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New materials and laser technology improve the computer hardware.

    New materials and laser technology improve the computer hardware. 

Scientists created a femtosecond laser straight from the glass. That thing makes it possible to create new types of flat laser systems that can improve things like laser microscopes and photonic microchips. The laser beams that come out from glass make it possible to create new types of laser solutions. 

The laser system shoots a laser ray through the glass tube. That will send more photons in that beam. That system forms a more powerful laser ray than regular lasers because photon impacts happen in larger areas. 

But the laser-rays that, can come out from glass can make things like ultimate protective fields possible. In those cases, the material that can create energy beams in the wanted point can make the energy beam that crunches incoming ammunition. In some ideas, the energy beam can be produced using nanotubes that are in surface material. 

When the system transfers energy in the material it forms microwave impulses in those nanotubes. That allows to creation powerful, extremely fast-reacting system. And the thing is that those nano-systems act as a group. They can point energy to incoming ammunition. And if they can make an electric arc in the middle of it, that thing breaks the structure. 

"A team at Tufts University’s Silklab has developed transistors using biological silk as the insulating material, allowing them to interact with the environment like living tissue. These hybrid transistors can detect various substances and conditions, potentially revolutionizing health monitoring and computing. By altering the silk insulator’s ionic composition, these transistors can process variable information, similar to analog computing. This breakthrough in microprocessor technology could lead to self-training microprocessors and new interfaces between electronics and biology." ( Meets Silicon: The Dawn of Biological Hybrid Transistors)

But also the ability to create laser rays straight from the wanted point in the structure is interesting. In that model, the system can use electrodes that can input electricity into the glass. If those electrods are in square formations they can create laser beams just from the middle of those squares. 

In the same way, the ability to make laser rays straight from glass makes it possible to create new and more effective quantum computers. In those systems, multiple laser rays are making the qubit. The system shares information as bites to those laser beams. And that allows us to make qubit. 

"Researchers have developed a new method to create compact mode-locked lasers on photonic chips, using lithium niobate for active mode-locking. This technology promises to bring large-scale ultrafast laser experiments to a chip-scale format, with plans to further shorten pulse durations and increase peak powers."( Powerhouses: Ultrafast Laser Technology Miniaturized on Tiny Photonic Chips)

The light-based microprocessors can make computers cooler. That ability is required when the processor is driven all the time with full power. Photonic microchips can make it possible to create ultimate powerful systems that can drive complicated code. And those systems can drive information straight to the qubits in quantum computers. 

Biological materials allow us to connect things like mini-brains with microchips. That allows to creation of brain-controlled robots that use living brains for their operations. 

Biological materials like silk make it possible to create new types of microprocessors that can act like living tissue. Those biological materials make it possible for living neurons can connect with silicon-based structures. And that thing makes new, half-organic microchips possible. And that makes it possible to create microchips that can interact with things like minibrains. The minibrains are lab-grown neuron structures. That is used in R&D work in medical factories. But biomaterials are giving a new role to minibrains.


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