Saturday, June 29, 2024

Carbon and quantum computers are the ultimate pair.


"Researchers created a kirigami-inspired mechanical computer using interconnected polymer cubes, capable of storing and manipulating data in multiple stable states, offering a foundation for advanced mechanical computing and encryption without electronic components. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Metamaterial Marvel: Kirigami Cubes Unlock the Future of Mechanical Computing)

 The next-generation quantum computer can be half mechanical. The Kirigami cubes can make it possible to create qubits that are suitable to operate at room temperature. In that system, the Kirigami cubes can adjust their distance from the laser. Then the distance of each cube from those mirror segments means one state of the qubit. 

So, the distance between each cube and laser determines one state of the qubit.  That thing is one way to make the qubit, that can make the room temperature quantum computer possible. 

The diamonds are effective tools for qubits. The new studies make them interesting options for making the heart of the quantum computer. The new diamond-based qubits can involve quantum annealing systems inside them. Quantum annealing can be based on quantum crystals. The system pushes those crystals through the graphene layer. Then quantum annealing in that system makes it possible to create a complex quantum communication model. 

"Artistic rendition of a quantum simulation of 1T-TaS2 being performed on the quantum processing unit of a quantum annealer. Credit: Jozef Stefan Institute / Jaka Vodeb und Yevhenii Vaskivskyi, edited" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Annealers Unravel the Mysteries of Many-Body Systems)

When we think about the possibility of making long-distance quantum communication using existing technology. The researchers can use 5G technology. In the 5G technology-based quantum communication the system shares data between each frequency. 

"Researchers developed a modular fabrication process to produce a quantum-system-on-chip that integrates an array of artificial atom qubits onto a semiconductor chip. Credit: Sampson Wilcox and Linsen Li, RLE, edited" (ScitechDaily, MIT’s Diamond Qubits Redefine the Future of Quantum Computing). The system can be modular. Each segment of this processor can involve Kirigami cubes. 

And that allows for secure data that travels through the air. To get an entire message in their hands, the attacker must find all frequencies that the transmitter uses. There is the possibility that each data channel is encrypted separately. 

That increases the security. When we talk about quantum computers the basic rule in code-breaking is this: the system must get all data in the message in its hands. The AI can improve data security in binary systems. The system can mix those data segments in different order. Or it can send messages using only a couple of frequencies. 

"A new method using rotaxane structures to cross-link graphene layers enhances the flexibility, strength, and conductivity of graphene films, with potential applications in advanced electronics and mechanical tools. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Graphene Nanolayers Reinvented: The Key to Advanced Electronics)

The system can also use coherent radio waves. Or it can send information through hollow laser rays. The outer laser ray protects data. And the inner laser ray can transmit information. The system can also transmit information in those laser rays in coherent radio waves. Or the system can replace the laser ray with a radio tornado. Those electromagnetic wormholes can tell if somebody has stolen information.  If somebody tries to steal data that disturbs the protecting layer. 

But graphene-based structure is also interesting. When electrons travel through the holes of the graphene network, that network can impact energy to those electrons. There is the possibility that the system can stop electrons in the graphene network. Then they can make the quantum entanglement between electrons. That are locked in the graphene layer on the opposite side of that thing.

Helium-3 production from tritium.

The fusion energy is theoretical level. The fusion systems are still at the laboratory level. That means there are many problems to overcome before commercial fusion systems. The fusion fuel can be produced from heavy water. The system bombs deuterium with neutrons. Or it can shoot deuterium or some other atoms against each other. 

That can create neutron stripping, which transforms deuterium into tritium, and then the laser systems can increase the dividing speed of tritium. In that process, tritium transforms into Heluim-3 (3^He). If the system wants to produce Helium-3 for experimental or pulsed plasma rocket engines, that thing doesn't require that the Helium-3 production must be economical. 

Hydrogen's heavy isotopes deuterium and tritium are the most promising fusion fuels. The problem is where the system can produce tritium or Helium3 for the fusion fuel. The 100 million K temperature allows two Heium-3 atoms can create fusion. There is the possibility to produce Hellium-3 from tritium. The process is well-known. Their system bombs deuterium using neutrons. Then the next thing that the researchers must solve is, how to make tritium divide faster. 

