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Showing posts from November, 2023

Dark matter sends gravitational waves like visible matter.

    Dark matter sends gravitational waves like visible matter.  There may be two types of gravitational waves. The gravitational waves with ultra-short wavelength. And gravitational waves that have ultra-long wavelengths. The idea came into my mind because some galaxies seem to wave. If that thing is true, another gravitational effect can interact with the smallest parts of the material. Another long-wave gravitational effect can interact only with large material entireties.  Ultra-accurate clocks search differences in time. And those differences would hope to make dark matter visible. In those ideas, the system tries to detect differences that dark matter can cause in time. So those systems measure time dilation. Researchers are interested in dark matter,  because, it can open the road to complete gravitational models.  When researchers try to create a gravitational model the key element is that the gravitation effect forms when some kind of radiation acts...

MOND ruled out.

    MOND ruled out.  MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics) hoped to answer the question: why do some galaxies rotate too fast? Black holes may have two transition disks. The other is visible. And the other of those transition disks are invisible to humans because it's formed from dark matter. The gravitational interaction between black holes and dark matter would be similar to visible material. So if that invisible dark matter transition disk around black holes is real, that means interaction between those particles causes the mysterious lack of dark matter.  The thing that can interact with dark matter is dark matter particles. That means black holes load energy on those invisible dark matter particles as well it load energy on visible material. And if those hypothetical dark matter particles get an energy level that is high enough, that thing causes a situation where hypothetical dark matter particles start to repel each other.  Scientists ruled out MOND (Modifie...

Where went antimatter?

     Where went antimatter?  Just after the Big Bang, there were as much antimatter and matter in the universe. But then the scattering effect near the Big Bang or in an extremely hot universe turned some antimatter particles into material. And that formed material as we know it. The powerful energy fields can turn matter into antimatter.  In a hot universe, the energy level was extremely high. That formed an asymmetry between matter and antimatter. Still today, impacts between particles form a small number of short-term antimatter particles even in Earth's atmosphere. That thing causes questions about how much antimatter forms in high-energy reactions in the universe.  Galaxy with its hydrogen halo.  The fact is that the antimatter still exists in our universe. Every day antimatter particles hit Earth's atmosphere. Antimatter may form when a high-energy particle hits Earth's atmosphere. And that impact changes its spin. That thing turns particles into...

There is the possibility that extreme stars are behind mystic FRBs (Fast-Radio Bursts)

     There is the possibility that extreme stars are behind mystic FRBs (Fast-Radio Bursts) Maybe some chain reactions between magnetars and neutron stars can explain FRBs. FRB (Fast Radio Burst) is one of the most high-energy phenomena in the universe. And the thing that could form the FRB is an energy beam that impacts with magnetar. That energy burst can come from other magnetars or black holes. When a magnetar's jet or black hole's relativistic jet impacts with magnetars. That thing causes an extremely high-energy impact.  There is a possibility that FRB will form when:  *Jet from another neutron star or magnetar hits magnetar.  *Plasma from supernova hits magnetar.  *Antimatter impact in relativistic jet raises its temperature. It's possible that crossing a relativistic jet can form antimatter in another relativistic jet.    "Researchers discovered a universal scaling law in neutron stars, including magnetars, that might explain mysterio...

Previously unknown high-energy particles hit Earth.

  Previously unknown high-energy particles hit Earth. In 1991, the sensors detected a particle whose energy level was 320 EeV (Exa Electron Volts). Researchers thought that this thing was some kind of system error. Then, on May 27, 2021, researchers detected particles with an energy level was 244 EeV.  Sensors detected those particles from cosmic rays. Those ultra-high energy particles are interesting because their energy level is millions of times higher than particle accelerators on Earth can create. One suggestion for those particles' names is "Ameretasu".  "Cosmic rays are energetic charged particles originating from galactic and extragalactic sources. Cosmic rays with extremely high energy are exceptionally rare; they can reach greater than 1018 electron volts or one Exa electron volt (EeV), which is roughly a million times higher than achieved by the most powerful accelerators ever made by humans". ( Science Fiction: Earth Hit by Unknow...

