Sunday, December 31, 2023

Ten years after the Higgs Boson: there are no new particles found.

 Ten years after the Higgs Boson: there are no new particles found. 

In 2012 researchers celebrated that they found Higgs Boson. And after that, there have been ten years without new particles. The Higgs Boson was a boson as calculated, but the problem is that the boson is too light. Otherwise, it matched calculations. And that thing was the scientific sensation. There was one small detail that researchers passed. 

That detail was that in calculations, Higgs Boson required an asteroid-belt-sized mega-accelerator for coming out. That too-light Higgs Boson caused a theory, that maybe the Higgs Boson is still not found. And researchers found some other non-predicted particles that they named Higgs Boson. 

The behavior of the Higgs Boson tells that there could be one or two particles in that boson. Another interesting thing is that there is no force that Higgs boson seems to carry. All other bosons are force carriers. So where is the force, that Higgs Boson should carry? 

Another reason for the problem that Higgs Boson seems to be too light could be that its energy level is so high, and energy flows so fast forming small quantum vacuum or virtual particles around it that it loses its mass faster than predicted. In some other models Higgs Boson hovers in the energy field. And that makes it seem lighter than it should be. When Higgs Boson divides it forms W and Z bosons. That thing tells that the quantum field around that boson travels outside, forming whirls. Some of those whirls are W and Z bosons which are weak nuclear force transportators. So is the original Higgs particle still unseen? 

The next mission of the CERN is to search supersymmetric, high-energy elementary particles. Those researchers hope that they can uncover the secrecy of dark matter. But that thing seems more complicated than nobody expected. Supersymmetric particles are very high-energy versions of well-known particles. The supersymmetric version of quarks is squark. And, supersymmetric version of neutrino is neutralino. But nobody found those particles yet. Theoretical sfermions are supersymmetrical high-energy versions of fermions. The rise of energy level to high enough will turn fermion to sfermion. 

There are four billion collimations for finding a particle called Higgs Boson, we must realize that finding things like WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles).  And the other, possible supersymmetric particles. The form of WIMP could be that it will somehow tunnel itself through other particles. And that tunneling effect makes it impossible to see those particles. But it's not sure that is a WIMP supersymmetric particle.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Do neutron stars have quark cores?

   Do neutron stars have quark cores? 

"New theoretical analysis places the likelihood of massive neutron stars hiding cores of deconfined quark matter between 80 and 90 percent. The result was reached through massive supercomputer runs utilizing Bayesian statistical inference." ( Stars’ Inner Mysteries: A Glimpse Into Quark-Matter Cores)

Neutron star's inner cores might involve quark cores. That means there could be also quark stars in the universe. Theoretical models made at the University of Helsinki support the possibility that heavy neutron stars are quark cores. That thing opens a very interesting vision for gravitation and star research. In theoretical models, Magnetars are very light neutron stars. Which shell rotates very fast around its structure. That forms a very strong magnetic field. 

In heavy neutron stars. Gravity locks structure into its entirety. And that makes those heavy neutron stars' magnetic fields weaker but their gravity fields are stronger. That means gravity seems acting like some kind of membrane or strings. That travels between or through neutrons. And that locks the structure into one piece. 

"Artist’s impression of the different layers inside a massive neutron star, with the red circle representing a sizable quark-matter core. Credit: Jyrki Hokkanen, CSC" ( Stars’ Inner Mysteries: A Glimpse Into Quark-Matter Cores)

Hypothetical quark star: an object intermediate. Between neutron stars and black holes.

We can think that the quark star is an object intermediate between neutron stars and black holes. Nobody has seen that thin yet, so it's a theoretical object. 

The mass of neutron stars determines their quark core's size. And in light neutron stars might not be quark core. Then there would be no quark core or a very small quark core in magnetars. But the part of the pure quark structure in neutron stars rises when their mass rises. And when a collapsing star's mass is high enough all neutrons turn into quarks and form a quark star. 

But then we can continue this thinking game. The idea is that the model can also be in white dwarfs and black holes. So in a very heavy white dwarfs could be neutron stars inside them. In a very heavy quark stars could be back holes in the free quark structure. 

The quark star forms when a neutron star turns too heavy that neutrons can keep their shells. The extreme gravity along with neutron radiation, strips those quantum fields away from the neutrons. That uncovers quarks. And the quark stars would be much denser than neutron stars. Those quarks send their radiation in the wavelength that is the same as the quark's dimension. And that thing could make the quark star almost invisible. 

The quark structure would be far stronger than the neutron structure. That means inside the heaviest quark structures can form a black hole or area where even light cannot escape. And in that model is possible. That those quarks form a symmetrical quark net around that black hole. That quark net could keep that structure in its form. 

In some models, there is the possibility that also gluons can form structures that are similar to quarks. Those gluon stars are hypothetical things, and they are very close to black holes. In some models when a hypothetical quark star massive gravity pushes those quarks so close to each other. That they will push gluons out from that structure. In that model, the quark stars are the only things between black holes and neutron stars. 

Is there gluon stars?

If a quark star exists, is it possible that gluon stars also exist? Gluon is not fermion. But it's a near possible limit that massive gravity and radiation pressure in a supernova form black hole there is a network of gluons near its event horizon. Gluons are gauge bosons. But a black hole's strong gravity and energy load locks those gluons into position making them interact like quarks that are fermions. 

In some other models intensive pressure and heat in high-mass quark stars can form structures where is only quark-gluon or gluon plasma. That kind of structure is a hypothetical thing.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Complicated dynamics of dwarf galaxies.

    Complicated dynamics of dwarf galaxies. 

New research suggests that most dwarf galaxies are destroyed when they enter spiral galaxies super hot halo. The galactic halo is similar to the corona around the sun and other stars. But gas is much thinner than in corona. The particle's speed is also much higher than in the corona. In that halo the particle's speed is so high that they from electromagnetic shockwave when they enter to dwarf galaxies gas and hit particles in that small galaxy. 

The shockwave, along with the giant galaxy's gravity rips the dwarf galaxy in pieces. And gravity pulls gas and dust away from those dwarf galaxies. But sometimes dwarf galaxies can keep their form when they enter galaxies like the Milky Way halo. That thing requires that gravity can win those electromagnetic shockwaves and keep dwarf galaxies in their form. In modern models inside the dwarf galaxies is also a black hole, the material center that keeps them in form. In models at least flat or spiral-shaped dwarf galaxies "dwarf milky ways" should involve material center that is like Sagittarius A, but far smaller. 

