Saturday, July 22, 2023

Coherent X-rays are revolutionary tools for communication and research.

What is connecting the planet Mercury with X-ray lasers?

The ability to create low-energy coherent X-rays is a revolution in communication and observation technology.

The ability to manipulate wave movement at the quantum level is one of the most fundamental things in physics. The ability to make highly accurate, coherent X-rays makes it possible to create new types of X-ray microscopes with extremely high accuracy. Those X-ray microscopes can do fundamental things in research. And those X-rays can be used as the next-generation laser communication systems. X-ray-based laser communication is one of the most secure communication systems we can imagine.

Ring-shaped X-ray structures can make it possible to create a new type of laser-communication system with X-ray frequency.

ESA/JAXA's BepiColombos probe discovered X-ray auroras at the poles of the planet Mercury. The reason that small planet has those X-ray auroras is the electron rain from the Sun. This phenomenon can be used to create new types of X-ray lasers that have high enough accuracy to be used as communication tools.

In those systems, the X-ray will pass through the ring-shaped cathode. The X-ray system makes the X-ray ring for that cathode, and the X-ray ring will input energy to the X-ray beam that travels through that ring-shaped cathode. The idea is this: Because X-rays have the same frequency, the ring-shaped X-ray formation pumps energy to the X-ray that travels through that ring.

"Artist’s representation of the ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission flying through precipitating electrons that can trigger X-ray auroras on the surface of Mercury. Credit: Thibaut Roger/Europlanet" (’s First Mercury Flyby Unmasks Electron Rain As Trigger for X-Ray Auroras)

A magnetar, a neutron star with an intense magnetic field, can be the key even to gravitational lasers or coherent gravitational waves. 

"Astrophysicist Dong Lai theorizes that a quantum electrodynamics (QED) effect called “photon metamorphosis” accounts for unexpected observations of X-ray polarization from a magnetar, a neutron star with an intense magnetic field. Lai’s theory suggests X-ray photons passing through the magnetar’s magnetized atmosphere can temporarily transform into pairs of “virtual” electrons and positrons, leading to differing polarizations for low and high-energy X-rays". ( Metamorphosis: Unveiling the Puzzling Phenomenon of Magnetar X-Rays)

There is a small possibility that the energy level around magnetars, neutron stars with extremely powerful magnetic fields, can reach a high enough level that it can interact with gravitons. If that interaction happens in the magnetic field around magnetar, that makes it possible to create synthetic, coherent gravitational waves called "gravitational lasers". 

The high-power magnetic fields around magnetars are causing an effect called "photon metamorphosis". In that effect, the magnetic field forms the "virtual electrons" that turn into electrons and positrons. But there is the possibility that part of the X-rays around the magnetars form when electrons impact protons. 

That effect means the X-ray polarization around magnetars The high-power magnetic fields can create situations where anions and ions start to travel around magnets. And then those particles impact each other or the shell of that neutron star. When those anions and ions react with each other at high speed, that thing forms a fusion reaction around the magnetar.

The source of the X-rays can be in the fusion itself. Or the reason for that is electrons that impact protons or some other ions. Those ions are sending X-rays to their environment. And there is a standing X-ray in the middle of the magnets. That phenomenon can also be used to create synthetic, coherent X-ray impulses. In some visions, the system uses photons to push electrons against cathodes.

The structure of the magnetic field is forming a standing wave in the middle of it. That thing forms the powerful maser effect that sends radiation to the poles of the structure. The high-power radiation that forms in the magnetic field sends radiation into the middle of it. And then that radiation can come out of the poles of magnets. The effect causes a situation where photons are pushing electrons away. Somewhere around the magnetars, a similar effect is forming as in cathode tubes.

And what if some of the gravitational waves that those magnets send are forming in their extremely strong magnetic field? There is a possibility that the density of energy in that area is high enough that it can pump energy into gravitons. If that is true, there is a possibility that a similar effect can someday form a synthetic and coherent gravitational laser. Would that thing be successful? That thing depends on the ability to create magnetic fields with high enough power.