New materials and laser technology improve the computer hardware.

     New materials and laser technology improve the computer hardware.  Scientists created a femtosecond laser straight from the glass. That thing makes it possible to create new types of flat laser systems that can improve things like laser microscopes and photonic microchips. The laser beams that come out from glass make it possible to create new types of laser solutions.  The laser system shoots a laser ray through the glass tube. That will send more photons in that beam. That system forms a more powerful laser ray than regular lasers because photon impacts happen in larger areas.  But the laser-rays that, can come out from glass can make things like ultimate protective fields possible. In those cases, the material that can create energy beams in the wanted point can make the energy beam that crunches incoming ammunition. In some ideas, the energy beam can be produced using nanotubes that are in surface material.  When the system transfers energy in...

Why the photon has no mass?

     Why the photon has no mass?  If the photon doesn't send gravitational waves.  That means it doesn't have mass. In that model, gravitational waves give mass to the material.  The quantum fields are all around the universe. In this text, that term means all electromagnetic fields and gravitational fields in the universe. Those quantum fields are one of the reasons why the particle cannot reach the speed of light in a straight universe.  Quantum fields are things that transfer energy to particles. They are like air or gas, but they interact with smaller particles than air. The light wall means the speed of light. Or we should call that point the photon's speed. A photon is a particle without mass. That thing causes an idea that mass is the thing that denies crossing the speed of light or the speed of photons. There is something in the photon's structure that makes it possible to reach the top speed in nature.  Because a photon doesn't send gravi...

Did Higgs's boson blow mass to material?

    Did Higgs's boson blow mass to material?   Higgs boson is an interesting, high-energy particle. The existence of that particle is very short. The extremely high energy level of Higgs boson causes a situation where it sends wave movement to space that surrounds it. That quantum field causes a situation. Where the quantum vacuum rips Higgs's boson in pieces. And that shockwave interacts with its environment. That forms some short-term particles and virtual particles in the impact point of the shockwave.  The reason for that is the  Higgs's boson's extremely high energy level. The energy level determines the speed at which energy can travel out from the particle.  And there is the possibility that there is only one or two particles between the photon and the Higgs boson. The idea is that Higgs's boson is a particle that turns into a photon through the particle. That we can call "X". The particle X would be at a higher energy level than Higgs's boson. ...

What kind of universe was just after the Big Bang?

    What kind of universe was just after the Big Bang?  Today some scientific papers claim that there were at least two radical events, called the Big Bang. The first Big Bang formed particle-antiparticle pairs. And then annihilation between those particle pairs formed the Schwinger effect where the material formed. So were those first antimatter-matter particle pairs similar to materia and particles as we know it? Nobody knows. But that model explains why matter "won" antimatter in that process.  In some ideas, two events caused the situation that gravitational waves from the first proto particles in the Schwinger effect. Maybe that is true or that is false. But the fact is that something caused a situation where superstrings in space started to form the particle-antiparticle pairs.  And that thing caused massive annihilation. And that would be the final process in the event series that we call the Big Bang. We can say that we can see only the last part of...

The mystery of shrinking planets is probably almost partially solved.

     The mystery of shrinking planets is probably almost partially solved.  Shrinking exoplanets are planets that mysteriously lose their mass or size. The origin of the shrinking exoplanets that lose their atmosphere is in the mysterious gap in planet size. That gap is in planets size 1,5-2 times of Earth. Some researchers think that sub-Neptunes somehow shrink to the size of super-Earths. Most of the mass and size of sub-Neptunes is the atmosphere. And if the atmosphere's size is very large the small planet's gravity and magnetosphere cannot protect that atmosphere.  The reason why Uranus and Neptune have those large atmospheres is that they are cold planets far from the Sun. If those planets start to move to the Sun solar wind starts to blow those gas layers away. And maybe the reason for shrinking exoplanets is that those planets change their trajectory, especially in young solar systems.  "Artist’s concept of sub-Neptune exoplanet TOI-421 b. (NASA, ESA...

