"Researchers have confirmed the presence of an intermediate-mass black hole in the core of Omega Centauri, a cluster that once formed the heart of a separate galaxy. This finding enhances our understanding of black hole evolution and galaxy dynamics. (Artist’s concept.) Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, Omega Centauri: A Galaxy Core Frozen in Time Reveals Its Black Hole) Black holes are enormous objects. They dominate space and time. Time travels backward in the black hole's event horizon. That causes the question: can the particle turn younger forever, even if time is an illusion? The idea of time as an illusion means that time is an energy. And when the particle loses its energy, it loses its mass. Then energy flows out from particles and turns them older. And sooner or later, the particle turns into radiation or wave movement. Or the ball of superstrings unravels. But then back to the question, can a particle be young forever? The particle turns old because the ...