The dying star's impact waves are an unexpected source of gravitational waves.

Is this the first evidence of the existence of gravitons? The model of this phenomenon is that the energy impact from dying stars has a high enough energy level and density that it can pump energy straight to gravitons. And when the energy pump ends, those gravitons deliver their extra energy as waves called gravitational waves.

Dying star cocoons or impact waves are unexpected sources of gravitational waves. When jets escape from the supernovas, they create cocoons of the stellar material impact waves. Those cocoons are made of extremely dense material that travels just after extremely high-power radiation. The front side of those is very hot plasma, and it pushes material at the front of it before it breaks down and delivers its energy.

Finding gravitational waves in those cocoons is a surprise. There have been models that show that if somewhere there are impact waves with a high enough energy level and density, that thing can cause interaction with hypothetical gravitons. And the material cocoons of supernovae can have that needed energy level and density so that they can interact with or push energy toward those hypothetical gravitons.

"As a jet escapes from a collapsed star, it punches into a cocoon of stellar debris. Credit: Ore Gottlieb/CIERA/Northwestern University". ( Stars’ Cocoons: A New Unexpected Source of Gravitational Waves)

The hypothetical graviton, or transmitter particle of gravitation, is nevertheless a particle. It acts like all other particles. But the problem with gravitons is that they are so small that their radiation is hard to detect. When energy stress impacts gravitons, energy transfer to those particles continues until the particle's energy level is higher than its environment. And when energy stress ends, particles deliver their energy. This means that particles attempt to reach the same energy level as their environment.

So if the impact wave that comes out of the dying star has high enough energy and material density, that impact wave can pump energy into gravitons. And when the impact waves turn colder or their energy level decreases, those gravitons deliver their extra energy in the form of radiation, whose wavelength is the same as the diameter of the particle that delivers it.

The problem with the gravitons is that they are very small. In the case of extremely small particles, there is no room for energy in the particle itself. When energy impacts a small particle, it reflects that energy out of it immediately. And then that energy forms the impact wave or bubble around that particle. This quantum bubble makes the wave movement travel over the particle. And this thing denies the reflection from those particles.

So to make the reflection from extremely small particles, the system must make an impact wave that has a high enough density and a high enough energy level that it can break the quantum bubble around those extremely small particles and make the reflection from the particle itself. So is this evidence of gravitons?

The white dwarf called "Janus" has two faces: one helium and one hydrogen.

The white dwarf with helium and hydrogen sides is one of the most interesting findings in the universe. The thing is that there is something that makes hydrogen and oxygen into two different sides for that white dwarf. The phenomenon that gives Janus the dwarf two faces of helium and hydrogen is quite similar to that that gives Saturn's moon Iapetus its dark and bright sides.

But on that white dwarf, the phenomenon is more powerful than on Iapetus. There is a possibility that some kind of cosmic beam affects Janus. The idea is that when the powerful hydrogen or hydrogen ion (proton) beam hits one side of the white dwarf, that impact can turn the hydrogen into helium in strong fusion. This is one thing that causes problems on Earth.

When anions and ions are traveling into Earth's magnetosphere, there is the possibility that Earth's magnetic field drives those plus and minus pole particles together and forms spontaneous fusion at the point where plasma impulses are forming in Earth's magnetic field. The thing that makes two different atomic sides for Janus the dwarf is making one thing become to my mind.

The question is: Can a star turn into a brain? Or can stars form a structure that acts like a quantum computer? If we want to make a quantum computer that emulates the human brain, we need three components. Those three components can be helium, hydrogen, and carbon.

"For the first time, astronomers have discovered a white dwarf with two different faces, one of hydrogen and the other of helium. The discovery raises new theories about white dwarf evolution and the role of magnetic fields in shaping celestial bodies. Credit: K. Miller, Caltech/IPAC" ( “Blown Away” by Weird Two-Faced Star)


The Janus can be a model of the most advanced quantum computer we can imagine.

