Saturday, October 7, 2023

Quasars, Planet X and gravity model.


Quasars, Planet X and gravity model. 

Could gravity be two forces? One with long and another with extremely short wavelength. 

In some models, the gravitation is two forces. Another gravitation is radiation with extremely long wavelengths. That gravitational wave is behind the radio waves. And the other gravitational waves have extremely short wavelengths. So they are behind gamma rays. That thing could explain why gravitation is so hard to model. 

Short-wave gravitation has a shorter wavelength than gamma rays

Long-wave gravitation has a longer wavelength than radio rays. 

If this model is right all particles inside atoms send gravitational waves. If gravitational waves have the same wavelength and same energy level they form standing waves in the atoms or between subatomic particles. That thing causes reflection in those gravitational waves because they interact the same way as all other wave movements. And in that case, the gravitational waves are turning opposite. 

If only long-wave gravitational waves can travel through subatomic particles that travel around them. This thing forms an electromagnetic or gravitational shadow behind that particle. And that shadow pulls particles backward. That means the long-wave gravitation is the thing that is called antigravity. 

The short-wave gravitation travels through particles. When it impacts the back wall of subatomic particles inside them it sends wave movement backward. And that backward traveling wave movement pushes particles forward to the gravitational center. That explains why gravitation is so special. So, at the quantum level, gravitation just breaks material. 

Another gravitational force is the extremely shortwave radiation that the source is between gluons and quarks. Another gravitation is the weakness in electromagnetic or quantum fields inside subatomic particles. That weakness in quantum fields is the electromagnetic low pressure that pulls objects into it. 

The gravitational interaction is simple. The gravitational waves form electromagnetic low pressure in the front of the particles. That thing means that gravitation interacts wrong direction. So if gravitation is two forces that could explain something about that mysterious phenomenon. In that model, gravitation is like wire or superstring that travels through particles. Particles are like pearls in necklaces. And that wave travels through those particles. During that process, the string pushes the particle in the opposite direction. 

If we think that the quantum particle is like warped or stretched paper the gravitational interaction pushes that structure. Then the particle sends radiation or wave movement backward. Another long-wave gravitation might travel sideways of the particle. And that thing makes the electromagnetic shadow behind the particle. So that means the gravitational waves with long wavelengths are the thing that pushes particles. The electromagnetic shadow pulls particles backward. 


Long-wave gravitation pushes particles

Short wave gravitation pulls particles. 

When I write that the elementary particle is like a yarn-ball I should write that elementary particle is like a yarn-ball that formed of stretched or warped superstrings. The warped superstring turns into a ball form in electromagnetic fields. 

"An artist’s impression of a Kuiper Belt object (KBO), located on the outer rim of our solar system at a staggering distance of 4 billion miles from the sun. Credit: NASA, ESA, and G. Bacon (STScI)" (ScitechDaily/Modified Newtonian Dynamics: Is the Ninth Planet Hunt Revealing a New Law of Gravity?)

Planet X, or Ninth Planet tests gravitational theories. 

The name or term Planet X means a gravitational effect that causes an anomaly in Netune's trajectory. 

The problem with Planet X is it's invisible. But the gravitational effect that causes anomalies in Neptune's trajectory is real. There is some kind of lumb of invisible material in the Kuiper belt. And the problem with this lumb is that it could cause some denser points in the Kuiper belt. But there is no that kind of point. And that makes Planet X so interesting. Planet X is not confirmed, but astronomers call the mysterious gravitational effect that causes anomalies in Neptune's trajectory Planet X. 

Another mysterious thing is the X-ray flares in Uranus' atmosphere. Those X-ray flares form when some field accelerates particles that impact the Uranus' atmosphere forming X-ray flares. Some researchers think that Planet X is full of dark matter. If that lump of dark matter exists. Its only interaction with material is gravitational. If a particle goes in the dark matter glump's gravitational field it should follow the same trajectory that material follows when it falls into a black hole. 

"Artist's rendering of the accretion disc in ULAS J1120+0641, a very distant quasar powered by a supermassive black hole with a mass two billion times that of the Sun." (Wikipedia/Quasar)

Acceleration disks and anomalies in spectral energy in quasars help to understand gravitation and its interaction with other fundamental forces. 

The acceleration disk around black holes is full of extremely high-density energy. Black holes pull all material inside it. And there is also dark matter that falls in the monstrous gravitational fields. The acceleration disk will not end in the event horizon. The event horizon is the point where escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light.  

When material falls through the event horizon it continues a spiral trajectory to the center of a black hole. At some point in that journey is the point, that dark matter interacts with visible material. That point is at least singularity in the center of a black hole. The reason for that is extremely powerful gravitation that pulls material and energy into entirety called singularity. 

Some quasar's luminosity and spectral energy levels don't match with its brightness. Researchers suspect that the reason for that energy anomaly is some wind or some other anomalous material flow in acceleration or transition disk. That model explains that the anomaly in spectral energy comes from some whirls in the acceleration disk. That thing explains the high energy level in quasars as the parasite black holes that form in acceleration disks. The energy level in that material disk is extremely high. 

And the energy may turn some small objects like asteroids or planets that fall through them into black holes. If those parasite black holes exist they send radiation beams to material around the black hole. And they might increase the energy level in the entire quasar. When those small black holes fall into bigger black holes that causes gravitational waves around the universe. 

So if something makes a whirl in that material the whirl may turn to a black hole. Or it can make extra friction in the transition disk. And maybe that extra friction turns the material or acceleration disk's energy level higher than it should be. The thing is that black holes are things that help researchers to make gravitational models. 

In some models, the impacting gravitational waves increase the energy level in the acceleration disks. If a parasite black hole exists it sends gravitational waves with the same frequency as the bigger black hole's gravitational waves. That thing can cause a situation in the quantum fields or material to start to flow sideways in acceleration disks. We can say simplified that the antigravity makes the anomaly in the energy level of quasars. 

The existence of the parasite black holes is very short-term. They form in an acceleration disk. And then they fall into a center black hole. But during that time they aim material away from the acceleration disk. 

And one thing is sure, if parasite black holes exist they send counter gravitational waves. That thing causes a situation where gravitational waves undo each other. If we want to see a situation where impacting gravitational waves undo each other, we must find objects that send the gravitational waves in the same frequency and same power.

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