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Showing posts from December, 2023

Ten years after the Higgs Boson: there are no new particles found.

 Ten years after the Higgs Boson: there are no new particles found.  In 2012 researchers celebrated that they found Higgs Boson. And after that, there have been ten years without new particles. The Higgs Boson was a boson as calculated, but the problem is that the boson is too light. Otherwise, it matched calculations. And that thing was the scientific sensation. There was one small detail that researchers passed.  That detail was that in calculations, Higgs Boson required an asteroid-belt-sized mega-accelerator for coming out. That too-light Higgs Boson caused a theory, that maybe the Higgs Boson is still not found. And researchers found some other non-predicted particles that they named Higgs Boson.  The behavior of the Higgs Boson tells that there could be one or two particles in that boson. Another interesting thing is that there is no force that Higgs boson seems to carry. All other bosons are force carriers. So where is the force, that Higgs Boson should carry?...

Do neutron stars have quark cores?

    Do neutron stars have quark cores?  "New theoretical analysis places the likelihood of massive neutron stars hiding cores of deconfined quark matter between 80 and 90 percent. The result was reached through massive supercomputer runs utilizing Bayesian statistical inference." ( Stars’ Inner Mysteries: A Glimpse Into Quark-Matter Cores) Neutron star's inner cores might involve quark cores. That means there could be also quark stars in the universe. Theoretical models made at the University of Helsinki support the possibility that heavy neutron stars are quark cores. That thing opens a very interesting vision for gravitation and star research. In theoretical models, Magnetars are very light neutron stars. Which shell rotates very fast around its structure. That forms a very strong magnetic field.  In heavy neutron stars. Gravity locks structure into its entirety. And that makes those heavy neutron stars' magnetic fields weaker but their...

Complicated dynamics of dwarf galaxies.

     Complicated dynamics of dwarf galaxies.  New research suggests that most dwarf galaxies are destroyed when they enter spiral galaxies super hot halo. The galactic halo is similar to the corona around the sun and other stars. But gas is much thinner than in corona. The particle's speed is also much higher than in the corona. In that halo the particle's speed is so high that they from electromagnetic shockwave when they enter to dwarf galaxies gas and hit particles in that small galaxy.  The shockwave, along with the giant galaxy's gravity rips the dwarf galaxy in pieces. And gravity pulls gas and dust away from those dwarf galaxies. But sometimes dwarf galaxies can keep their form when they enter galaxies like the Milky Way halo. That thing requires that gravity can win those electromagnetic shockwaves and keep dwarf galaxies in their form. In modern models inside the dwarf galaxies is also a black hole, the material center that keeps them in form. In models...

Harvard introduces the first logical quantum processor.

     Harvard introduces the first logical quantum processor. Harvard introduced the first logical quantum processor. The logical quantum processor has a 48-state qubit data channel, algorithm-based error correction, and multiple logical gates. Those systems make the new logical quantum processors able to handle operations more effectively and easier than previous quantum systems.  That kind of system their correction and many other things integrated into the quantum processor make portable quantum computers possible. Quantum computers require something that packs information into the qubit. Photonic computers are the thing that can pack information into qubits. The information is input to quantum computers or quantum processors through photonic computers.  The photonic computer dumps information into trapped photons or electrons. Another way is to use thermal transistors where the electric field's position makes it possible to determine how many or which data ro...

E=mc^2 and M=E/c^2 become reality.

     E=mc^2 and M=E/c^2 become reality.  Japanese researchers collide photons to make material. In modern physics, researchers believe. That material is only density in wave movement. Material forms when two quantum fields or wave movements cross and form a quantum whirl in the wave movement. If that whirl is tight enough quantum fields from the outside press it into the form of quarks or gluons. The energy level of those fields determines what particle that impact forms.  In E=mc^2  E=Energy m=mass c^2=speed of light potency 2 The formula that calculates the energy required to make material goes like this m=E/c^2 We think that the energy that material releases when it turns into energy is calculated with the formula E=mc^2. The formation of material from energy will calculated using the mirror formula. So M=E/c^2. The requirement is that the energy level is divided by c^2. That kind of thing means that in that process is not needed much energy.  The t...

