The speed of light is relative. That means near gravitational center quantum fields are traveling to that center. That thing causes a similar effect that the particle's relative speed with its environment is lower than outside the gravitational field. The situation is similar to we would sit in a train or spacecraft that travels at the speed of light. 

When we sit in a cabin, the relative speed between us and the environment is zero. But our environment travels at the speed of light. So if there is a wheel in that structure. That wheel can affect the speed of light it crosses. The problem is that the wheel must interact outside that craft. 

But there is another way to make that jump across the light wall. The craft must just pull those particles so small that there are no hollows in them. If something can pull particles in the condition that it's solid. That thing makes it possible to travel at the speed of light or even faster. 

If our hypothetical craft can form a quantum vacuum in front of it that thing pulls it stronger. Then system must transport energy in that structure from the sides. The things like black holes inside the spacecraft can make that situation real. 

The speed of light is "only" energy level. The craft must make an energy level that is almost the same as the kinetic energy at the speed of light. Then it requires the push that raises the energy level higher than it would be, at the speed of light. 

Another way to make energy level rise is just to accelerate the craft to a speed that is as close to the speed of light as possible. Then the craft will driven into the gas bubble. When that particle impacts with gas that impact energy is so high that it causes the craft to jump out from the 3D universe. 

That kind of border cross is the thing that is seen in neutrino detectors. When a particle or object has mass. Its slowing cannot be limitless. When an object slows its speed. It releases its kinetic energy. And during that moment the particle crosses the speed of light. That thing is seen as a blue light flash. 

Did Higgs's boson blow mass to material?

   Did Higgs's boson blow mass to material?


Higgs boson is an interesting, high-energy particle. The existence of that particle is very short. The extremely high energy level of Higgs boson causes a situation where it sends wave movement to space that surrounds it. That quantum field causes a situation. Where the quantum vacuum rips Higgs's boson in pieces. And that shockwave interacts with its environment. That forms some short-term particles and virtual particles in the impact point of the shockwave. 

The reason for that is the  Higgs's boson's extremely high energy level. The energy level determines the speed at which energy can travel out from the particle. 

And there is the possibility that there is only one or two particles between the photon and the Higgs boson. The idea is that Higgs's boson is a particle that turns into a photon through the particle. That we can call "X". The particle X would be at a higher energy level than Higgs's boson. The idea is that the size of the particle decreases or the particle turns smaller when its energy level rises. So the light cone can show how the particle's size turns smaller when its energy level turns higher. Then sooner or later, the particle turns as small as it can. And in that moment the quantum field inside the particle travels outside. 

Then suddenly, decreasing size removes mass from the particle and turns it into a photon. In some models, there is a possibility that the particle will turn so small that it decreases its quantum field. So the particle loses its mass or its quantum field fills it. That means the particle and its quantum field turn into one entirety when the particle's energy level is high enough.


The gravitational waves can slow the particle. 

In this model the particle is hollow. The particle itself looks like a whisk. The quantum fields impact that particle causing reflection that is seen as gravitational waves. Gravitational waves transport energy out from particles. 

And that thing causes a quantum shadow that puts energy travel into the particle. In this model, energy moves back and forth in and out of particles. Every particle and its quantum fields look similar, with power fields around neutron stars. But those interactions are weaker at subatomic levels. 

That wave movement that travels in all directions slows particles. And that can explain why only photons can reach the speed of light. But a filling particle can turn it into a photon-type particle. 

The reason why a photon has no mass would be that the photon has no hollow space inside it. That denies the quantum shadow around the photon. That means energy doesn't make back-and-forth movement around photons. And that makes photons so fast. 


"When a symmetry is restored (yellow ball at the top), everything is symmetric, and there is no preferred state. When the symmetry is broken at lower energies (blue ball, bottom), the same freedom, of all directions being the same, is no longer present. In the case of the electroweak (or Higgs) symmetry, when it breaks, there’s a spontaneous process that occurs, giving mass to the particles in the Universe.(

The sombrero images the particle and its energy interactions. And it can introduce how quantum gravitation works. Quantum gravitation is the gravitational field of single particles. And the planets, stars, and other things entirety of particles. And their gravity field is the entirety of quantum particles. 