In some models, the supermassive black hole in the middle of the Milky Way and other large spiral galaxies can form wormholes to that dwarf galaxy's black hole. And then energy will travel to that point. And it may affect the power of the relativistic jet that leaves that smaller black hole. Relativistic jet will ionize material around it and the same time raise the material's energy level around it. That energy rips the galaxy into pieces if gravity cannot keep it in form.

"A new study based on Gaia satellite data reveals that dwarf galaxies around the Milky Way are likely transient and not as dark matter-rich as previously thought. Their recent entry into the Galactic halo and rapid loss of gas challenges existing beliefs about their stability and composition." ( Cosmic Norms: Dwarf Galaxies and the Dark Matter Enigma)


"Video from a simulation of the transformation of a gas-rich and rotation-dominated galaxy into a spherical dwarf galaxy after it first enters the Milky Way halo. Here an analogue of the Sculptor dwarf galaxy is shown, with the gas represented in blue and stars in orange". 

"The gas is stripped when the dwarf is closest to the Milky Way (distance shown in the upper right corner), resulting in a rapid expansion of the stars. The model thus predicts a large envelope of distant stars around the remnant of the dwarf galaxy. However, fading to the depth of optical observations illustrates that this envelope of stars is too faint to be easily detected. Credit: Jianling Wang, François Hammer" ( Cosmic Norms: Dwarf Galaxies and the Dark Matter Enigma)


Dwarf galaxies around the Milky Way. Credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC

When we think of the model where a flat galaxy turns to a spherical (commonly elliptic) galaxy, we must first realize that in flat galaxy should be some kind of mass center. The energy rise or some kind of vaporization of the black hole turns galaxy spherical. The difference between star clusters and galaxies is sometimes determined that in star clusters is no star formation. 

Stars are forming in dwarf galaxies. So maybe the gravity of the Milky Way class galaxy strips gas and dust away from the dwarf galaxy stopping the star formation and turning it into a spherical star cluster. In this time difference between spherical star clusters and spherical galaxies is this. In spherical galaxies, star formation continues. And in star clusters are no new stars. 


This means the dwarf galaxy turns into a globular star cluster. "The origin of globular clusters and their role in galactic evolution are unclear. Some are among the oldest objects in their galaxies and even the universe, constraining estimates of the universe's age. "

"Star clusters were formerly thought to consist of stars that all formed at the same time from one star-forming nebula, but nearly all globular clusters contain stars that formed at different times, or that have differing compositions. Some clusters may have had multiple episodes of star formation, and some may be remnants of smaller galaxies captured by larger galaxies". (Wikipedia/Globular cluster)


But it's possible. That straight energy rise in a black hole's material disk can make the same thing. And in that model, there is no need for the wormhole. Dwarf galaxies have also their halo. When it enters the spiral galaxy's halo those halos start the interaction. In that interaction, energy starts to travel from the giant spiral galaxy's halo to a smaller and colder halo. 

That halo or gas ball in a dwarf galaxy transports energy to the dwarf galaxy's black hole's transition disk. That raises that material disk temperature, and that energy pushes particles away. 

The dwarf galaxies can also uncover the mystery of dark matter. If there is lots of dark matter in some dwarf galaxies that thing explains why Milky Way and other larger spiral galaxies don't rip them in pieces. But as I wrote as a headline, the interaction of dwarf galaxies is complicated.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Harvard introduces the first logical quantum processor.

    Harvard introduces the first logical quantum processor.

Harvard introduced the first logical quantum processor. The logical quantum processor has a 48-state qubit data channel, algorithm-based error correction, and multiple logical gates. Those systems make the new logical quantum processors able to handle operations more effectively and easier than previous quantum systems. 

That kind of system their correction and many other things integrated into the quantum processor make portable quantum computers possible. Quantum computers require something that packs information into the qubit. Photonic computers are the thing that can pack information into qubits. The information is input to quantum computers or quantum processors through photonic computers. 

The photonic computer dumps information into trapped photons or electrons. Another way is to use thermal transistors where the electric field's position makes it possible to determine how many or which data routes the input system uses. 

The qubit can be an electron or photon that hovers in the frame in the middle of the processor or if the system uses multiple electrons or photons to make a qubit the system can anchor them into the graphene network. But for working perfectly the photonic computer requires extremely highly accurate optical area data transmission. 


"Harvard researchers have achieved a significant milestone in quantum computing by developing a programmable logical quantum processor capable of encoding 48 logical qubits and performing hundreds of logical gate operations. This advancement, hailed as a potential turning point in the field, is the first demonstration of large-scale algorithm execution on an error-corrected quantum computer." ( Unveils World’s First Logical Quantum Processor)

"A collaborative international effort has led to the creation of the first mid-infrared supermirrors with exceptional reflectivity, as reported in Nature Communications. This innovation is expected to significantly enhance environmental gas sensing and industrial processes, marking a major leap in mirror technology. Credit:" ( Pursuit of Perfection: Ultimate Mid-Infrared Mirror Achieves 99.99923% Reflectivity)

"UCLA researchers have unveiled a novel solid-state thermal transistor that effectively controls semiconductor heat movement using an electric field, marking a significant advancement in computer chip heat management and potential applications in understanding human body heat regulation. Illustration of a UCLA-developed solid-state thermal transistor using an electric field to control heat movement. Credit: H-Lab/UCLA" ( New Era in Heat Management: UCLA Unveils Revolutionary Solid-State Thermal Transistor)


The new ultimate mid-infrared mirror reflects 99.99923% of radiation. 

The new mid-infrared mirror is the pathfinder in the new infrared technology, like IR-telescopes, Infrared lasers, and infrared data transmission. Also, IR light amplifiers can use this technology. The high reflecting percentage makes the mirror less vulnerable to damages that the light absorption can cause. When a mirror absorbs light the radiation energy stores in it.

And that raises the temperature in the mirror. That thing causes damage because the mirror expands. These highly reflecting mirrors can someday protect jet fighters against mid-infrared laser systems. The 99.99923% reflection is very much and in the future jet fighters can have the mosaic structure that turns this kind of miniature mirror outside. And that reflects the IR-laser rays from their structures. 

Another thing that this kind of mirror is suitable for is photonic computers. In photonic computers laser rays or photons replaced electric wires. The highly reflecting mirrors keep the temperature low in those systems. Another purpose of those mirrors is that high reflection will not disturb information. 

The photonic computers and thermal transistors are tools, that require mid-IR mirors to turn information route. The photonic computer can pack information in the form of a qubit easier than an electric computer. The photonic computer takes a photon or electron in the frame and transports information in it in the form of photons. 