The retrocausality: principle for time traveling.

     The retrocausality: principle for time traveling.  "Retrocausality, or backwards causation, is a concept of cause and effect in which an effect precedes its cause in time and so a later event affects an earlier one. In quantum physics, the distinction between cause and effect is not made at the most fundamental level and so time-symmetric systems can be viewed as causal or retrocausal. Philosophical considerations of time travel often address the same issues as retrocausality, as do treatments of the subject in fiction, but the two phenomena are distinct." (Wikipedia/Retrocausality) Retrocausality means that an event can affect the past. If we think that in regular causality information travels from the past to the future because the universe expands, and the lower energy universe in the future pulls information to it. That means the energy level in the future universe is lower than now and past, but we cannot notice that difference. The absolute zero point or 0...

The artificial black holes. And their abilities.

     The artificial black holes. And their abilities.  Was the Philadelphia experiment some kind of thought experiment? What happens if some ship or aircraft forms a black hole? There have been many writings about the Philadelphia experiment. In some rumors Albert Einstein made that test. But is that test the thought experiment?  In original descriptions, one or two sailors were injured because they fell to bulb lights. And that causes an idea that maybe the destroyer USS Eldridge tested some kind of new fire control calculators, some kind of electric-arc-based weapon systems. Or maybe the test used to collect data for some primitive ECM systems.  It is possible. The experiment tested so-called decoys. The holograms or projections that should used to create fake targets into the fog.  In the original version, the destroyer that participated in the test was in anchor all the time.   Or maybe, the high-power electromagnetic field acted as carri...

Why does gravity just pull and not push?

     Why does gravity just pull and not push?  Gravity makes potholes or wells, not hills. Or actually, we can say that the gravitational center is in the gravity pothole. The problem is that we don't know what gravity is. We know that gravity is the force that pulls particles together. Gravity is radiation like all other interactions. And that means it should act like all other fundamental interactions, electromagnetics, and weak and strong nuclear forces.  Why do we sometimes talk about gravity hills, when we talk about black holes? In that model, gravity is one energy form, and gravity hill is the same thing as a gravity pothole, but to make that thing easier to model, we, or at least I turn that pothole upside down. And that's why gravity wells, gravity potholes, and gravity hills are the same things. Same way talking about gravity hills when we should say gravity potholes makes it easier to model gravity waves. It's easier to say that a hill sends gravitati...

Relativistic jet: galactic light saber.

   Relativistic jet: galactic light saber.  "Princeton researchers have found that the M87* black hole expels energy outward, contributing to the formation of massive jets. This discovery, rooted in Einstein’s theory of relativity, challenges traditional views of black holes and could be further tested with advanced telescopes. The study opens new avenues in understanding black hole dynamics, though it stops short of definitively explaining the source of the jets’ power. Credit:" (’s Twist: Princeton Astrophysicists Unravel the Mystery of Black Hole Jets and Galactic “Lightsabers”) "An animation showing how the magnetic field crossing the black hole’s event horizon twists up as as the black hole rotates more quickly. A faster-rotating black hole `winds up’ the magnetic field more quickly, causing the black hole to lose more energy to its surroundings. A team of Princeton astrophysicists observed the wind-up of magnetic field line...

The quantum batteries break causality.

    The quantum batteries break causality.  Indefinite causal order (ICO) revolutionizes quantum batteries.  In the regular world "causality" follows certain rules.  When case A predicts case B (AB) that closes the opposite case away. At the same time, B cannot predict A in the same system. In the quantum world, A can come before B (AB), and B can come before A (BA) can happen same time (AB) and (BA) happen at the same moment.  The reason for that is the superposition. When the quantum system is in superpositions cases (AB) and (BA) can happen at the same time. And information can travel in both directions at the same time. That is called indefinite causal order (ICO).  In regular causality, the system acts like this:  (AB) (AB) (AB) (AB) The system must wait for (BA) can happen. (BA) (BA) (BA) (BA) This opposite case is possible only when the first case (AB) is completed.  In indefinite Causal order or non-centralized causal order:...