In some models, the sombrero introduces the energy model in particles. The electromagnetic pothole around the particle surrounds it. The particle is like a hill. The hill's height portrays the energy level of the particle. The difference between energy levels inside and outside particles determines how fast energy travels out from it. In some models, there is a pothole at the top of the hill. 

Energy travels from a higher energy level to a lower energy level. And if there is another energy pothole in the particle. That thing causes standing waves and reflection from the middle of the particle. That thing would be gravitational waves. The gravitational waves that travel out from particle causes quantum freezing. They take quantum fields away from particles. And that causes the situation. Where quantum fields start to travel to the lower energy area near the particle. 

That thing can explain why a particle has mass. And why gravitation is so a weak force. 

The model that the Higgs boson gave mass to other particles is interesting. It's possible. That the Higgs bosons gave material its mass. That thing happens when it releases its energy. High energy impact from Higgs bosons impact with photons and somehow blew them into the hollow. Then that hollow particle forms the standing wave and reflects waves to those particles.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

What kind of universe was just after the Big Bang?

   What kind of universe was just after the Big Bang? 

Today some scientific papers claim that there were at least two radical events, called the Big Bang. The first Big Bang formed particle-antiparticle pairs. And then annihilation between those particle pairs formed the Schwinger effect where the material formed. So were those first antimatter-matter particle pairs similar to materia and particles as we know it? Nobody knows. But that model explains why matter "won" antimatter in that process. 

In some ideas, two events caused the situation that gravitational waves from the first proto particles in the Schwinger effect. Maybe that is true or that is false. But the fact is that something caused a situation where superstrings in space started to form the particle-antiparticle pairs. 

And that thing caused massive annihilation. And that would be the final process in the event series that we call the Big Bang. We can say that we can see only the last part of that series that formed material as we know it. 

In that model, a material formed in energy impacts between those particle-antiparticle-pair annihilation. And it's possible. That those particles do not exist anymore. Sometimes those vanished particles are introduced as a source of dark energy. 

The thing that fights against that model is that there should not be dark energy in our universe. Those proto particles that hypothetical great annihilation destroyed. Existed before the material or particles that we know. And that's why dark energy should travel ahead of material. 

Impacting energy waves formed particles that started to form atoms. In a young and hot universe, energy traveled out from that entirety very fast. And that thing made asymmetry in the number of material and antimatter particles. That asymmetry or difference between the numbers of particle and antimatter particles caused that material "won" win that race. 

The Lambda CDM (Cold Dark Matter Model) can explain dark interaction or dark energy. 


Wikipedia describes the Lamda CDM model like this: "The Lambda-CDM, Lambda cold dark matter or ΛCDM model is a mathematical model of the Big Bang theory with three major components:

1) A cosmological constant denoted by lambda (Λ) associated with dark energy,

2) The postulated cold dark matter, and

3) Ordinary matter."

Wikipedia/Lambda-CDM model


The Lambda CDM (Cold Dark Matter Model) can explain dark interaction or dark energy. 

Maybe, the hypothetical dark matter particle, called WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particle), cannot interact directly with visible material in any other way than gravitation. Because WIMP's quantum field is larger than the visible particle's quantum field. That means the spin speed of that hypothetical particle is so high or so low, that the quantum field cannot follow the particle as it follows the visible particle. 

So it's possible. That the quantum field around that particle oscillates or looks like a galaxy. That thing causes an effect where that WIMP particle sends radiation or wave movement to another WIMP particle. Maybe, that wave movement impacts. And then it reflects from those impact points forming dark energy. In this model, the WIMP just conducts energy that impacts it away. And it makes it impossible to get a reflection from that hypothetical particle. 

Oscillation of the WIMPs could be the source of dark energy. 

