Saturday, October 7, 2023

After all, it's spinning. (M-87 black hole)

  After all, it's spinning. (M-87 black hole)

Wormholes and spinning black holes. 

The first time we have evidence that the black hole spins. That black hole is the supermassive, wobbling black hole in the M-87 galaxy. Spinning black holes are things that make so-called wormholes possible. When the gravitational field is strong enough, its spin makes the structure in spacetime look like a rope where particles and radiation approach the singularity that thing pulls particles to each other. 

In that environment, quantum fields interact with each other like rope. The spinning gravitational field pulls them tighter and tighter. 

In this special environment, all four fundamental interactions affect material and quantum fields that fall into a black hole. The other thing is connected with the speed of light.  How close the particle or object can go near the speed of light depends on the particle's mass. The photon has no mass, and that is the fastest known particle. The superstring is also lighter than an electron. 

Four fundamental forces are:



Weak nuclear force

Strong nuclear force

"The black hole at M87’s center is 6.5 billion times larger than the Sun. (Yuzhu Cui et al. 2023, Intouchable Lab@Openverse and Zhejiang Lab)". ( It's Official: The M87 Black Hole Is Spinning)

Because superstring is faster than other particles. The black hole pulls the superstrings through the material. That thing increases the particle's energy level. Particles are only ball-shaped superstrings. Or shaper saying: particles are warped or stretched superstrings. The powerful gravitation can pull this stretched structure almost straight. And if the particle hits the quantum field, it returns to its original form. 

The superstrings are tight energy rays or energy fields. And particles are yarn-ball-shaped superstrings. Four fundamental forces are wave movement. And they also have a particle shape. The difference in the force is the wavelength of the wave movement. So we can say that the wavelength of the superstring determines the interaction that it carries. And that thing is one of the things that supports the GUT (Grand Unified Theory). 

In some models, the photon is a particle that rides on a superstring. That model means that a photon is like a pearl and a superstring is like a wire that travels through it. That explains why a photon hovers in spacetime without any energy transfer between it and its environment.

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