The newest thermal transistors control semiconductor's heat using a magnetic field. That system can turn the electricity route to another wire. But those systems can also adjust the qubits. In those systems, the thermal transistor connects data to as many wires as the qubit needs. But those systems are far away in the future. Or at least in the future.

Monday, December 25, 2023

E=mc^2 and M=E/c^2 become reality.

    E=mc^2 and M=E/c^2 become reality. 

Japanese researchers collide photons to make material. In modern physics, researchers believe. That material is only density in wave movement. Material forms when two quantum fields or wave movements cross and form a quantum whirl in the wave movement. If that whirl is tight enough quantum fields from the outside press it into the form of quarks or gluons. The energy level of those fields determines what particle that impact forms. 

In E=mc^2 



c^2=speed of light potency 2

The formula that calculates the energy required to make material goes like this


We think that the energy that material releases when it turns into energy is calculated with the formula E=mc^2. The formation of material from energy will calculated using the mirror formula. So M=E/c^2. The requirement is that the energy level is divided by c^2. That kind of thing means that in that process is not needed much energy. 

The thing is that we know that photons can form quarks. Quarks are one of the smallest parts of the material. That means researchers should have the ability to create more complicated structures like atoms from light. And maybe that thing called the "Schwinger effect" opens the mysteries of dark matter. The ability to create material from light also makes it possible to create so-called sterile atoms. Those atoms can used in quantum computers. 

Gravity could be the movement of quantum fields. In this text term quantum fields is used as a common term that means at the same time all four fundamental interactions. Those four interactions are gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, and strong nuclear force or interactions. 

"Osaka University researchers have simulated photon-photon collisions with lasers, potentially paving the way for generating matter from light in labs. This quantum physics advancement holds promise for understanding the universe’s composition and discovering new physics. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" ( E=mc² Comes Alive: Simulating Matter Creation From Laser Light)

And that thing helps to explain what is gravity. The idea is this: when a particle gets in the electromagnetic field, its spin increases. If energy pumping continues particle turns to form that is like twisted paper. Then if the outside quantum field cannot fill it that structure acts like an antenna, that sends the quantum field in another direction. 

That makes particles act like some kind of thermal pump. When that particle transports quantum fields to some direction, the outside quantum field falls to it. How fast the particle transports energy or quantum fields from that point determines how powerful that pulling effect is. 

The fact is this. Energy always travels from the higher energy level to the lower energy level. That thing means things like energy are relative. The difference between energy levels determines how fast energy flow between systems is. If the energy flow is high enough it forms low pressure or even a vacuum around the object. 

That thing rips objects in pieces. The thing that denies the black hole formation is the asymmetry in energy or the bubble rips in pieces. But if there happens effect that quantum fields cannot go out from the bubble or come out from one direction. That makes the situation that the quantum field starts to press energy to that object. That increases the spinning speed of that tornado. And then, that thing starts to pull quantum fields from larger and larger areas. 

Sometimes that field loses contact with that gravitational tornado and in that moment tornado gets a quantum field inside it. The filling of that gravitational tornado decreases the energy difference between its internal and outer structures. That causes gravitational waves and whenever a black hole sends gravitational waves, it loses a little bit of its mass.

The retrocausality: principle for time traveling.

    The retrocausality: principle for time traveling. 

"Retrocausality, or backwards causation, is a concept of cause and effect in which an effect precedes its cause in time and so a later event affects an earlier one. In quantum physics, the distinction between cause and effect is not made at the most fundamental level and so time-symmetric systems can be viewed as causal or retrocausal. Philosophical considerations of time travel often address the same issues as retrocausality, as do treatments of the subject in fiction, but the two phenomena are distinct." (Wikipedia/Retrocausality)

Retrocausality means that an event can affect the past. If we think that in regular causality information travels from the past to the future because the universe expands, and the lower energy universe in the future pulls information to it. That means the energy level in the future universe is lower than now and past, but we cannot notice that difference. The absolute zero point or 0-kelvin degrees is always important. 

The absolute zero point is the static point. And all other temperatures are compared with it. So if we think that the absolute zero point is like a chair, and the universe is the room. When we decrease the energy level or that room's altitude the absolute zero point also decreases. 

Measure that kind of thing. Requires that we step out from the quantum system. And then, we must find a stable point or minimum energy level in that new system. In that model universe is only part of a bigger system. We must find a stable point to compare the differences in energy levels around it. The problem is that is, if we are in the middle of a quantum system decreasing the energy level decreases also the minimum energy level in the system. So changes in energy level are always changes because we measure differences in that system. 

And that means the hot is a relative thing. Boiling liquid nitrogen is cold for us. But it's hot in its environment, where temperature is always near zero kelvin. And if we are inside the system the energy minimum or static point will decrease when the system expands. And that is why the absolute zero point in the universe is always 0 kelvin. And because we are in a system that is not coming energy from outside and a system called the universe expands, we cannot see differences in energy levels. 

Above is M.C. Escher's impossible triangle. That thing can symbolize a system. That can transmit information from the future to the past. The problem is that the system uses quantum entanglement to transport information. And if the system creates quantum entanglement between points (A) and (B). 

The point (A) is in the past and the point (B) is in future. Then it raises the energy level of point (B) in the future so high that information travels backward in time there is the point where point (B) reaches the same energy level as point A. That thing breaks quantum entanglement. To avoid that the system must transfer the entanglement to the third point. 

Triangular model about retrocausality. 

We can think that information flows from the past to the future by following tangent (AB). Information flows from point (A) in the past to point (B) in the future. Is simple to raise the energy level of point (B) to level (C) which turns quantum entanglement to the opposite. The problem is that when the energy level in point (B) rises to a higher level than point (A) it must travel through an energy point that is the same as point (A). 

When quantum entanglement turns in a balanced position where both sides of the quantum entanglement are at the same energy level, that breaks the entanglement. That makes it impossible to create quantum entanglement that affects the future to the past. The system cannot raise the (B) point energy level straight. But its possible that system can make that thing if researchers use two quantum entanglements. In that model, the quantum entanglement is made oppositely from the past to the future. 

So the information will travel through tangent (AB) from the past to the future. And then in the future, the researchers create another entanglement (CD) where information travels from the past to the future. Another way is to make the third point (E) to the side of the point (B). Then the system must transfer the quantum entanglement to the point (E) and form a tangent (AE). Then the system raises the point (B) energy level and then it transfers the oscillation or entanglement from point (E) to point (B). The system separates that entanglement between points (A) and (B) for a while, so that it can raise (B) point energy level without breaking quantum entanglement. 