The dark matter oscillation forms dark energy. The idea is this. Dark matter is particle-type material well as all other matter. Those hypothetical dark matter particles called WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) have quantum fields. As well as visible particles. When the distance between those hypothetical particles changes, their quantum fields travel to those low-energy areas. 

Impacting quantum fields causes reflection that forms wave movement that we can say is dark energy. So the idea is this. Theoretical WIMPS are extremely massive but their energy has different relationships than visible particles. Maybe they have a slow spin but a large mass. 

And they have no magnetic field at all. There is some kind of difference between WIMPs and visible particles that can deny visible interaction. So there is some kind of effect that can transport energy to WIMP that can transport it out from it immediately.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

The mystery of shrinking planets is probably almost partially solved.

    The mystery of shrinking planets is probably almost partially solved. 

Shrinking exoplanets are planets that mysteriously lose their mass or size. The origin of the shrinking exoplanets that lose their atmosphere is in the mysterious gap in planet size. That gap is in planets size 1,5-2 times of Earth. Some researchers think that sub-Neptunes somehow shrink to the size of super-Earths. Most of the mass and size of sub-Neptunes is the atmosphere. And if the atmosphere's size is very large the small planet's gravity and magnetosphere cannot protect that atmosphere. 

The reason why Uranus and Neptune have those large atmospheres is that they are cold planets far from the Sun. If those planets start to move to the Sun solar wind starts to blow those gas layers away. And maybe the reason for shrinking exoplanets is that those planets change their trajectory, especially in young solar systems. 

"Artist’s concept of sub-Neptune exoplanet TOI-421 b. (NASA, ESA, CSA, and D. Player [STScI])" ( Are Mysteriously Shrinking, And We May Finally Know Why)

"Scientists think this is because some sub-Neptunes shrink — losing their atmospheres and speeding through the size gap until they are as small as a super-Earth".

That phenomenon is sometimes connected with the planet's atmosphere. Most of the shrinking exoplanets are rocky worlds like Earth. The shrinking exoplanets are sometimes like sub-Neptunes. The size of super-Neptunes is about four times of Earth. And super-Earths have the size of 1,6 times of Earth. 

When an exoplanet comes close to its star its temperature rises. That thing causes an effect where the planet just blows its atmosphere away. So radiation impulse that comes from the planet's core or shell causes a phenomenon where it pushes its atmosphere away. 

But then we must realize one thing. Another reason for shrinking could be that the planet somehow loses its magnetic field. That causes a reaction where the solar wind blows that atmosphere away. In some other models, something causes an effect where particles with opposite polarity impact somehow near the magnetic poles of the planet. Those ion-anion impacts rises temperatures near those poles and they send shockwaves through the atmosphere. Then those shockwaves raise the temperature at the equator, where centripetal forces push the atmosphere away. But those are only models. And the mystery is not yet solved. 


"NASA scientists have been puzzling over a group of planets that seem to be shrinking. The culprit might be radiation".

"All kinds of worlds exist beyond our solar system. Faraway alien planets, called exoplanets, can be gas behemoths like Jupiter, rocky globes about the size of our planet, or even "super-puffs" with the density of cotton candy".

"But there's a mysterious gap where there should be planets about 1.5 to two times the width of Earth". (


"Among over 5,000 exoplanets that NASA has discovered, there are plenty of super-Earths (which are up to 1.6 times as wide as our planet) and plenty of sub-Neptunes (about two to four times Earth's diameter), but there are hardly any planets in between.

"Exoplanet scientists have enough data now to say that this gap is not a fluke. Something is going on that impedes planets from reaching and/or staying at this size," Jessie Christiansen, a research scientist at Caltech and science lead for the NASA Exoplanet Archive, said in a Wednesday press release".


The mystery of the universe's accelerating expansion is (maybe) unraveled.

   The mystery of the universe's accelerating expansion is (maybe) unraveled.

