Saturday, December 9, 2023

Can the escaping star unveil the mystery of the wandering star SO-6?

   Can the escaping star unveil the mystery of the wandering star SO-6?

Every spiral galaxy has a gravitational center. That collects intergalactic gas around it. That gravitational center causes disturbance. And this disturbance is the thing that forms stars. The elliptic galaxies also must have some kind of gravitational center. Open clusters are only things without a gravitational center. The elliptic galaxies have gas and dust between stars. And they turn into spiral galaxies if some other galaxy will not melt them in it. 

In some models, galaxies begin their existence as quasars. Then they transform into elliptic galaxies when that quasar pulls gas over it. Later those elliptic transform into spiral galaxies. But spiral galaxy collisions between spiral galaxies can make giant elliptic galaxies. Then those structures transform back into large spiral shapes. 

The size of the black hole in a quasar and later in the galaxy determines how big it can grow. So spiral galaxy is the transition disk for the supermassive black hole. But in space between giant galaxies is only a small number of disturbances, and the medium-size black hole which mass is between massive and supermassive black holes can form dwarf galaxies. And dwarf galaxies can also have a spiral shape. 

The material jets from the black hole in the middle of the galaxy can sometimes push stars away. And the relativistic jet's power is so high, that it can push stars even to the intergalactic journey. During that process, this jet pumps lots of energy into the star. And the star turns to higher energy than its environment. This thing makes two things. The energy travels out from the star. And the star turns dominating. And the second thing is that a massive energy load causes time dilation. 

The relativistic jet is an electromagnetic wormhole. 

Time is connected with energy. And relativistic jets from black holes can raise a star's energy level to extremely high. The reason why this relativistic jet doesn't destroy the star is that the star is inside the jet. A relativistic jet has a spiral-shaped energy field in its shell. A relativistic jet is like a whirl where the energy ray travels in the middle of it. 

The speed of that energy ray is a little bit higher than the speed of a spiral. That thing causes an effect where the center beam transfers energy in one direction. And that makes the situation that energy travels to the middle of the relativistic jet. That energy keeps the star in its form. 

And then the spiral-shaped power field forms another energy hill at the shell of that structure. That thing pushes energy from outside to the center of that electromagnetic wormhole, and that energy that travels out from the spiral to the center of the structure denies that the center beam cannot push object outside sideways. 

During that process star turns extremely hot, or its energy rises higher than we imagine. That means energy travels out from the star more powerful than normal. Other stars cause differences in the plasma and energy fields' symmetry. The anions and ions are pushing and pulling that plasma field. And that affects to the symmetry of the material that travels out from SO-6. The distance of shockwave that forms when Starwind or particle flow that travels out from SO-6 changes the pushing and pulling symmetry, and that thing turns SO-6 into the cosmic billiard ball. 

So could SO-6 be the object that energy level is so high, that it pushes other energy fields out from it? That thing can explain its strange trajectory around the universe. Maybe SO-6 traveled across the relativistic jet of Sagittarius A* or its galaxy that the Milky Way ripped in pieces. That explains how the SO-6 can travel like a billiard ball across the Milky Way. 

In the distant future...

This star has given an idea to the "space ball". The fusion or antimatter power spacecraft. The ball-shaped system would be two-shell balls. Where fusion or annihilation happens between the two shells. Energy from that reaction will transported out from the ball through the fullerene net. The system controls the symmetry of the radiation. 

And that makes the craft able to travel in space. The opposite rotating shells and the reaction make it possible to create the time dilation or even the artificial black hole in the craft. And that black hole can stop time in the craft or even turn make particles younger by pumping energy in it.

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