Energy and information always travel to lower energy levels. That means we can create a time machine or make quantum entanglement interact with the future. The problem with retrocausality is how to make quantum entanglement acting to the past. The past is at a higher energy level. And that means the quantum entanglement should create the point to the future, that is at a higher energy level than its other side in the past. This thing is the problem with retrocausality.

The artificial black holes. And their abilities.

    The artificial black holes. And their abilities. 

Was the Philadelphia experiment some kind of thought experiment? What happens if some ship or aircraft forms a black hole? There have been many writings about the Philadelphia experiment. In some rumors Albert Einstein made that test. But is that test the thought experiment? 

In original descriptions, one or two sailors were injured because they fell to bulb lights. And that causes an idea that maybe the destroyer USS Eldridge tested some kind of new fire control calculators, some kind of electric-arc-based weapon systems. Or maybe the test used to collect data for some primitive ECM systems. 

It is possible. The experiment tested so-called decoys. The holograms or projections that should used to create fake targets into the fog.  In the original version, the destroyer that participated in the test was in anchor all the time. 

 Or maybe, the high-power electromagnetic field acted as carrier waves and caused illusions. Or made some people's nervous systems receive the EEG signals from other people's nervous systems. It's possible. That the electric field will refresh old memories or act like electric shock therapy. 

But maybe we cannot ever get an answer for that test and mystery. It's possible. That the USS Eldridge was not the destroyer where the Navy made that test. 

USS Eldridge (DE-173), c. 1944 (Wikipedia/Philadelphia Experiment)

Or maybe that thing was some kind of thought experiment. 

It's possible. that the Philadephia experiment was some kind of thinking game.  In this theoretical research, top men of physics created a model of how to make objects that can be unseen in radar, infrared, and even by the human eye. The simplest answer would be to make an artificial black hole in some ship or aircraft. In that system, the system takes electrons into some kind of frame. 

And then, that frame will pull energy to that electron. And sooner or later the electron will turn to the black hole. In that model, the artificial black hole causes time dilation in the ship. And another thing is that an artificial black hole pulls all energy through the ship's hull. There is the possibility that time will stop on that ship. That means it could sail around the seas, and nobody sees a thing. 

In that movie, the destroyer would form the wormhole to the future. And this thing follows the principles of indefinate causal order or ICO. The destroyer's engines would make the energy hill to the wormhole. And that thing makes the causality act like this (AB) ( Energy Hill (USS Eldridge) (BA). That thing is very interesting. In ICO the energy hill cuts the causality (AB) (Hill) (BA) that at the side the causal order is (AB). 

But on another side of the hill same effect happens in order (BA).  But if we make the information or energy travel to the energy hill that thing makes the events happen like this (AB) (Hill (Energy that comes from above)Hill) (BA). So in this system (AB) and (BA) happen at the same time. The reason for that is that the energy must be transported straight to the top of the hill. And if we want to send it through the hillside information that comes down the hillside denies that thing. 

Its possible to store information into the energy hill. And then turn that hill in another direction. That makes it possible to make information travel like this (AB)>(Energy hill)>Information stored in the energy hill. Then Energy Hill turns around and releases information in another direction. That makes information stay in order (AB). 

But it's possible to make an energy hill that affects both sides of it like this. (AB)(Energy(Information) hill)(AB). That requires that information be stored on the top of the hill when it's forming. That makes it possible to release events onto both sides of the hill.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Why does gravity just pull and not push?

    Why does gravity just pull and not push? 

Gravity makes potholes or wells, not hills. Or actually, we can say that the gravitational center is in the gravity pothole. The problem is that we don't know what gravity is. We know that gravity is the force that pulls particles together. Gravity is radiation like all other interactions. And that means it should act like all other fundamental interactions, electromagnetics, and weak and strong nuclear forces. 

Why do we sometimes talk about gravity hills, when we talk about black holes? In that model, gravity is one energy form, and gravity hill is the same thing as a gravity pothole, but to make that thing easier to model, we, or at least I turn that pothole upside down. And that's why gravity wells, gravity potholes, and gravity hills are the same things. Same way talking about gravity hills when we should say gravity potholes makes it easier to model gravity waves. It's easier to say that a hill sends gravitational waves than some gravity wells or gravity potholes send those gravity waves. But as you noticed, gravity potholes send those gravity waves. 

"Einstein’s general relativity explains gravity as the result of spacetime curvature due to mass, contrasting with magnetism’s dual ability to attract and repel. This theory introduces the concept of gravity wells, central to understanding gravitational pull. Credit:" (’s Insight: Why Does Gravity Pull Us Down and Not Up?)

"Earth curves spacetime so that you fall toward Earth instead of away from it. Credit: Tokamac/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA" (’s Insight: Why Does Gravity Pull Us Down and Not Up?)

We can say that the low gravity area is some kind of hill, and then gravity will pull things from hill to pothole. So if we think of some other natural interactions. We can say the energy forms a hill when it is loaded to some particle. Then that high-energy particle starts to roll down from that hill, while it releases its energy. That means gravity should follow those rules. It should act like all other forces. 

If we think that gravity is the force that travels from the gravity hill to the gravity wells, we might see that gravity interacts the wrong way because gravity should travel from the gravity center to the outside. And that's what it makes. Gravity waves travel out from the gravity center. But they should push particles away. Another interesting thing about gravity is that it somehow causes quantum shadow or lower energy area in the front of the particle. And that thing makes quantum fields push particles into the gravitational center. 

There are two ways in which gravitation can interact with particles. The first one is the so-called superstring that interacts like a thermal pump. That superstring would pump energy away from the front side of the particle. And that causes quantum flow that pushes particles to the gravitational center. Or gravity can affect the quantum fields around the gravitational center. In both of those models, the gravity center should have a lower energy level than around it. The reason for that is energy travels always from the higher to the lower energy point. So gravity should also travel from the hill to the well. 

Can antigravity be possible? It can exist, but it can affect so small an area, that it doesn't have a visible effect. And maybe its so weak, that other interactions and gravitational pulling cover it. The reason why some people believe antigravity is gravity waves. Gravity waves can interact like all other electromagnetic radiation. 

If those waves impact with each other, that thing can prevent those gravitational waves from reaching some objects. But this thing is a pure hypothesis. The idea is that the system sends countergravity waves to its environment. And that should make the system act like a gravity jammer. But can that thing form an antigravity effect, or can that effect benefit in some cases are different things. 

The third interesting thing is that gravity also affects photons. Three other fundamental interactions do not have that effect. That thing causes an idea that maybe gravity affects quantum fields, not straight particles or electromagnetic radiation. In this model, there is some kind of low energy point in the gravity center. 