The tritium has 12,3 years of half-time. It's possible to make that divide time shorter by stressing tritium with lasers, which increases its energy level and a higher energy level makes it divide faster. This process requires energy. And being successful the use of energy in that process must be lower than fusion produces. 

Deuterium-tritium fusion requires a 50 million kelvin (K) temperature. But shooting deuterium and tritium ions and anions against each other can decrease the needed temperature. In those cases, even 25 million K is the cold fusion. In those accelerator-based systems, impact speed compensates for the temperature. 

In some models, the system creates two donut-shaped plasma rings. Then it shoots those plasma rings together. In some other models, the system pulls (as an example) deuterium ions and tritium anions from the opposite side of the reactor. Then high-power laser accelerates and shoots those particles together. 

There is one version of how to produce Helium-3 on Earth. The system can use deuterium as the source and then bomb the tritium using neutrons. After that, the system can use lasers to divide tritium. And that thing should increase the tritium transformation into Helium-3. This kind of system can make the new types of fusion reactors possible. In some models, the fusion system could turn deuterium deuterium and tritium atoms into ions and anions. 

Those ions and anions can be shot through the particle accelerators, and the high-speed impacts can make the "cold fusion possible". One of the most promising fusion materials is Helium-3, an extremely rare isotope on Earth. If the mass production of the synthetic Heium-3 using tritium is possible, that can revolutionize energy production. And that thing can also make it possible to create new airships. The high price of Helium is the thing that limits the development of new airships that could offer silent and safe transportation methods.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Thorium reactor, and what nobody might tell you before.

Thorium (Th) is a good nuclear fuel. That weakly radioactive element is easier to handle than uranium (U). Its waste remains for a shorter time than U-235 waste. If we want to use Thorium as the fuel in conventional nuclear reactors, that is ok. Th.232 turns into U-233 when nuclear fission neutrons impact it. Thorium acts in the same way Uranium 238 turns into Plutonium, Pu-239 in neutron bombardment. 

Th-232 catches free neutrons and turns into U-233. That chain is a little bit more complicated. But finally, the Th-232 turns into the Uranium 233. It's possible to make the Thorium-based fast breeder reactor. Normally fast breeder reactor turns U-238 into Pu-239. The fast breeder reactor should have the capacity to handle Th-232, as it handles U-238. 

"Experimental Breeder Reactor II, which served as the prototype for the Integral Fast Reactor" (Wikipedia, Breeder reactor)

So Thorium can make it possible to create new types of nuclear weapons. The U-233 is suitable for nukes, as well as Plutonium. The small, subcritical fission weapon can send neutrons into the Thorium stage. That thing changes the Thorium into U-233 immediately, and it starts nuclear fission. In that model the natural Uranium shell. That used to boost fission bombs is replaced with Thorium. The reaction should be similar to when the fission booster sends fast neutrons into the U-238 shell. 

Above: Liquid Metal cooled Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR) (Wikipedia, Breeder reactor)

Of course, it's possible to create Uranium 233 using nuclear reactors. This system requires a hard radiation shield. The reason is that the Uranium 232 is a very strong gamma source. The centrifugal systems can separate the U-232 from the U-233. 

But it's possible that the Uranium 233 bites are far away from each other, and they are cut into smaller pieces. In those weapons, the system uses the shield that is used in plutonium bombs. U-233 sends more neutrons than U-235. And that makes it suitable to work as a neutron source. That means it can used as triggers. Thorium opens new and interesting paths to nuclear power. But it can also be a tool of destruction.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The quantum cooler can help to maintain quantum entanglement.

The network of the superpositioned and entangled particles can make theoretically stable qubits possible. In that model, when both quantum entanglement sides reach the same energy level, the system forms new superpositioned and entangled particle pairs using the receiving particle of the particle pairs. And then. It transmits data to the third part of the quantum entanglement. That allows the system to create a network, where quantum entanglements. When the first particle pair energy level reaches the same level, that thing can transport information into the new quantum entanglement. 

