Saturday, June 10, 2023

There are at least four ways in which the densest material in the universe sends gravitational waves.

In some models, the singularity, or the densest material in the universe, forms a similar structure to a neutron star. And in that model, the extremely dense material sends similar energy pike from its poles as neutron stars. The electromagnetic field with strong gravitation, makes the material or quantum fields travel to the poles of the singularity. 

The gravitational tornado could be a series of gravitational skyrmions. There are weaker gravitational fields inside that gravitational tornado. And that lower energy level pulls gravitational fields inside that gravitational tornado. And in that model, the gravitational wave reflection happens when those gravitational waves. That travel outside the singularity impacting in the middle of that gravitational tornado. 

In the first version of the model, the depth of the origin of the lone black hole's gravitational waves is very close to the event horizon. In those models, the energy impulses interact with the event horizon or the standing gravitational waves. So, when energy impulses hit the event horizon, that thing causes oscillation called gravitational waves. 

"A significant advancement in thin film technology has the potential to enhance the sensitivity of gravitational wave detectors, facilitating a deeper understanding of the universe. The new technique was developed at UWS’s Institute of Thin Films, Sensors and Imaging and involves producing thin films with reduced thermal noise, improving their detection capacity". ( in Gravitational Wave Detectors Could Help Unlock Cosmic Secrets)

In some models the standing gravitational waves cause reflection. And those things reflect the gravitational waves. But the depth where those gravitational waves are forming is a mystery. 

The thing is that the black hole is the ball. And there could be a very small non-gravitational area in the singularity. The area might be smaller than the gluon. At that point, the extremely small gravitational skyrmion causes reflection of the gravitational waves. When gravitational waves impact the singularity they continue their journey to that very small skyrmion. That is a standing gravitational wave that causes reflection, which is seen as gravitational waves. 

The second way is that the expanding universe causes the reaction where the quantum field around the black hole turns weaker. And that thing causes an effect that the quantum field that travels in the black hole turns weaker. So the energy level in the black hole always raises higher than around it. 

The weaker quantum field cannot replace the energy that the black hole sends away in the form of gravitational waves. So in this model, the gravitational waves are reflections that impact quantum field causes. The reason, why the quantum field can reflect from the black hole's nucleus is that the singularity material is so dense. 

In singularity, all particles that form atoms along the quantum fields around the atom are in one entirety. And that quantum field around the atom turns it so slight and tight that the quantum fields around it can reflect all radiation types. And maybe the hypothetical gravitons are like small balls around that extremely dense material. 

The third version of this model is that the gravitational waves form when the singularity or the black hole's core wobbles around the black hole's central axle. In some models, the fast-rotating event horizon or particles that are trapped in the event horizon are pulling energy out from the black hole. There is the possibility that precisely in the middle of the event horizon is gravitational skyrmion there is a lower gravitational field than around it. If the singularity rotates that skyrmion it pulls particles or radiation through it. 

In the same way, the geometry of the radiation fields inside the event horizon changes when the singularity moves around that axle. And maybe someday we can get the answer to how the black hole sends gravitational waves.

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