And quantum fields that travel into that point are like water. Those quantum fields would take particles with them to the gravitational center, where something pulls those quantum fields into another direction. That thing could be some kind of gravitational tornado, that acts like a thermal pump. 

The reason this kind of thing where gravitational waves don't affect three other natural interaction forces would be that the gravitational wave source is so small that the gravitational interaction cannot affect other fundamental interactions and their transmitter particles. Or there is the possibility that gravitational waves cannot cause so high a power rise that this thing can measured. 

Or gravitational waves hit an object so often that it cannot send that extra gravitational energy out from it. And that thing causes a situation that which low pressure at the front of the particle that travels to the gravity center will turn deeper. Then the quantum field behind the particle pushes it into the gravity center. That explains why gravity pulls stronger near the gravity center. The gravity tornado that pulls those quantum fields away from gravity centers is also explained a zero-gravity point in the middle of ball-shaped objects.

Relativistic jet: galactic light saber.

  Relativistic jet: galactic light saber. 

"Princeton researchers have found that the M87* black hole expels energy outward, contributing to the formation of massive jets. This discovery, rooted in Einstein’s theory of relativity, challenges traditional views of black holes and could be further tested with advanced telescopes. The study opens new avenues in understanding black hole dynamics, though it stops short of definitively explaining the source of the jets’ power. Credit:" (’s Twist: Princeton Astrophysicists Unravel the Mystery of Black Hole Jets and Galactic “Lightsabers”)

"An animation showing how the magnetic field crossing the black hole’s event horizon twists up as as the black hole rotates more quickly. A faster-rotating black hole `winds up’ the magnetic field more quickly, causing the black hole to lose more energy to its surroundings. A team of Princeton astrophysicists observed the wind-up of magnetic field lines in images from the Event Horizon Telescope of the linear polarization from black holes. Credit: Video by George Wong, Institute for Advanced Stud" (’s Twist: Princeton Astrophysicists Unravel the Mystery of Black Hole Jets and Galactic “Lightsabers")

It's possible that when a black hole rotates faster and faster. That electromagnetic whirl takes a gravitational field with it. The gravitational field is very much like other fields. And when the electromagnetic field rotates fast enough, the superstrings that form a magnetic field can touch the gravitational superstrings. Or they can collect so many gravitational superstrings that they can take the gravitational field with it. 

The fast-rotating energy fields are like heat pumps. And they transport energy out from black holes. Same way, when a relativistic jet travels through the electromagnetic and gravitational field it transports energy out from the magnetic field and possibly also from the gravitational field. While that jet travels through those fields they pump energy in it. Like laser pumps energy in laser element. 

 Whenever a black hole sends gravitational waves it loses part of its mass. When a black hole's mass gets lower, its size will turn smaller. During that prosess there is forming a small vacuum that pulls energy out from it. 

The relativistic jet of black holes is the most powerful phenomenon in the universe. The power of those jets is enormous. And the Princeton astronomers created the model, of how a black hole's magnetic field, along with gravitation makes those galactic lightsabers possible. The idea is that the particles around a black hole travel to its poles through the transition disk. 

When those particles hit together at the equator. That forms radiation that travels away from the event horizon. The speed of particles that travel and impact with opposite coming particles and particles, that travel in material disk around the black hole is very high. And they involve lots of kinetic energy in those impacts. That means the particles that come from three sides hit together. 

And then, that radiation gives energy to particles that travel to black hole poles. When those particles hit together at the black hole's poles, that thing raises their energy to a very high level. The relativistic jet formation happens near the event horizon. There it collects radiation and particles that fall from space around the black hole. 

It's possible. Those jets can turn particles in the middle of them into so-called parasite black holes. That means there are one or more black holes in the relativistic jets. Those small black holes that can form chains get their energy from the main black hole and its jets. in some visions, there is a gravitational tornado in the black hole's poles. That tornado interacts with its environment like a sonic whirl. 

This gravitational tornado doesn't let another gravitational field get in it. The reason for that is its formation consists of intertwined gravitational superstrings. Those superstrings collect gravitational radiation in their structure. Because that structure has a higher energy level than elsewhere in a black hole, it reflects gravitational radiation. This gravitational tornado denies that a gravitational field cannot fall in that tornado. 

The tornado can tie a gravitational field to its shell. The electromagnetic low pressure in the tornado keeps it in form. And it transfers the wave movement out from the black hole through the poles. That energy that travels to the black hole's poles is the negative energy. That thing transports energy into the polar directions. That maintains the suction that keeps the event horizon in its form. The gravitational tornado acts like a thermal pump that aims energy to the black hole's poles. The main question is does that energy travel straight out from the poles? Or does it travel to the black hole's equator where it impacts with energy that comes from another pole? 

And that thing can create a small non-gravitational area in the black hole's poles. So in this model. Wornholes or Einstein-Rose bridges are inside those jets. Those jets can also form electromagnetic wormholes themselves. The high-power radiation pumps energy to particles that travel in the jets. And that thing can raise those particle's energy levels to a very high level. That makes it possible for those particles to turn into black holes.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

The quantum batteries break causality.

   The quantum batteries break causality. 

Indefinite causal order (ICO) revolutionizes quantum batteries. 

In the regular world "causality" follows certain rules.  When case A predicts case B (AB) that closes the opposite case away. At the same time, B cannot predict A in the same system. In the quantum world, A can come before B (AB), and B can come before A (BA) can happen same time (AB) and (BA) happen at the same moment. 

The reason for that is the superposition. When the quantum system is in superpositions cases (AB) and (BA) can happen at the same time. And information can travel in both directions at the same time. That is called indefinite causal order (ICO). 

In regular causality, the system acts like this: 





The system must wait for (BA) can happen.





This opposite case is possible only when the first case (AB) is completed. 

In indefinite Causal order or non-centralized causal order: 





Part of the system acts in order (AB). And part of it operates in order (BA). 

We can think of the indefinite causal order as a hill that rises in the middle of the causality. Then the order would travel like this (AB) (Energy Hill) (BA). In causality, cases happen in a certain order. So (AB) is like in a tube where energy flows from up to down. Then there rises an energy hill in the middle of that tube. The energy hill cuts the tube in the middle and then on both sides of the energy hill cases travel like this (AB) (Hill) (BA). 