The mystery of the universe's accelerating expansion is (maybe) unraveled.

    The mystery of the universe's accelerating expansion is (maybe) unraveled. New theories about the Big Bang and zero-point energy could explain why the universe's expansion accelerates. New scientific papers claim that there was more than one Big Bang, and if there is some other universe, the energy that comes out from that universe could expand the universe. But let's begin with the zero-point model. In this case, zero point, zero kelvin, absolute zero point mean -273,15 C or energy minimum in the system.  1) Energy zero point decreases when universe expansion continues.  Energy zero point decreases when universe expansion continues.This means that the energy minimum in the universe decreases. And that thing causes a reaction at the edge of the universe. Or material that was released in the Big Bang that the absolute zero point or minimum energy level decreases. This thing causes the situation, in energy, stored in the zero kelvin degrees or absolute zero po...

Natural particle accelerators can form X-ray flares and new superheavy elements.

   Natural particle accelerators can form X-ray flares and new superheavy elements.  Solar wind shockwaves ahead of objects can form X-ray bursts. Also if they have no magnetic fields.  This is writing about X-ray flares and high energy impacts that form new heavy elements in kilonova explosions. But let's begin with X-ray flares and shockwaves. The high-energy solar wind that impacts with iron asteroids can form  X-ray flares. The X-ray flares can form near the planet's magnetic poles when the magnetic field makes ions impact near those poles. But also particles without magnetic fields can create X-ray flares.  If we think about planets that have weak magnetic fields or that are without magnetic fields can have flares or auroras. If objects are close enough to their central stars the solar wind forms a shockwave to the front of them. That shockwave packs particles in it. And then the solar wind impacts those particles they send X-and other high energy radi...

Mysterious Tau particles unlock the quantum world.

 Mysterious Tau particles unlock the quantum world.  Tau particles are not very common in the universe. Those mysterious particles can unlock secrets of the quantum world and dark matter. A tau particle is a similar particle to an electron but it is much heavier. It belongs to the lepton family of elementary particles.  The existence of the Tau particle remains for only a very short time.  Researchers suggest That particles to used as a proving theory that all fundamental forces and all elementary particles are the same things. But those particles' mass and energy levels determine what a particle is. Same way as energy level and wavelength of the wave movement determine what fundamental force it carries. This is one version of the GUT (Grand Unified Theory).  The measurements that should uncover invisible interactions between quantum particles and fields can made by colliding those Tau particles. In some other models, the spin and wobbling of those particles wer...

There is mysterious auroras over the sunspot.

     There is mysterious auroras over the sunspot.  There is some suspicion that also the Sun can have an aurora-like phenomenon. The thing that creates aurora on Earth's magnetosphere is high energy particles that hit the atmosphere atoms. A similar phenomenon is on planet Mercury, in which a weak magnetosphere captures particles around it. The power of those impacts is higher than on Earth. And the high energy impacts between ions make X-ray flares near that planet.  The power of those impacts is enough high that those X-ray auroras are forming on the Mercury magnetosphere. Also, the electromagnetic fields of the sun capture ions around. Those ions can travel around the sun by following the magnetic power lines. And when some protuberance or flare hits those ions, that causes a very high-power impact.  Scientists uncover prolonged radio emissions above a sunspot, akin to those previously seen in the polar regions of planets and certain stars, which may re...

Time travel movies vs. reality.

    Time travel movies vs. reality. "Time dilation" means that speed or an outside energy source locks energy in particles. And that slows their aging.  In this text, I will not handle traveling back in time. Or I will not handle a genetical way to extend lifetime etc. But the fact is this. If we want to travel forward in time, we must lock energy into the particles that are forming us. So we just cannot step out from our time machine, because that energy travels out from us very fast. And that causes detonation.  If we want to make interstellar flights we must make time dilation, if we want to move people to another solar system during their lifetime. We know that we can transport particles to the future quite easily. But for making that in real life we must understand what time means. When the universe expands its energy level decreases. So that means the future is at a lower energy level than today and the past.  Time dilation means that we lock energy into t...