Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Neutrinos can interact with light, after all.

Could neutrino radiation be one explanation for dark energy? 

In models, dark energy's source is in extremely small particles or particles. Those particles send energy or wave impulses so often that this radiation is hard to detect. So could the neutrino be that particle? 

The neutrino radiation forms when wave movement hits the neutrino. And that elementary particle stores that energy. When that energy impulse or energy stress ends, neutrino delivers extra energy as the waves into its environment, just like all other particles do. 

Neutrino radiation or electromagnetic radiation whose source is some other elementary particle with weak interactions can explain dark energy. The dark energy would be very short waves and deep penetrating radiation behind the gamma rays. That could explain why it doesn't interact. 

 Neutrinos can interact with light, after all. 

If neutrinos can interact with light, that thing means interesting new winds for neutrino research. In theories, neutrino's spin is so slow or weak that light cannot interact with it as it interacts with other particles. When laser impulses hit electrons. They form an electromagnetic shadow on the opposite side of the electron.  And that thing pulls the electron into that shadow and pulls it forward. That kind of technology, where light accelerates electrons can be used in very high-energy particle accelerators.

But the reason why neutrino interaction is so weak. Bight be found in neutrino's structure. If a neutrino is a whisk-like structure around some kind of power field slow spin causes a situation where the surface area where the laser beam hits is so small that it cannot push neutrinos. And that thing is the reason why neutrino is called "grey photon". That means that neutrino has mass, and that's why neutrino is getting older and turning into wave movement. 

Trapping the neutrino could be one of the most exciting ideas in physics. Crossing laser rays can stop photons in photon traps. If similar traps that are used in the photonic traps can trap neutrinos, those particles would be the tool that can be used in the next-generation quantum computers and in other quantum systems like hypothetical scanning neutrino microscopes where neutrino replace ions that hover over layers and then laser beams read how neutrino interacts over the layer. 

When a laser sends a light beam to a neutrino it raises the neutrino's energy level. That thing causes a situation in which neutrino acts like all particles. It transfers that extra energy into its environment. And that thing causes an effect called "neutrino radiation". The idea is similar to neutron radiation. When the energy level in neutrons rises until energy pumping ends.

Objects always "want" to reach the same energy level as their environment. When a neutron sends that energy. It sends neutron radiation while it tries to get an energy balance with its environment. And that thing causes an idea that maybe neutrinos can send similar radiation with neutrons, that are not elementary particles. 

The fact is that neutrinos and all other elementary particles must have the ability to send radiation with the wavelength. That is the same as their diameter. In that process neutrino or any other particle stores energy and then releases that extra energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. 


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