"Quantum batteries, with their innovative charging methods, represent a leap in battery technology, promising higher efficiency and wider applications in sustainable energy solutions. Credit:" ( Breaking Causality: The Revolutionary Power of Quantum Batteries)

"In the classical world, if you tried to charge a battery using two chargers, you would have to do so in sequence, limiting the available options to just two possible orders. However, leveraging the novel quantum effect called ICO opens the possibility to charge quantum batteries in a distinctively unconventional way. Here, multiple chargers arranged in different orders can exist simultaneously, forming a quantum superposition. Credit: ©2023 Chen et al."  ( Breaking Causality: The Revolutionary Power of Quantum Batteries)

"Common intuition suggests that a more powerful charger results in a battery with a stronger charge. However, the discovery stemming from ICO introduces a remarkable reversal in this relationship; now, it becomes possible to charge a more energetic battery with significantly less power. Credit: ©2023 Chen et al." ( Breaking Causality: The Revolutionary Power of Quantum Batteries)

"While it’s still quite a bit bigger than the AA battery you might find around the home, the experimental apparatus acting as a quantum battery demonstrated charging characteristics that could one day improve upon the battery in your smartphone. Credit: ©2023 Zhu et al." ( Breaking Causality: The Revolutionary Power of Quantum Batteries)

Common intuition suggests that a more powerful charger results in a battery with a stronger charge. However, the discovery stemming from ICO introduces a remarkable reversal in this relationship; now, it becomes possible to charge a more energetic battery with significantly less power. Credit: ©2023 Chen et al. ( Breaking Causality: The Revolutionary Power of Quantum Batteries)


When cases (AB) and (BA) happen same time. That makes it possible that energy can travel out from quantum batteries same time as it travels in the quantum battery. Quantum batteries are the next-generation tools that can store very high energy levels. The idea is that the system breaks causality. 

In broken causality, the action and reaction do not follow each other. So in that case the (A) can happen alone. Term causality means that action A comes before action B (AB). The A will affect (push) to B. That means we can call broken causality an action without reaction. In retrocausality or opposite causality, the reaction B comes before A. So we can say that retrocausality is like backward playing film. 

In normal causality. When a football player kicks a football. We see the kick first. And then the ball moves forward or away from the player. In retrocausality, the ball moves before the player kicks it. But it will not travel backward. The retrocausal film would be a moving ball that moves out from the player. And then the player kicks air. 

Indefinite causal order separates from regular causality in that in regular causality entire system operates in a certain way. Which means the order (AB) is a state of the entire system. In indefinite causality, the part of the system works in by following order (AB. Part of the system operates following order (BA). At the same time.

"New Approach Developed for Electrocatalytic H2O2 Production and Biomass Upgrading. Credit: Hui Xu" ( Breakthrough for Efficient H2O2 Production and Biomass Upgrading)

The hydrogen peroxide can be one of the future power sources. 

The new electrocatalyst brought a new way for H2O2 production. And that thing allows us to make cheap hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is used in many chemical reactions and antiseptic cleaners. But hydrogen peroxide is also useful as a power source. When hydrogen peroxide is mixed with water, that reaction creates steam. The system can conduct that steam to the turbine or piston steam engine. The name of that system is Walther propulsion. The patent for the so-called Walther turbine or Walther propulsion was given in 1933. 

During WWII German researchers created the so-called Walther propulsion system. The German-type XVIII U-boats were used for testing this system. 

The system used hydrogen peroxide as the heat source. The Walther engine created a hydrogen peroxide-water mixture. And when hydrogen peroxide impacts with water it forms heat and steam, that system conducts to the turbine or piston steam engine. That kind of system was ineffective in peacetime because natural gas and oil were cheaper than hydrogen peroxide.  But using modern technology this forgotten patent can turn useful power source for larger-scale use. The future of this kind of innovative system depends on the cost and emissions of hydrogen peroxide production.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Particles from nowhere and XRBs ( X-ray Bursts) cause headaches for researchers.

   Particles from nowhere and XRBs ( X-ray Bursts) cause headaches for researchers. 

Dark energy and tachyon hypothesis: is a hypothetical tachyon the source of that unique high-energy particle? 

Telescope arrays noticed particles that seemed to be coming from nowhere. Or, the mystery particle's energy levels are much higher than other particles. Some of those high-energy particles are things, that seem not to come from this universe. 

Some researchers explained those high-energy particles as the shockwaves that hypothetical tachyon particles create. When the tachyon's speed slows to the speed of light it turns photon. Then to neutrino or Higgs Boson. And after that, it turns to another particle. 

Another version of this mythical particle is that it's the lowest energy particle in the fourth dimension. When it starts to slow its speed it faces a quantum field that denies particles cross the speed of light. And then, the same quantum field pushes tachyon back to it's tachyonic universe. In that model the shockwave or double whirl. 

That tachyon interacts with quantum fields to form particle-antiparticle pairs. Then those particle-pairs annihilate forming flashes of light. The reason why we cannot see those particles is simple. They exist so a short time. In this model photons are the product of those extremely small and high-energy particle impacts. But that requires the confirmation of the existence of tachyons. And today tachyon is a hypothetical particle. In some models, tachyons are the source of dark energy. 

When a super-fast particle travels in a quantum field it forms a channel. And when that channel collapses it forms the standing wave in it. The reflecting quantum fields can form the dark energy, that pushes particles from each other. And if the energy level of that particle is far higher than its environment, energy flows away from that particle and interacts with its environment. 

So what could be the place where tachyons form? Multiverse could answer that question. If there are other universes, it's possible that other universes are smaller and they involve less mass than our universe. But in those other universes natural interactions are the same. In lower mass universe particles and light travel from them faster. And if there is a lower-mass universe. It's possible. It sends photons at a higher speed than the speed of light in our universe. But that is only a hypothesis. 

"Caltech Professor Paul Bellan’s two-decade research on plasma jets reveals unexpected behaviors in ‘cold’ plasmas. Initially theorizing a collision-avoidance mechanism for electron acceleration, Bellan later disproved this through simulations, discovering that some electrons, by rarely losing energy in near-ion passes, continuously accelerate and produce X-rays. This finding, significant for understanding solar flares and fusion experiments, challenges conventional plasma theories. Credit:" ( Physics: Plasma Jets With Unexpected X-Ray Emissions)

Very high-energy, almost unique particles are interesting because they can also explain things. Like mysterious faster-than-light results in some experiments. There is the possibility that some of those particles are formed inside virtual particles or quantum whirls. 

Virtual particles are quantum whirls that can cause unexpectedly high energy levels in particles that are released in those whirls. In this text, quantum whirl means twhirling electromagnetic-, or some other natural interaction that forms a whirling structure. And that whirling structure in the field loads energy to that particle. This thing can cause a situation where the particle's energy level is higher than predicted. 