The quantum system puts two particles in line when it starts to make quantum superpositions and entanglement. During this process,  that system points energy to another particle. That energy forms the quantum shadow or quantum tunnel between those particles. Then energy shadow pulls information into that channel. 

And then that thing adjusts the oscillation in the receiving part of the entanglement pair. The higher energy particle is transmitting, and the lower energy particle is the receiver part.  Energy always travels to lower energy areas. If the energy levels on both sides of the quantum entanglement are at the same level, information will not travel. 

The requirement for quantum entanglement is that another side of the superpositioned and entangled particles is on a lower energy level than the transmitting side. When the quantum entanglement reaches the same energy level on both sides, it destroys the entanglement. 

There forms a standing wave between those particles. Reflection from that wave destroys the quantum entanglement. Reflecting energy pushes those particles away from the entirety. That limits the use of the quantum computers. The problem is that the quantum entanglement's receiving part's energy level rises. If the system can transmit energy from the receiving side, it can handle that problem. 

There are three ways to handle that problem. The first way is to put the quantum shadow over the quantum entanglement and that thing decreases its energy level. Then the system can raise the energy level on the transmitting side. In that version, the system decreases the quantum entanglement energy level to a minimum level and the system raises the transmitting side's energy level. 

The second way is to use the double entanglement. When the receiving side of the quantum entanglement reaches the same energy level as the transmitting side, that system can make a superposition from the receiving side to another particle. That turns the receiving side into the transmitting side, and then the system can transport data to the new quantum entanglement. Using those systems researchers can make a theoretically unlimited network of superpositioned and entangled particles. 

Another possibility to handle receiving is the quantum thermal pump that can control the energy level of the receiving part of quantum entanglement. 

The quantum thermal pump that can transmit energy away from the receiving part of the quantum entanglement can extend the existence of the quantum entanglement. 

The solution can be the third particle. That is in the line, with the receiving particle. The third particle must be bigger than the receiving particle. That thing forms an electromagnetic shadow over the receiving particle. Or the system can transport lower energy particles near the receiving particle. The idea is that the lower-energy particle or lower-energy channel makes energy travel out from the receiving particle. And that makes it possible to conduct energy away from the receiving particle. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

AI uses human uncertainty to predict people's behavior.

Mathematicians can use Botlzmann's formulas to create a model of how to predict human behavior. 

The reason why we cannot predict human behavior completely is that we don't have enough data from that person's life. The idea is that similar people with similar backgrounds behave in similar ways. To make the needed data matrix the researchers need complete, and confirmed data about the person's genotypes and social background. 

When we want to predict human behavior, we must determine what behavior we want to predict. Do we want to predict physical things, like where the person moves their hand? Or do we want to predict things, like how a person behaves in the voting situation? So, do we want to predict mental or physical things?  

When the AI wants to predict things like where the boxer punches next time, the AI must know data, if a boxer is left or right-handed. Then the system can use statistics to predict, which side the punches come from. And the AI can see things like muscle tension to see which hand will rise next. 

When the AI wants to predict human mental behavior, it can create a psychological profile. People normally vote for people, who have similar values to them. So, the system must collect data about a person's writings and other lifestyle. Things like outfits and other things tell about the values that person has, and then the AI can search for who has similar arguments in politics. 

And of course, things like addictions like the price of cigarettes are important for people, who smoke much. Those kinds of things also drive voting behavior. 

Isaac Asimov's psychohistory is based on the idea, that similar people behave in similar ways in similar situations. 

The things that determine our nature are our genetic background and our experience background. If that kind of database is created for every single individual on earth, that makes it possible to create models, of how certain people behave. 

The AI needs information for those profiles. The thing is that the AI can handle a very large data mass. When we think about Isaac Asimov's psychohistory, which predicts how a large human group behaves, the system uses Boltzmann's formulas to predict the gas movements. In Asimov's model, the atoms are humans. And the winds are the political movements. 

