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Showing posts from June, 2024

Carbon and quantum computers are the ultimate pair.

  "Researchers created a kirigami-inspired mechanical computer using interconnected polymer cubes, capable of storing and manipulating data in multiple stable states, offering a foundation for advanced mechanical computing and encryption without electronic components. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Metamaterial Marvel: Kirigami Cubes Unlock the Future of Mechanical Computing)  The next-generation quantum computer can be half mechanical. The Kirigami cubes can make it possible to create qubits that are suitable to operate at room temperature. In that system, the Kirigami cubes can adjust their distance from the laser. Then the distance of each cube from those mirror segments means one state of the qubit.  So, the distance between each cube and laser determines one state of the qubit.  That thing is one way to make the qubit, that can make the room temperature quantum computer possible.  The diamonds are effective tools for qubits. The new studies make t...

Helium-3 production from tritium.

The fusion energy is theoretical level. The fusion systems are still at the laboratory level. That means there are many problems to overcome before commercial fusion systems. The fusion fuel can be produced from heavy water. The system bombs deuterium with neutrons. Or it can shoot deuterium or some other atoms against each other.  That can create neutron stripping, which transforms deuterium into tritium, and then the laser systems can increase the dividing speed of tritium. In that process, tritium transforms into Heluim-3 (3^He). If the system wants to produce Helium-3 for experimental or pulsed plasma rocket engines, that thing doesn't require that the Helium-3 production must be economical.  Hydrogen's heavy isotopes deuterium and tritium are the most promising fusion fuels. The problem is where the system can produce tritium or Helium3 for the fusion fuel. The 100 million K temperature allows two Heium-3 atoms can create fusion. There is the possibility to produce Helliu...

Thorium reactor, and what nobody might tell you before.

Thorium (Th) is a good nuclear fuel. That weakly radioactive element is easier to handle than uranium (U). Its waste remains for a shorter time than U-235 waste. If we want to use Thorium as the fuel in conventional nuclear reactors, that is ok. Th.232 turns into U-233 when nuclear fission neutrons impact it. Thorium acts in the same way Uranium 238 turns into Plutonium, Pu-239 in neutron bombardment.  Th-232 catches free neutrons and turns into U-233. That chain is a little bit more complicated. But finally, the Th-232 turns into the Uranium 233. It's possible to make the Thorium-based fast breeder reactor. Normally fast breeder reactor turns U-238 into Pu-239. The fast breeder reactor should have the capacity to handle Th-232, as it handles U-238.  "Experimental Breeder Reactor II, which served as the prototype for the Integral Fast Reactor" (Wikipedia, Breeder reactor) So Thorium can make it possible to create new types of nuclear weapons. The U-233 is suitable for nuk...

The quantum cooler can help to maintain quantum entanglement.

The network of the superpositioned and entangled particles can make theoretically stable qubits possible. In that model, when both quantum entanglement sides reach the same energy level, the system forms new superpositioned and entangled particle pairs using the receiving particle of the particle pairs. And then. It transmits data to the third part of the quantum entanglement. That allows the system to create a network, where quantum entanglements. When the first particle pair energy level reaches the same level, that thing can transport information into the new quantum entanglement.  The quantum system puts two particles in line when it starts to make quantum superpositions and entanglement. During this process,  that system points energy to another particle. That energy forms the quantum shadow or quantum tunnel between those particles. Then energy shadow pulls information into that channel.  And then that thing adjusts the oscillation in the receiving part of the entan...

AI uses human uncertainty to predict people's behavior.

Mathematicians can use Botlzmann's formulas to create a model of how to predict human behavior.  The reason why we cannot predict human behavior completely is that we don't have enough data from that person's life. The idea is that similar people with similar backgrounds behave in similar ways. To make the needed data matrix the researchers need complete, and confirmed data about the person's genotypes and social background.  When we want to predict human behavior, we must determine what behavior we want to predict. Do we want to predict physical things, like where the person moves their hand? Or do we want to predict things, like how a person behaves in the voting situation? So, do we want to predict mental or physical things?   When the AI wants to predict things like where the boxer punches next time, the AI must know data, if a boxer is left or right-handed. Then the system can use statistics to predict, which side the punches come from. And the AI can see things...

Neutron stars can uncover what the WIMPs can be.

"A recent study from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics suggests that neutron stars could play a crucial role in understanding dark matter. The study found that dark matter particles, when colliding within neutron stars, can quickly heat these stars, potentially making them observable through future astronomical technologies. This rapid heating process, previously thought to take longer than the universe’s age, now appears achievable within days, providing a new method to study dark matter’s interactions with regular matter." (ScitechDaily, Dark Matter Decoded: How Neutron Stars May Solve the Universe’s Biggest Mystery) Neutron stars can explain dark matter. At least, part of it. In some models, the dark matter can be the curvature in spacetime. So, the thing is that dark matter is the virtual material, that puts gravity waves moving. The curvature in spacetime can mean a very small space. There are models where the "U-shape" structures in...