Saturday, July 22, 2023

The white dwarf called "Janus" has two faces: one helium and one hydrogen.

The white dwarf with helium and hydrogen sides is one of the most interesting findings in the universe. The thing is that there is something that makes hydrogen and oxygen into two different sides for that white dwarf. The phenomenon that gives Janus the dwarf two faces of helium and hydrogen is quite similar to that that gives Saturn's moon Iapetus its dark and bright sides.

But on that white dwarf, the phenomenon is more powerful than on Iapetus. There is a possibility that some kind of cosmic beam affects Janus. The idea is that when the powerful hydrogen or hydrogen ion (proton) beam hits one side of the white dwarf, that impact can turn the hydrogen into helium in strong fusion. This is one thing that causes problems on Earth.

When anions and ions are traveling into Earth's magnetosphere, there is the possibility that Earth's magnetic field drives those plus and minus pole particles together and forms spontaneous fusion at the point where plasma impulses are forming in Earth's magnetic field. The thing that makes two different atomic sides for Janus the dwarf is making one thing become to my mind.

The question is: Can a star turn into a brain? Or can stars form a structure that acts like a quantum computer? If we want to make a quantum computer that emulates the human brain, we need three components. Those three components can be helium, hydrogen, and carbon.

"For the first time, astronomers have discovered a white dwarf with two different faces, one of hydrogen and the other of helium. The discovery raises new theories about white dwarf evolution and the role of magnetic fields in shaping celestial bodies. Credit: K. Miller, Caltech/IPAC" ( “Blown Away” by Weird Two-Faced Star)


The Janus can be a model of the most advanced quantum computer we can imagine.

So, I don't try to claim that this white dwarf is intelligent. But the structure of that thing is suitable to operate as a model for a quantum computer that can act like a human brain. The idea is that there is a fullerene or carbon structure.

And then the hydrogen and helium are in different places on that carbon layer. The idea is that the large brain is made of helium and hydrogen. And carbon's structure acts like the cerebellum. That kind of system is one of the most interesting versions of quantum computers. Information can be driven into that system in the form of radio waves.

If that structure that we might call "mini Janus" is on Earth, that thing requires extremely low temperatures. Information change between those structures happens by using superpositions that are made through electrons. But if the size of the supercomputer could be the same as Janus, that system would be easier to make. The strong gravitation locks particles in the desired directions on the white dwarf.

The reason why we cannot make that system in space is that there is so much material needed that this thing will not work. But maybe in the future, by transmitting energy to some planet or dwarf planet, it will be possible to create such a strong gravitational or EM field that this kind of supersystem can be created in the distant future.

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