So, I don't try to claim that this white dwarf is intelligent. But the structure of that thing is suitable to operate as a model for a quantum computer that can act like a human brain. The idea is that there is a fullerene or carbon structure.

And then the hydrogen and helium are in different places on that carbon layer. The idea is that the large brain is made of helium and hydrogen. And carbon's structure acts like the cerebellum. That kind of system is one of the most interesting versions of quantum computers. Information can be driven into that system in the form of radio waves.

If that structure that we might call "mini Janus" is on Earth, that thing requires extremely low temperatures. Information change between those structures happens by using superpositions that are made through electrons. But if the size of the supercomputer could be the same as Janus, that system would be easier to make. The strong gravitation locks particles in the desired directions on the white dwarf.

The reason why we cannot make that system in space is that there is so much material needed that this thing will not work. But maybe in the future, by transmitting energy to some planet or dwarf planet, it will be possible to create such a strong gravitational or EM field that this kind of supersystem can be created in the distant future.

There is a vision that ghosts are information that quantum-size black holes bring from the past.

There is a possibility that in the universe. There is one place where it is possible to return information from the past. That place is a black hole. Information freezes in the black hole's event horizon until the black hole turns to wave movement. There is no time at the point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. And behind the event horizon, time travels backward. So black holes should transfer information from the future to the past. 

Theoretically, there are black holes that size is smaller than quarks. And those quantum-size black holes can act similar way to other black holes. In some theories, the mythical graviton the hypothetical transportation particle of gravitation, is a quantum-size black hole that pulls energy- or quantum fields over it. That quantum field is like a quantum bubble around that quantum-size black hole called the graviton. The size of that black hole is the thing that determines the size of that quantum field. And the elementary particles could be those quantum bubbles that form around those quantum-size black holes.  

When we are trying to model the black hole, we must realize that the internal structure of that supermassive particle is like an onion. There are shells where the escape velocity reaches 2X, 3X, and 4X—the speed of light. The event horizon is the point where escape velocity reaches the speed of light. When information falls into a black hole, it will freeze on the event horizon. The question is simple. Does the information continue to fall into a black hole?

And if that information can fall, is that information unique? The reason why the duplicated information is interesting is that time travels backward in the black hole. In this case, the duplicated information means that another copy of the information travels to the past in the gravitational field, where the escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light. And another copy of information freezes on the event horizon until the black hole vaporizes.

Or does the black hole multiply the information? That causes very interesting theoretical models. How does a black hole multiply information? That hypothetical process goes like this: The information that freezes at the point of the event horizon is like some kind of sticker. When radiation travels through that sticker, it leaves its image in the radiation. Or else it can press information into the event horizon, where it is released when a black hole vaporizes.

So when we think of the event horizon and the complicated interaction between black holes and their environment, there is a possibility that black holes at least duplicate information. Another copy of that duplicated information falls into the past, and another copy will remain as an image on the black hole's event horizon. Time is frozen at that point, and the vaporization of the black holes releases that information when the black hole is small enough.

The problem is that there is no space in which information can travel out of the black hole. So the point is that there must be some kind of electromagnetic low pressure around the black hole so that frozen information from the event horizon can travel outside. So long as the information just falls into the black hole, it is impossible to return that information to the observer outside the black hole. Or the gravitational waves can return some of the information away from inside the event horizon.

When we think of a situation where information freezes at some point, the reason for that is simple. Information has no space or room to travel beyond the event horizon. Radiation and energy that is coming from the material disk around the black hole press information onto the event horizon. And that energy is also information. 

So information flowing from around the black hole presses forward-traveling information into the black hole. And that means the black hole could be an onion-shaped storage device for information. When black holes start to vaporize, they will release that information from layer to layer. And that thing forms a hologram with the steam and medium around it.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

There might be an answer to why there is a gravitational hole in Earth's gravitational field.