New theories about the Big Bang and zero-point energy could explain why the universe's expansion accelerates. New scientific papers claim that there was more than one Big Bang, and if there is some other universe, the energy that comes out from that universe could expand the universe. But let's begin with the zero-point model. In this case, zero point, zero kelvin, absolute zero point mean -273,15 C or energy minimum in the system. 

1) Energy zero point decreases when universe expansion continues. 

Energy zero point decreases when universe expansion continues.This means that the energy minimum in the universe decreases. And that thing causes a reaction at the edge of the universe. Or material that was released in the Big Bang that the absolute zero point or minimum energy level decreases. This thing causes the situation, in energy, stored in the zero kelvin degrees or absolute zero point start to move. 

The fact is this, because we are in the quantum system called the universe, we cannot see that the energy minimum in the quantum system decreases. And if that thing happens at the edge of the universe or material that the Big Bang released, that causes energy movement to the edge of that material. Anyway, the universe is a bubble of material and energy that hovers in a cosmic or dimensional vacuum. In that total emptiness, the energy level is lower than in the universe. 

Temperature or energy levels between inside and outside the universe are different. That thing means that the energy minimum outside the universe is lower than it is in the universe. And that causes energy flow to outside the universe. Energy always travels to a lower energy level. When we are at the edge of the universe energy stored in zero kelvin degrees starts to move to a lower energy level area. 

If we continue this model to the space between subatomic particles,  atoms, and molecules the universe's expansion causes a situation where a quantum field that presses atoms and other particles together turns weaker. And that causes movements in the subatomic level. When those particles jump relation into each other there are small channels between those particles. Those jumps make those channel's size change. In that case expanding channel pulls energy inside it. When that channel turns smaller it sends energy to outside. That thing causes energy flow. 

When the distance of the particles turns longer that causes the energy fields between them turn weaker. And that causes energy to fall in that field. When the energy that falls in the field from all directions impacts in the middle of it, that makes energy reflection between particles. And that reflection can push them away from each other. When that distance turns higher the energy flow gets more energy from scattering wave movement, and that kinetic energy increases expansion speed. 

"Astronomers have discovered that the universe’s expansion is accelerating, likely due to dark energy, as described in the Lambda CDM model. However, inconsistencies in expansion rate measurements, known as the Hubble tension, are prompting research into new theories and modifications to existing models". (’s Puzzle: Unraveling the Mystery of the Universe’s Accelerating Expansion)

2) Impacting gravitational waves causes an effect called antigravity. 

Impacting gravitational waves causes an effect called antigravity.The gravitational waves that are traveling across the universe act like all other wave movements. That means those gravitational waves can form virtual particles, gravitational whirls, where those gravitational waves store their energy. When those particles are turning straight they send gravitational waves that are turning the direction of other gravitational waves. 

When the quantum gravitational field between particles turns weaker, that thing acts just like all other wave movements. That forms a reflecting gravitational field that causes asymmetry in a gravitational field. And maybe that thing is one reason for the acceleration of the universe's expansion. The reflecting gravitational waves or high-power gravitational radiation can cause an effect that gravitation turns opposite to the normal cases. That thing causes the situation that the singularity or nucleus of the black hole vaporizes. 

The antigravity could be possible near a black hole's nucleus. High-power gravitational radiation can cause a situation where near singularity forms a vacuum. And that thing pulls energy and material out from the black hole's nucleus. The expansion of the black hole event horizon could be the result of decreasing energy levels in the universe. 

Decreasing energy level causes situations in scattering is turn lower. That means the electron's speed around the atom's nucleus increases, and that pumps energy out from the atom's nucleus. 

The gravitational radiation (we can say wave movement as radiation) that is powerful enough can cause a situation where there is a vacuum near the black hole's nucleus. That thing causes a situation in the vacuum that pulls energy and material out from the singularity. This could be the reason why the universe's expansion continues and accelerates. In that case, the opposite moving high-power gravitational waves turn gravitation acts opposite as in normal situations. 


There are a couple of misunderstandings of the well-known theories. 

1) Antimatter has no straight connection with antigravity. 