But when Isaac Asimov wrote his legendary SciFi novel-series "Foundation" there were no quantum computers and AI. And the DNA was unknown. The DNA is the human genetic code, that tells who we are. When we think about the ability to predict how people behave, we can make a matrix, of how similar people acted in history. Similar people who are in similar positions with similar backgrounds act in similar ways. 

Our genetic background along with our experiences determines our behavior. And in those models, the AI uses data about how similar people behave in history, and then those systems search for similar people. So, if the AI wants to predict how a certain person behaves, the AI must find a similar person with a similar background and then see, how that person behaves.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Neutron stars can uncover what the WIMPs can be.

"A recent study from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics suggests that neutron stars could play a crucial role in understanding dark matter. The study found that dark matter particles, when colliding within neutron stars, can quickly heat these stars, potentially making them observable through future astronomical technologies. This rapid heating process, previously thought to take longer than the universe’s age, now appears achievable within days, providing a new method to study dark matter’s interactions with regular matter." (ScitechDaily, Dark Matter Decoded: How Neutron Stars May Solve the Universe’s Biggest Mystery)

Neutron stars can explain dark matter. At least, part of it. In some models, the dark matter can be the curvature in spacetime. So, the thing is that dark matter is the virtual material, that puts gravity waves moving. The curvature in spacetime can mean a very small space. There are models where the "U-shape" structures in superstrings can put gravity waves moving. 

In some other models, dark matter is a so-called singularity. In singular material, all particles and quantum fields are one entirety. In some theories that material can form black holes. The idea is that when particles get a high enough energy load, that energy turns material into singularity. And that tells the thing can make it a black hole. In some theories, the dark matter is like exciton. 

So dark matter can be a hole in the energy field. Or it can be material whose temperature is lower than 3K cosmic background. If that material is at a lower energy level than 3K or if its energy level is lower than 0K that material is not possible to detect. The 0K is the absolute zero point in the universe. 

But if some material reaches a lower temperature, that material forms a pothole in the quantum fields. The radiation cannot reach that hypothetical material, because it must go through energy minimum. And in that moment. The material reaches the same energy level as its environment. 

In that moment material blends into its environment. In the same way, the radiation cannot travel through energy minimum. An energy minimum seals the particle away from the environment. A hypothetical particle, with a temperature lower than zero kelvin cannot interact with its environment. Or its interaction is so weak, that we cannot notice it. 

There are many theories about what the dark matter can be. Some theories explain that the mystery gravitational effect is the impacting gravity fields. That offers an answer to the key question of dark matter. Why are there no weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) detections? What makes dark matter mysterious is this. It doesn't seem to have a source. The other version of that theorem is this. When the universe expands, quantum fields travel out from it. 

That energy is like plaque that impacts the smallest particles in the universe. When that energy impacts particles or the small strings between quarks and gluons, that thing makes those strings or particles over energy. When energy impacts particles, it just increases their mass. There is the possibility that dark matter is so-called free superstrings. 

In some theories, those superstrings form the particles or the whisk-looking structure that we know as particles. Suppose there is a free superstring structure in the universe. That means that there is a material that is different from what we know. All known particles that we know are like balls. Free superstrings are like wires. 

And that means those superstrings can exist separately from the ball-shaped particles, which means that we are hard to see that thing. In string theory, the superstrings are the smallest possible parts of material and energy. Those strings form whisk-looking structures like quarks around the mass center, that could be quantum-size black holes. 

Sometimes researchers argue which is the right thing. The quantum field theory explains material as the internal structures of quantum fields. And superstring theory explains materia as the entire of superstrings. It's possible that both those theories are right. The possibility is that quantum fields are like gauze over the quantum strings. 

And if particles spin too fast that effect causes a situation. That energy flows out from the spin axle. In this process, outcoming energy travels in the particle. If spin is too fast outcoming energy pushes the particle into the form, that looks like a stick. This thing can turn particles invisible.

Superconductivity and small-size quantum computer.

 "Scientists have uncovered a link between superconductivity and the fundamental constants of nature, showing that room-temperature sup...