Saturday, July 22, 2023

There is a vision that ghosts are information that quantum-size black holes bring from the past.

There is a possibility that in the universe. There is one place where it is possible to return information from the past. That place is a black hole. Information freezes in the black hole's event horizon until the black hole turns to wave movement. There is no time at the point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. And behind the event horizon, time travels backward. So black holes should transfer information from the future to the past. 

Theoretically, there are black holes that size is smaller than quarks. And those quantum-size black holes can act similar way to other black holes. In some theories, the mythical graviton the hypothetical transportation particle of gravitation, is a quantum-size black hole that pulls energy- or quantum fields over it. That quantum field is like a quantum bubble around that quantum-size black hole called the graviton. The size of that black hole is the thing that determines the size of that quantum field. And the elementary particles could be those quantum bubbles that form around those quantum-size black holes.  

When we are trying to model the black hole, we must realize that the internal structure of that supermassive particle is like an onion. There are shells where the escape velocity reaches 2X, 3X, and 4X—the speed of light. The event horizon is the point where escape velocity reaches the speed of light. When information falls into a black hole, it will freeze on the event horizon. The question is simple. Does the information continue to fall into a black hole?

And if that information can fall, is that information unique? The reason why the duplicated information is interesting is that time travels backward in the black hole. In this case, the duplicated information means that another copy of the information travels to the past in the gravitational field, where the escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light. And another copy of information freezes on the event horizon until the black hole vaporizes.

Or does the black hole multiply the information? That causes very interesting theoretical models. How does a black hole multiply information? That hypothetical process goes like this: The information that freezes at the point of the event horizon is like some kind of sticker. When radiation travels through that sticker, it leaves its image in the radiation. Or else it can press information into the event horizon, where it is released when a black hole vaporizes.

So when we think of the event horizon and the complicated interaction between black holes and their environment, there is a possibility that black holes at least duplicate information. Another copy of that duplicated information falls into the past, and another copy will remain as an image on the black hole's event horizon. Time is frozen at that point, and the vaporization of the black holes releases that information when the black hole is small enough.

The problem is that there is no space in which information can travel out of the black hole. So the point is that there must be some kind of electromagnetic low pressure around the black hole so that frozen information from the event horizon can travel outside. So long as the information just falls into the black hole, it is impossible to return that information to the observer outside the black hole. Or the gravitational waves can return some of the information away from inside the event horizon.

When we think of a situation where information freezes at some point, the reason for that is simple. Information has no space or room to travel beyond the event horizon. Radiation and energy that is coming from the material disk around the black hole press information onto the event horizon. And that energy is also information. 

So information flowing from around the black hole presses forward-traveling information into the black hole. And that means the black hole could be an onion-shaped storage device for information. When black holes start to vaporize, they will release that information from layer to layer. And that thing forms a hologram with the steam and medium around it.

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