Antimatter has no straight connection with antigravity. The antimatter is a mirror version of the material. In antimatter particles have opposite polarity to material. And anti-electrons have positive polarity. The anti-protons have negative polarity. And the anti-neutron spins oppositely to the neutron. 

When a particle hits its antiparticle. That causes annihilation. In the annihilation reaction, those particles turn to energy. But otherwise, antimatter is reacting to gravity as material. Virtual antigravity with antimatter is possible. The system just collides with the antimatter in the chamber. And the craft hovers because of that high power radiation. 

2 Metaverse is not a Parallel Universe. 

Metaverse means a situation in which our universe is only one of many universes. That is a different theory than a Parallel Universe theory, where other universes are in higher dimensions or higher energy levels. In Parallel Universe that difference between energy levels denies the interaction between that hypothetical universe and our universe. 

In Metaverse theory other universes are in the same dimension. But they can be different than our universe. If those universes formed at different times. Or the Big Bang that formed them has a different energy level that makes it hard to detect them. 

It's possible. Other hypothetical metaverses do not involve the same elementary particles as our universe. This makes those hypothetical universes hard to detect. But things like light pollution in our universe make them hard to detect. 

The cornerstone of Metaverse Theory is that there were and still is many Big Bangs in the space. If those other universes send wave movement. That has different wavelengths than in our universe. That radiation is hard to detect. 


3) Other universes rip our universe into pieces. 

Other universes rip our universe into pieces. The parallel universe and metaverse theories are not the same. The Parallel Universe means a universe that is in another dimension. The Metaverse means that other universes are in the same dimension as our universe. 

The fact is that there could be at least one other universe if material formed because of the Schwinger effect. The Schwinger effect formed two types of material, particles and their antiparticle pairs. That means there were at least two Big Bangs at the beginning of the time. Then those particles could annihilate or they can form two universes. 

The other is forming matter. And another is the forming of antimatter. Radiation that comes out, from those other hypothetical universes explains dark matter and dark energy. And if we think that those other universes exist they are hard to detect. The light pollution in our universe covers light. That comes from other universes. And if the particle formation or energy level in those other universes is different. That makes them even harder to detect than people think.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Natural particle accelerators can form X-ray flares and new superheavy elements.

   Natural particle accelerators can form X-ray flares and new superheavy elements. 

Solar wind shockwaves ahead of objects can form X-ray bursts. Also if they have no magnetic fields. 

This is writing about X-ray flares and high energy impacts that form new heavy elements in kilonova explosions. But let's begin with X-ray flares and shockwaves. The high-energy solar wind that impacts with iron asteroids can form  X-ray flares. The X-ray flares can form near the planet's magnetic poles when the magnetic field makes ions impact near those poles. But also particles without magnetic fields can create X-ray flares. 

If we think about planets that have weak magnetic fields or that are without magnetic fields can have flares or auroras. If objects are close enough to their central stars the solar wind forms a shockwave to the front of them. That shockwave packs particles in it. And then the solar wind impacts those particles they send X-and other high energy radiation impulses. 

Another source of those high-energy impulses can be particles that impact the surface of the object. That means those high-energy radiation impulses or X-ray flares can form also when some asteroids are very close to their star. The solar wind that impacts small rocks raises their temperature to a very high level. And if those stones have lots of iron, that can make them act like cathode elements in X-ray tubes.

"Astronomers using NASA’s JWST and other telescopes have detected a bright gamma-ray burst from a neutron star collision, leading to the first direct observation of heavy metals like tellurium in space. This discovery sheds light on the origins of heavy elements in the universe." ( Forges: Exploring a Heavy-Metal Factory 900 Million Light Years Away)

Kilonovas can create heavy elements. 

Heavy particle factories a million light-years away open the road to fusion that creates new superheavy elements. This kind of fusion doesn't create energy. But it can be used in elementary research. The production of superheavy isotopes and elements makes it possible to create lightweight, very small nuclear reactors. 