Particles from nowhere and XRBs ( X-ray Bursts) cause headaches for researchers.

    Particles from nowhere and XRBs ( X-ray Bursts) cause headaches for researchers.  Dark energy and tachyon hypothesis: is a hypothetical tachyon the source of that unique high-energy particle?  Telescope arrays noticed particles that seemed to be coming from nowhere. Or, the mystery particle's energy levels are much higher than other particles. Some of those high-energy particles are things, that seem not to come from this universe.  Some researchers explained those high-energy particles as the shockwaves that hypothetical tachyon particles create. When the tachyon's speed slows to the speed of light it turns photon. Then to neutrino or Higgs Boson. And after that, it turns to another particle.  Another version of this mythical particle is that it's the lowest energy particle in the fourth dimension. When it starts to slow its speed it faces a quantum field that denies particles cross the speed of light. And then, the same quantum field pushes tachyon ba...

Is there a miniature black hole in the sun?

    Is there a miniature black hole in the sun?  There is a theory that inside the sun is a black hole. In some models, the size of that hypothetical black hole would be the size of Mercury. Or maybe the mass of that black hole is about 20 Earth. In some models, a miniature black hole keeps stars in one piece. The beginning of the fusion causes an energy shock that forms a miniature black hole. And the fusion energy from the star feeds that black hole. But the mercury-size black hole in the star is not realistic.  The miniature black hole acts as the mass center. It pulls particles to it and keeps extremely high-energy plasma in a ball-shaped form. That is an interesting model. And it explains why stars can keep their form. In this model, the asymmetry in energy flow causes a situation that which the reflection radiation between plasma particles can keep their form.   Because that black hole causes energy and radiation transfer inside it, that thing keeps t...

How fast is gravity? And can particles be young forever?

    How fast is gravity? And can particles be young forever? Gamma-rays When we research the possibility of making material infinity by using some electromagnetic radiation. We can use things like gamma rays. Gamma rays are very high-energy radiation with very short wavelengths.  The reason why gamma rays do not burn material or tissue immediately is their short wavelength. That causes the illusion that gamma rays are harmless.  The reason why gamma rays do not burn immediately is simple. That shortwave high-energy radiation will not let its target particles remove energy between radiation pulses. Gamma-ray bursts impact particle so often that particle has no time to transport energy out from it. That means gamma rays can load extremely high energy levels onto particles. And when that energy stress ends particle sends energy so long that it can reach the same energy level as its environment.  The difference in energy levels determines how fast energy travels out...

Was time running slower in the young universe?

    Was time running slower in the young universe?  The fact is this. Time ran slower in the young universe because its energy level was higher. But if we are in that system, we will not see any changes in time. So two seconds were two seconds in the young universe. But it was not two seconds in a system outside the young universe.  Time dilation in the young universe was stronger than in the modern universe. However, the nature of time and time dilation is that time dilation depends on the energy level in the quantum system. If the energy level in a quantum system that I will call a system is higher, vaporization- or material turning into wave movement takes a longer time. But we must realize, that the energy level in the system must decrease, that the vaporization of the material begins. The material's energy level must turn higher than its environment so that it can send energy out from it.  The universe is the biggest known quantum system. We can think ...

SETI detected mysterious new signals.

    SETI detected mysterious new signals.  "Researchers at the SETI Institute have observed 35 bursts from FRB 20220912A using the Allen Telescope Array, shedding light on the mysterious nature of Fast Radio Bursts and their possible origins from extreme cosmic objects. Credit:" ( New Signals Detected by SETI: Unlocking the Strange Puzzle of Fast Radio Bursts) The SETI telescope or sharper saying Allen Telescope Array (ATA)-telescope is registered 35 FRB:s (Fast Radio Burst) from a single object called FRB 20220912A. The FRB is extremely powerful. But short-term radio signal that is hard to predict. There is some extremely powerful energy source that sends those FRB signals. Repeating FRB signals are not very common things. The ATA telescope detects very powerful repeating radio signals that are not from our solar system. The source of those radio bursts is unknown.  "Dynamic spectra (or “waterfall” plots) for all the burst...