The gravitational field at the point of the Indian Ocean is weaker than in other places on Earth. The existence of that gravitational hole is proved. But the reason why that gravitational hole is formed is unknown. The reason why the gravitational field on the Indian Ocean is weaker might be a simple thing. 

There is a possible lighter rock in the mantle, or there is less material at that point. In some wildest theories, there are bubbles in magma that turn below the bottom of the Indian Ocean are less massive than in other places on Earth. The lighter material at that point should make the hole in gravitation. 

"Geoid undulation in false color. (International Centre for Global Earth Models/Wikimedia, CC BY 4.0)

The impact of the ancient planet. In the time when Earth was young. Cause asymmetry of Earth's gravitational field, because there still is the debris of that impact. But the hole in a gravitational field is harder to explain than regular-looking asymmetry. 

Could the reason for that gravitational hole be the gravitational geyser that sends gravitational waves around the gravitational pool? That puts gravitational waves start to travel away from the point. There that gravitational pike crosses the weaker gravitational field.

In some wildest theories, gravitational waves or gravitational pike causes that hole. That pushes the other parts of Earth's gravitational field away. The idea is that there is some kind of gravitational tornado or gravitational geyser that pushes other gravitational fields away. The higher energy gravitational geyser sends gravitational waves around it. And if the gravitational waves have the same wavelength but the energy level is higher. That thing causes a situation that the stronger gravitational field pushes the weaker gravitational field away. 

The confirmation of the reason why that gravitational hole exists is not given. So that is one of the most interesting things in natural sciences. Gravitation is one of the fundamental interactions. So gravitation should affect in the same way to all components in the gravitational field. Particles form the quantum along with electromagnetic and gravitational fields. 

The thing that there is some kind of hole in the gravitational field means that there is some kind of segment that is not part of the quantum entirety in the system. And that is one of the things that makes this kind of gravitational research interesting. 

Could there hole in black hole's gravitational field?

If we want to transfer this kind of hole in extremely strong gravitational fields there is a possibility that at least in the poles of low mass black holes gravitational field is the hole. The idea is this the hole in that extreme gravitational field forms when a black hole spins very fast. That spin makes the black hole turn flat. In that model, there is less material at the point of the poles of singularity. 

So that thing should make it possible that the gravitational field of black holes is not homogenous. The force of the black hole's gravitational field is very strong. And in those force levels, even small changes in the gravitational or other force fields has a big effect.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Parallel universe hypothesis.

String theory predicts that there are many other universes. Some of them are in the higher dimensions. And some of them are also in a 3D universe if we think of a dimension as an energy level. 

Sometimes is introduced that the Higgs field that gives mass to particles is the interaction with the fourth dimension. The idea is that when a particle touches the Higgs field that energy field travels through that particle. The Higgs field would make the "mushroom" or fountain-looking effect where Higgs fields travel through the particle. Then the other particles (like hypothetical tachyon) interact with those particles and EM radiation. 

The Higgs field makes the bubble around the particle. And because there are no electromagnetic fields around particles. That small electromagnetic vacuum causes things. That the EM fields are traveling inside the particle. Inside that particle, the EM-field makes a small tornado, that forms the energy pike in those particles. That energy pike is the thing that pulls energy fields through that particle. 

The parallel universe hypothesis is one of the most extraordinary but same way, interesting theories about the universe. The idea is that there are many other dimensions. And there are many other worlds. The major question is where those other dimensions are. One answer could be that those other dimensions are very small. 

But when we think that extra dimensions hiding in superstrings and black holes. We must realize that the hypothetical observer. That exists in the fourth dimension would be so small that we cannot even see that creature. 