In kilonova explosions or neutron star collisions, the impact forms high-energy shockwaves. Those shockwaves smash particles together. And theoretically, kilonovas can produce gold straight from hydrogen just driving those particles together. That requires lots of energy. 

The merging neutron stars form heavy elements like tellurium, gold, and uranium. The ultra-bright light flash pushes particles together. And that shockwave forms also the heaviest known elements like uranium. The light-accelerating particles can be used to create super-heavy elements in fusion systems. That purpose is to create new elements. That is much heavier than uranium. Those synthetic elements are made in particle accelerators. And probably kilonovas can create those elements. 

Uranium is the heaviest known natural element that can exist in normal planets. It's possible that merging neutron stars or kilonovas happen near some planet. Where is uranium can push those uranium atoms together? That hypothetical element exists only short moment. And detecting those elements is hard. 

Another thing is that neutron stars are very old things. So it's not likely that its planet has uranium or any other radioactive elements left. But neutron stars can steal planets from other stars. And when a kilonova explosion happens that flash can form superheavy elements. Also, things like lead and gold can merge. That kind of fusion does not produce energy. But the fusion can create new elements that help us to understand the universe. 

Laser rays can be used to accelerate neutrons together. Researchers can use that kind of photon-accelerated neutrons to create miniature kilonovas. If the accelerator can turn neutrons' north and south poles against each other that makes it easier to make them impact together. 

The miniature kilonovas or impacting neutrons can be used for that material research. The neutrons can driven together in special neutron collidators. The idea is that the magnetic system turns neutrons north poles against the south poles. And that thing makes it possible to accelerate and impact neutrons. But the problem is how to take and control neutrons. 

Neutrons are easy to produce in nuclear reactors, and then magnetic fields and laser rays can turn them in the wanted directions. It's possible. That laser rays alone can trap neutrons in the wanted position and then laser rays or high-energy photons can drive those neutrons together. That thing allows to creation of new types of accelerators that can create miniature kilonovas.

Mysterious Tau particles unlock the quantum world.

 Mysterious Tau particles unlock the quantum world. 

Tau particles are not very common in the universe. Those mysterious particles can unlock secrets of the quantum world and dark matter. A tau particle is a similar particle to an electron but it is much heavier. It belongs to the lepton family of elementary particles.  The existence of the Tau particle remains for only a very short time. 

Researchers suggest That particles to used as a proving theory that all fundamental forces and all elementary particles are the same things. But those particles' mass and energy levels determine what a particle is. Same way as energy level and wavelength of the wave movement determine what fundamental force it carries. This is one version of the GUT (Grand Unified Theory). 

The measurements that should uncover invisible interactions between quantum particles and fields can made by colliding those Tau particles. In some other models, the spin and wobbling of those particles were observed. And those things can tell something about the invisible interaction. The problem is that the lifetime of the Tau particle is (2.903±0.005)×10^(−13) s.

"The Large Hadron Collider at CERN can be used to study many kinds of fundamental particles, including mysterious and rare tau particles." ( Fundamental Mysteries: Using Near-Miss Particle Physics to Peer Into Quantum World)

"Electrons, muons, and taus all wobble in a magnetic field like a spinning top. Measuring the wobbling speed can provide clues into quantum physics. Credit: Jesse Liu, CC BY-ND" ( Fundamental Mysteries: Using Near-Miss Particle Physics to Peer Into Quantum World)

"Electrons, muons and taus are three closely related particles in the Standard Model of particle physics – scientists’ current best description of the fundamental laws of nature. Credit: MissMJ/WikimediaCommons" ( Fundamental Mysteries: Using Near-Miss Particle Physics to Peer Into Quantum World)

So the measurement time is very short. Another problem is that the interaction time between Tau and its environment is very short. And that makes it possible that the Tau has no time to make the interaction between it and its environment. 

Tau particle is a very good tool to make those observations because it's so rare. That means there is only a weak artifact wave movement can get full-scale interactions between the environment and those particles. The artifact elimination in those measurements means. That the system can eliminate wave movement. That comes from other particles. That is outside the system and out of the control. 