When we look at the Higgs Boson, we see that this particle divides very fast. The dividing products are W and Z bosons and some other short-living elementary particles. When Higgs Boson divides it sends a very fast high-energy pulse. That pulse forms a vacuum around Higgs Boson and that short living structure forms a whirl. That quantum whirl condensates to W and Z bosons and other elementary particles. 

The GUT (Grand Unified Theory) determines the particles as the condensation in the electromagnetic (or quantum field). The energy level in this condensation determines which particle is. That means adjusting the energy level can make it possible to turn a particle into another. 

In some models, the ghost- particles form when the particle travels inside GRB, XRB, or FRB. (Fast Gamma, X-ray, and radio bursts). When a particle travels in that beam, that loads energy into it. And that thing can form particles that should not exist. If a particle travels in the black hole relativistic jet, it can get an energy level. That is far higher than any particle accelerator can create on Earth. 

The key question is: does the plasma jet that impacts plasma in Van Allen belts cause XRB? Or, does the XRB cause plasma jet? Radiation from the sun increases energy in the Van Allen belt's plasma. And that plasma can send radio waves inside the Earth. In Earth's core, the radio waves increase radioactive decay. And that increases magma's temperature. Also, those radio waves form whirls in magnetic stones. That thing can accelerate volcanic activity. Also, when FRB hits Earth it raises the energy level in Earth's core. 

The plasma jets and their connection with XRB (X-ray Burst) are interesting. When a particle travels through the electromagnetic field, that field loads energy into it if the field has a higher energy level. If the field's energy level is lower than the particle, energy travels out from the particle. 

Van Allen belt and volcanism. 

When high-energy plasma jumps out from stars, that thing can form X-rays. Or otherwise. If the XRB hits to sun it raises the sun's energy level at that point. And that thing can cause the high energy plasma impulse. 

High-energy plasma is one of the most interesting things in the sun's activity. When that plasma hits Earth's magnetic field it forms the Van Allen belt around Earth. Those plasma rings are dangerous for all satellites. Also if XRB or plasma impulse hits the Van Allen belt, that causes energy rise in that plasma. That energy travels in the Earth's core. There it increases particle divide. This thing causes energy rise in magma, and this can be the connection with Sun activity and volcanism.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Is there a miniature black hole in the sun?

   Is there a miniature black hole in the sun? 

There is a theory that inside the sun is a black hole. In some models, the size of that hypothetical black hole would be the size of Mercury. Or maybe the mass of that black hole is about 20 Earth. In some models, a miniature black hole keeps stars in one piece. The beginning of the fusion causes an energy shock that forms a miniature black hole. And the fusion energy from the star feeds that black hole. But the mercury-size black hole in the star is not realistic. 

The miniature black hole acts as the mass center. It pulls particles to it and keeps extremely high-energy plasma in a ball-shaped form. That is an interesting model. And it explains why stars can keep their form. In this model, the asymmetry in energy flow causes a situation that which the reflection radiation between plasma particles can keep their form.  

Because that black hole causes energy and radiation transfer inside it, that thing keeps the plasma in its form. The energy of the fusion feeds that black hole and denies its vaporization. When the energy level in the star's core decreases that causes the black hole's vaporization increases. The energy production area in star turns smaller. 

The radiation pressure from the black hole. And its shell increases. And that thing pushes the star into a red giant. The thing is that maintaining the fusion of heavier elements requires more energy than hydrogen fusion. And more energy is needed to maintain fusion.

Then energy production ends and all material falls into a black hole, and reflects from its nucleus. That causes a shockwave that destroys the black hole and the stars around it. 

Bing calculated the Schwarzschild radius, or the 20 earth-mass black hole event horizon size. 

The Schwarzschild formula is used to calculate the event horizon's size. 

In this formula: 

G=Gravitational constant. 

M=Black hole's mass

C= Speed of Light

You can see that the size of that black hole is not very big. And in some theories in the middle of all planets and regular-ball-shaped objects is a small black hole. The thing that supports the existence of this kind of miniature black hole is the sun itself. The energy level in its core is extremely high, and energy travels also into the star. 

That energy will form the stading wave, before it can reflect to the star's shell. And sometimes somebody introduced a calculation. Without the miniature black hole, the star will simply detonate. In this model the black hole. That forms when nuclear fusion in a star begins. So miniature black hole would anchor materia in the stellar core. 

Without that black hole, the outcoming energy that reflects from the star's core rips the star in pieces. The black hole transports energy out from the star's nucleus. And that thing forms the vacuum that ties star around this thing. Miniature black holes are also introduced as the reason why the Earth's core is so hot.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

How fast is gravity? And can particles be young forever?

    How fast is gravity? And can particles be young forever?


When we research the possibility of making material infinity by using some electromagnetic radiation. We can use things like gamma rays. Gamma rays are very high-energy radiation with very short wavelengths.  The reason why gamma rays do not burn material or tissue immediately is their short wavelength. That causes the illusion that gamma rays are harmless. 

The reason why gamma rays do not burn immediately is simple. That shortwave high-energy radiation will not let its target particles remove energy between radiation pulses. Gamma-ray bursts impact particle so often that particle has no time to transport energy out from it. That means gamma rays can load extremely high energy levels onto particles. And when that energy stress ends particle sends energy so long that it can reach the same energy level as its environment. 

The difference in energy levels determines how fast energy travels out from the particle. If that difference between energy levels is very high, that causes fast energy flow from the particle. That energy flow can form an electromagnetic vacuum around the particle, and that vacuum rips the particle into pieces.

How fast  is gravity? 

Today we know that gravity radiation, or gravity waves travel speed is the speed of light.  The paradox is how a black hole can pull particles in at a speed that is higher than the speed of light in the environment. The answer is simple: black holes transfer space around the particles in them. And that thing means that speed is relative. 

The situation is like you would hover in the river. Water transports you in the flow. And you do nothing. You might feel that you are in a stable position. But the person who stands on the riverside sees that you move. Near black holes, the quantum fields are the river, that transports you into the event horizon. 

Time dilation is the thing that is connected with gravity. When the gravity center pulls particles and quantum fields into the gravitational center, and an object orbits the gravitational center those quantum fields impact those objects. Then they will load energy to particles. 

The energy level near the gravitational center is higher than the outside gravitational effect. Because the gravitational effect pulls quantum fields to the gravitational center. That means energy flows out from particles near the gravitational center slower than outside the gravitational center or gravitational radius. 

This thing causes an interesting thinking game. Can we someday make infinity material or even turn ourselves into infinity using gravitational fields? The fact is this. In this case infinity is limited in the universe's and the gravitational center's existence. 