"The University of Tsukuba has mathematically demonstrated that parallel worlds, as predicted by superstring theories in theoretical physics, experience the same extreme changes (“blowing up”) under certain conditions. This research further confirms the interconnectedness of these two worlds (A-side and B-side), underscoring a significant aspect of mirror symmetry in these theoretical constructs". ( Prove That Parallel Worlds Cannot Be Extremely Different From Each Other)

If parallel universes exist material in them is not far different from material, as we know it. 

The model of the small extra dimensions is taken from the model, of how dimension interacts when the observer falls into the black hole. When the observer closes the event horizon that observer turns smaller and smaller. 

The reason for that effect could be that when particles are closing the event horizon the quantum vapor or superstrings that travel through the particle pulls it smaller because of that thing. The superstring pulls the EM field from inside the particle with it. Or the quantum fields press those particles smaller. 

In some models, the number of dimensions is limitless. The energy level and its relation to other energy levels determine the dimension where the particle is. 

And the only place, where we even can see the shadow of other dimensions is a black hole. The idea about the fourth dimension is this the black hole's massive gravitation turns the universe opposite to this universe. The fourth dimension is the energy level where 3D material loses its ability to change information with 4D material. 

The fourth (or fifth) dimension explains also many things. The idea is that the black hole is a tensor or antenna that connects the 3rd dimension with the fourth dimension. In this model, the extreme energy of a supernova explosion pushes material to so high energy level that it can interact with the fourth dimension. If parallel universes exist material in them is not far different from material, as we know it.

New waves in superconductivity.

Superconducting materials are important things in computing. The superconducting nanowires allow transporting data without losing its form. Superconduction makes it possible to create small mass memories and hard disks. The superconducting hard disks are only metal wires whose atoms are in the low energy level. That removes oscillation from the structure. And then this metal wire can store information in its original form. 

Superconductivity is one of the most promising things in nanotechnical microchips. The reason why nontechnical microchips require superconductivity is simple. Those extremely small components require very low voltages or electricity jumps over routers. Superconductivity is the thing that keeps data in its form while it travels in an extremely thin cable. The origin of superconductivity research is in the photoelectric phenomenon. 

"In this illustration of the superconducting material Eu-1144, the blue and magenta wave shown above the crystal lattice represents how the energy level of the electron pairs (yellow spheres) spatially modulates as these electrons move through the crystal. Credit: Brookhaven National Laboratory" (ScitechDaily/Superconductivity Breakthrough: First Direct Visualization of a Zero-Field Pair Density Wave)

When a light impulse hits the silicon layer that releases electrons from those atoms. And that makes things like photovoltaic cells and solar panels possible. The reason why the photoelectric phenomenon happens in pure silicon is that silicon is tighter than iron. Because silicon atoms are close to each other the released electron or wave movement from the atom stressed with photons pushes the electron out from its trajectory. 

In silicon is no free space where energy or wave movement cannot go. The free space between atoms causes standing waves in the material. When electron or wave movement travels between atoms they must cross the standing wave. Also, the oscillation of atoms sends wave movement that resists information (electron or wave movement). That thing is resistance. 


The requirement for superconductivity is this. The distance between atoms must be minimum. And the other thing is this. The system must remove the oscillation of those atoms. 

The most common way to make superconduction is simply to decrease temperature. Another thing is that the atoms are locked on a layer by using pressure or electromagnetic fields. Those systems are suitable for 2D materials. The 2D structure is easy to lock on the layer created by carbonite glass or some ultra-tight and ultra-slight layer. 



A traditional superconducting system decreases the wire's temperature. That process minimizes free space between those wire's atoms. The extremely low energy level causes a situation. That those atoms cannot oscillate as in warmer systems. When atoms oscillate. They send wave movement that will superconduct we must realize that the material must be very tight.  

Free space between atoms is the thing that makes superconducting impossible. If atoms when some kind of stress impacts those atoms or their electron shell the energy travels across that system. The interaction between electrons in the superconducting wires looks like a series of metal balls. The atoms are close enough to each other that energy travels through quantum fields in superconducting materials. That denies resistance. Otherwise saying: the closer the atoms are to each other, the lower the resistance.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Nanoherz gravitational waves uncover the secrets of the universe.