The problem with the Tau particle is that it lives a very short time, and the energy flow out from that particle is very strong and short. This energy flow causes a vacuum around the particle. And that vacuum rips particles into pieces. 

The GUT theory. Or some of its modification claims. That system can create all elementary particles by adjusting elementary particles' energy levels. But the problem is that some elementary particle's lifetime is extremely short. And that makes measurement very problematic.

There is mysterious auroras over the sunspot.

    There is mysterious auroras over the sunspot. 

There is some suspicion that also the Sun can have an aurora-like phenomenon. The thing that creates aurora on Earth's magnetosphere is high energy particles that hit the atmosphere atoms. A similar phenomenon is on planet Mercury, in which a weak magnetosphere captures particles around it. The power of those impacts is higher than on Earth. And the high energy impacts between ions make X-ray flares near that planet. 

The power of those impacts is enough high that those X-ray auroras are forming on the Mercury magnetosphere. Also, the electromagnetic fields of the sun capture ions around. Those ions can travel around the sun by following the magnetic power lines. And when some protuberance or flare hits those ions, that causes a very high-power impact. 

Scientists uncover prolonged radio emissions above a sunspot, akin to those previously seen in the polar regions of planets and certain stars, which may reshape our understanding of intense stellar radio bursts. Credit: Sijie Yu. ( Aurora-Like Radio Emissions Uncovered Above a Sunspot)

The radio wave aurora just above the sunspot can help to uncover the secrets of sunspots. 

The sunspot is a darker area on the sun. The reason for the darker color is 1500 degrees lower temperature. So something takes energy out from those points. When the sun is active there are lots of sunspots. One reason for that could be beam-like photons or some other particle beam that leaves the sun's nucleus. 

There is the possibility that the shining gas around the photon burst can push it into the thick beam. Or maybe those things could be electrons or ions. Then those beams can act like heat pumps that transmit energy out from those points. So could that thing be the X-ray area radiation? 

Those impacts cause radio waves and X- or gamma-ray bursts in the inner corona. If gas orbits the sun, and the high-energy plasma travels through that orbiting gas it causes a very powerful impact. And most of the plasma travels out from the sun from sunspots. The sunspot is a colder area on the sun. The temperature at that point is about 1500 degrees lower than other places in the photosphere. (Wikipedia, sunspot). And that means something is taking energy out from that point. 

The main theory of formation of those darker areas is escaping plasma that takes energy out from that point is the reason for sunspots or darker areas of the sun. The position of that mystery aurora-like phenomenon just above the sunspot supports that theory. 

"Although the details of sunspot formation are still a matter of ongoing research, it is widely understood that they are the visible manifestations of magnetic flux tubes in the Sun's convective zone projecting through the photosphere within active regions". (Wikipedia, sunspot)

"Their characteristic darkening occurs due to this strong magnetic field inhibiting convection in the photosphere. As a result, the energy flux from the Sun's interior decreases, and with it, surface temperature, causing the surface area through which the magnetic field passes to look dark against the bright background of photospheric granules". (Wikipedia, sunspot). 

The thing is that researchers think that the flares and some other phenomena in the sun are behind sunspots. The high solar activity and its connection with sunspots is confirmed. When the sun is highly active the number of sunspots is high. So something takes energy out from those darker areas that are 1500 degrees colder than the areas around them.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Time travel movies vs. reality.

    Time travel movies vs. reality.

"Time dilation" means that speed or an outside energy source locks energy in particles. And that slows their aging. 

In this text, I will not handle traveling back in time. Or I will not handle a genetical way to extend lifetime etc.

But the fact is this. If we want to travel forward in time, we must lock energy into the particles that are forming us. So we just cannot step out from our time machine, because that energy travels out from us very fast. And that causes detonation. 

If we want to make interstellar flights we must make time dilation, if we want to move people to another solar system during their lifetime. We know that we can transport particles to the future quite easily. But for making that in real life we must understand what time means. When the universe expands its energy level decreases. So that means the future is at a lower energy level than today and the past. 