When we think about material vaporization and aging we must realize one thing. When the energy level in a particle turns higher than its environment it starts to transmit electromagnetic radiation. Energy always travels to a lower energy environment and outgoing energy or wave movement is the thing, that rips material into pieces. 

Differences in energy levels between a particle and its environment determine the speed of energy transfer. And if a particle's energy level is much higher than the environment, the wave movement that a particle sends when its energy level is higher than the environment causes a quantum vacuum around it. And that vacuum rips particles into pieces. So energy that travels out from particles causes destruction. And sooner or later particle turns into wave movement. 

So if we want to make the infinity loop for a particle that it remains forever we must make the situation where energy traveling in the particle is the same as energy traveling out from it. The elementary particle is whisk whisk-looking structure that can pull superstrings around it, and that's why it looks like a yarn ball or shingle basket. When an energy field travels through that structure it forms an electromagnetic shadow in it. That shadow causes oscillation that destroys the material. 

If the energy level of the particle and its environment is the same and the energy flow ends particle does not exist anymore. The energy flow is the thing that makes particles visible. When energy travels out from a particle energy forms a quantum halo around it. If energy travels into a particle we cannot see it until it reflects or energy flow from the particle turns opposite and energy starts flowing out from it.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Was time running slower in the young universe?

   Was time running slower in the young universe? 

The fact is this. Time ran slower in the young universe because its energy level was higher. But if we are in that system, we will not see any changes in time. So two seconds were two seconds in the young universe. But it was not two seconds in a system outside the young universe. 

Time dilation in the young universe was stronger than in the modern universe. However, the nature of time and time dilation is that time dilation depends on the energy level in the quantum system. If the energy level in a quantum system that I will call a system is higher, vaporization- or material turning into wave movement takes a longer time. But we must realize, that the energy level in the system must decrease, that the vaporization of the material begins. The material's energy level must turn higher than its environment so that it can send energy out from it. 

The universe is the biggest known quantum system. We can think that all quantum systems are like cubes. For observing mega-scale or global changes in that system. We must look at it from the outside. If we are in the middle of the system details cover the entirety. 

In a single system, time is always static. If we want to compare the run of the time, we must travel out from the system to some other quantum system, where we can observe the system as an outsider. Because the universe expands faster and faster. The energy level in it decreases faster, and faster. That means time runs faster all the time, but we cannot see that thing. We must be outside the system so that we can see that time runs faster in another system, and that observation requires that we must be in the system where time is stopped so that we can measure the speed of time or the speed of material turning to wave movement. 

If we go to hypothetical, another universe, that expands or whose energy level decreases same time as in our universe we would not see the time dilation. The differences in quantity's energy position make it possible to measure differences in those values. If energy levels of quantities are the same and they will release energy with the same speed, that means we cannot see anything change in time, if we are in the middle of those quantities. 

 The thing is interesting. We cannot see how fast time runs, and how strong time dilation is if we are in the system. We must determine time dilation in the quantum system by comparing that time dilation with some other system. In the young universe, two seconds remain two seconds if we are in the young universe. But if we are outside that young universe, we can see that two seconds in the young universe is a longer time in place outside that young universe. 

If we are in the universe where temeperature was 50 000 000 kelvin, the absolute zero point or energy minimum in that system was 50 000 000 kelvin. That was much higher than in the modern universe. But if we were in that 50 000 000 K hot universe, we would say that the 50 000 000 K is the absolute zero point in that young universe.

SETI detected mysterious new signals.

   SETI detected mysterious new signals. 

"Researchers at the SETI Institute have observed 35 bursts from FRB 20220912A using the Allen Telescope Array, shedding light on the mysterious nature of Fast Radio Bursts and their possible origins from extreme cosmic objects. Credit:" ( New Signals Detected by SETI: Unlocking the Strange Puzzle of Fast Radio Bursts)

The SETI telescope or sharper saying Allen Telescope Array (ATA)-telescope is registered 35 FRB:s (Fast Radio Burst) from a single object called FRB 20220912A. The FRB is extremely powerful. But short-term radio signal that is hard to predict. There is some extremely powerful energy source that sends those FRB signals. Repeating FRB signals are not very common things. The ATA telescope detects very powerful repeating radio signals that are not from our solar system. The source of those radio bursts is unknown. 

"Dynamic spectra (or “waterfall” plots) for all the bursts from FRB 20220912A detected using the Allen Telescope Array, the frequency-averaged pulse profiles, and the time-averaged spectra.

The red-shaded regions in the time series plots denote the time span of the defined sub-bursts, with red vertical lines demarcating adjacent sub-burst. Credit: SETI Institute" ( New Signals Detected by SETI: Unlocking the Strange Puzzle of Fast Radio Bursts)

Researchers believe that the source for those FRB signals is some kind of hiding magnetar. The FRB 20220912A is coming from an almost empty area which can explain its power. If differences in the energy levels between magnetar and its environment are very big, that thing can explain the power of those signals. In the case that sleeping magnetar is in the cosmic void and it suddenly impacts with some material, that makes an energy difference that is higher than in normal cases, where magnetars impact with the material.


The FAST-telescope report of that radio burst tells about this. 

"We report the observations of FRB 20220912A using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST). We conducted 17 observations totaling 8.67 hours and detected a total of 1076 bursts with an event rate up to 390 hr−1. The cumulative energy distribution can be well described using a broken power-law function with the lower and higher-energy slopes of −0.38±0.02 and −2.07±0.07, respectively. We also report the L band (1−1.5 GHz) spectral index of the synthetic spectrum of FRB~20220912A bursts, which is −2.6±0.21. The average rotation measure (RM) value of the bursts from FRB~20220912A is −0.08±5.39 radm−2, close to 0 radm−2, and maintain relatively stable over two months. Most bursts have nearly 100\% linear polarization.

About 45\% of the bursts have circular polarization with SNR > 3, and the highest circular polarization degree can reach 70\%. Our observations suggest that FRB~20220912A is located in a relatively clean local environment with complex circular polarization characteristics. These various behaviors imply that the mechanism of circular polarization of FRBs likely originates from an intrinsic radiation mechanism, such as coherent curvature radiation or inverse Compton scattering inside the magnetosphere of the FRB engine source (e.g. a magnetar). 



In cosmic vacuums or cosmic voids, quantum fields are very weak. Wave movement along with particles those magnetars send can travel faster than otherwise. The difference between energy levels on magnetar's shell especially in nuclear reactions and its environment is very high. So energy travels out from the magnetar with very high speed and power. And maybe that is one explanation for the FRBs.

Superconductivity and small-size quantum computer.

 "Scientists have uncovered a link between superconductivity and the fundamental constants of nature, showing that room-temperature sup...