Why wavelength of wave movement is important? All particles send wave movement that wavelength is the same as their size. Another question is why is the frequency of wave movement important? Frequency determines how often a particle sends wave movement. And that gives information about the size of the particle. 

If a particle sends wave movement with a short wavelength very often. That means the particle is very small. Wave movement or large-scale waves are energy fields that are leaving particle groups. In this model, particles send wave movement. While they travel as the front in space. The wave movement is traveling the power field. 

When wave movement travels through other wave movement or power field that has the same wavelength and frequency. The recessive power field impacts energy to a higher power energy field. Things like electric arcs are standing waves. And we can think that things like black holes are somehow similar effects to electric arcs. But the frequency and wavelength of that energy is different. 

In regular versions of electric arcs, electromagnetism forms those standing waves. And we could call those things like black holes gravitational versions of electric arcs. Or gravitational waves should be able to make standing waves. The gravitational waves are the things that give new types of information about the universe, and its supermassive objects. 

"Chinese scientists has recently found key evidence for the existence of nanohertz gravitational waves, marking a new era in nanoHertz gravitational research. Credit: Image by CAS New Media Lab". ( the Universe’s Secrets: Key Evidence for NanoHertz Gravitational Waves)

"FAST helps find key evidence for the existence of nanohertz gravitational waves with its high sensitivity. Credit: Image by NAOC of CAS", ( the Universe’s Secrets: Key Evidence for NanoHertz Gravitational Waves)

"The Chinese Pulsar Timing Array (CPTA) collaboration has identified evidence of nanohertz gravitational waves using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST). Despite their shorter data set, their high sensitivity yielded results comparable to other international groups. This discovery is pivotal in understanding the Universe’s structure and behavior of supermassive black holes, paving the way for future exploration of gravitational waves". ( the Universe’s Secrets: Key Evidence for NanoHertz Gravitational Waves)


The singularity and how it interacts with gravitational waves?

In the middle of a black hole is the material called the singularity. That material is the combination or entirety of time and space. There is no space where energy can go. Gravitation pulls superstrings to the flat. The information that comes outside the event horizon will pack around the singularity. 

Sooner or later, the energy level of that wave movement turns higher than the energy level of the wave movement. That comes out from the event horizon.  That wave movement will start to push the standing gravitational waves outside the center of the black hole. 

Whenever material and wave movement increases or decreases. That thing causes changes in energy stability in the black hole. When that stability changes. The position of the standing wave inside the event horizon changes. And that causes changes in radiation levels that can come out from the black holes. So that thing is the wave motion that is seen as gravitational waves. 

In models, the singularity is extremely slight. So it sends straight wave movement that affects the outcoming wave movement. The reason why this wave movement affects all other wave movements is that it's so dense. 


There are models that inside the singularity of the black holes is a small space where superstrings are not connected. There is no gravitation at that point. That space is smaller than a quark. But the gravitational waves are traveling through it. And then that thing makes the black hole's nucleus or singularity oscillate and sends wave movement against the information that travels in the event horizon. 

The surprising and wonderful thing in this model is the reflecting radiation. That comes out from the singularity. The special form of singularity is that it cannot take radiation or wave movement to any place. There is no free space in that form of material. And gravitation pulls even superstrings flat. So the black hole packs wave movement around that complicated structure of the entirety of material, time, and space.  

When wave movement is packed around the singularity. Its energy level rises. The radiation impacts the wave movement that comes out from the event horizon. Energy always travels to a lower energy level. And sooner or later the energy level around singularity turns so high that it can push radiation through the event horizon.

Superconductivity and small-size quantum computer.

 "Scientists have uncovered a link between superconductivity and the fundamental constants of nature, showing that room-temperature sup...