Time dilation means that we lock energy into the object or particle. The "object" means particle groups. And that thing denies their vaporization or turning into the wave movement. Because energy level decreases in the universe energy travels out from particles. So if we lock energy into a particle and suddenly release it. That causes energy to flow out from it very fast. The idea is the same as leaving the particle on the shelf. And then, suddenly drop it. That causes a situation in which energy travels out from particles very fast. And that thing makes time dilation complicated thing. Benefiting is a very complicated thing. 

High-speed travel makes time dilation. 

The idea of the time travel to the future is that very high speed slows time. That thing is called "time dilation". Another way to make time dilation is to pump energy into the object. The idea is that the energy field denies the material quantum vaporization. The reason for quantum vaporization is in the universe's expansion. That expansion will make the quantum fields in the universe weaker. And that causes energy to flow out from the material. 

Otherwise, particles turn to wave movement. In time dilation something like very high speed transfers energy to particles that deny vaporization. The object that travels at high speed collects energy from quantum fields. And that energy is called kinetic energy. The problem with this is when a particle's or object's speed decreases, that object or particle delivers that extra energy in the form of wave movement. 

In the cases where the system uses wormholes as the time machine, the situation is a little bit different. When some spacecraft travels in an electromagnetic wormhole like a radio-maser or laser ray. That thing locks energy in it. And interstellar spacecraft are always time machines if they should transport crew through space and time in their lifetime. 

The wormhole is an electromagnetic or gravitational energy channel through the universe. The reason. Why particles cannot turn older in that energy channel is simple. The tight energy channel denies that the material, particle, or object cannot deliver its energy. And when it comes out from the wormhole it delivers that energy very fast. 

"Time travel, a longstanding fascination in science fiction, remains a complex and unresolved concept in science. The second law of thermodynamics suggests time can only move forward, while Einstein’s theory of relativity shows time’s relativity to speed. Theoretical ideas like wormholes offer potential methods, but practical challenges and paradoxes, such as the “grandfather paradox,” complicate the feasibility of actual time travel." ( the Reality of Time Travel: Science Fact vs. Science Fiction)

Wormholes lock energy in the particles. 


In theories, dark energy comes from particles that come out from electromagnetic wormholes.  

In some theories, dark energy comes from photons or other particles. That is coming out from electromagnetic wormholes. In that model, the photon travels thousands or even millions of years in the radiation tube. The origin of that tube is in black holes or even in the Big Bang. That radiation tube is the X- or gamma-ray jet that traps the photon or some other particles in it. That relativistic jet denies that particle to release its energy. 

And that traps it into the energy level where it was when it went into that radiation or particle jet. When that particle comes out from that jet or beam it releases its energy very fast. And that thing can cause wormholes or particles that come out from it are the reason for the dark energy. 


There are two types of wormholes

1) Gravitational wormholes that are not yet confirmed. 

2) Electromagnetic wormholes. 

The last ones are electromagnetic tunnels like laser rays that deny the object or particle from releasing its energy while it travels in space. So electromagnetic wormholes lock energy to the object. And when an object travels out that thing, it delivers the extra energy. In the form of wave movement. 

And the wave movement behind that object pushes it forward. Energy always travels from the upper energy level to the lower energy level. And because the universe expands the future is at a lower energy level than the past. So we can say that the future pulls energy from the past. In a wormhole energy locks into the object. And that makes interstellar travel by using wormholes difficult. 

So when a particle travels through the wormhole, its energy level is the same as it was when it fell into that energy tornado or energy tunnel. That thing causes effect. Where energy starts to travel out from that object very fast. And that thing causes a destructive explosion. This means even if we use wormholes to make interstellar travel we cannot just step out from the wormhole. We must decrease our energy level gently or the energy that travels out detonates us.

Superconductivity and small-size quantum computer.

 "Scientists have uncovered a link between superconductivity and the fundamental constants of nature, showing that room-temperature sup...