Saturday, September 28, 2024

Nuclear reactions don't create energy. They release it from the bonds between particles.


"The strong force plays a crucial role in particle physics by holding quarks together to form protons and neutrons, and these in turn to form nuclei. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Science Made Simple: What Is the Strong Nuclear Force?)

"The strong force is essential in particle physics, binding subatomic particles like quarks into protons and neutrons, and these into nuclei, despite the repulsive electromagnetic force between like-charged protons." (ScitechDaily, Science Made Simple: What Is the Strong Nuclear Force?)

"The strong force is essential in particle physics, binding subatomic particles like quarks into protons and neutrons, and these into nuclei, despite the repulsive electromagnetic force between like-charged protons." (ScitechDaily, Science Made Simple: What Is the Strong Nuclear Force?)

The transportation particle of the strong nuclear force is gluon. Gluon is a smaller particle than W and Z bosons and electrons. When gluon sends wave movement it must travel through entire atoms. Atoms also send another type of radiation that transports weak nuclear interactions and electromagnetism. Those energy types interact with other parts of atoms. That means they can cover radiation or wave movement that transports strong nuclear force below them. 

The source of radiation that a strong nuclear force sends is smaller than a source of electromagnetism or a weak nuclear force. The radiation that a strong nuclear force or its transportation particle sends has a very short wavelength. That weak force and EM radiation cover the radiation or wave movement of strong nuclear force below them. 

When we use nuclear energy, we normally use fission energy. In fission, the heavy atom decays. That decay releases energy that is stored in bonds between protons and neutrons. The force that keeps the atom's nucleus in one part is called weak nuclear force. The weak nuclear force is the interaction between W and Z bosons and baryons. Nuclear fission releases energy from bonds that keep the atom's core in one form. The difference between nuclear and chemical energy is that. Chemical energy releases energy, that is stored in bonds between atoms. 

The weak nuclear force means energy that is stored in bonds between protons and neutrons. In nuclear fusion, two atoms collide and in that process, there is releasing much more energy than in nuclear fission. In fusion the quantum fields around the atoms impact. And that forms the standing wave. The atoms must press themselves through that standing wave. This is why successful fusion requires an asymmetrical atom pair. 

Deuterium-tritium fusion is successful in thermonuclear weapons because those hydrogen isotopes are asymmetrical. If the reactor tries to make the fusion between two deuterium atoms that thing creates a standing wave between symmetrical quantum fields. For making fusion the atom nucleus must travel through that standing wave. And that is impossible if those quantum fields are at the same energy level. 

When we talk about things like nuclear reactions, we normally say that chemical- or nuclear reactions create energy. In that case, we are wrong. Nuclear or chemical reaction reactions do not create energy. Those reactions release energy that is stored in the bonds between or in the particles and subatomic particles. 

Nuclear fusion releases more energy than fission because energy comes from different points. The field that releases the energy in fusion is much more homogenous than the field that releases energy in fission. Also, energy eruption starts from outside the atoms.  That means the electrons and quantum fields don't absorb energy like they do in nuclear fission. 

In nuclear fission, energy is released from the bonds between protons and neutrons. The energy must travel through electron shells that absorb part of it. And part of the energy goes into those electrons and quantum fields around those atoms. 

Annihilation is the ultimate, extreme version of the nuclear reactions. In that reaction, the impact between the particle- and its antiparticle pair releases energy that is stored in the particles themselves. Or it can release energy stored in the bonds between quarks if the annihilation happens between the baryon- and its antibaryon pair. 

What is a strong nuclear force? 

Strong nuclear force is one of the four fundamental interactions. That force keeps the quarks together. The strong nuclear interaction has a boson-transporter called gluon. So, we can say that a strong nuclear force is an interaction between gluon and quarks. But that thing is not as simple as I just wrote. The strong nuclear interaction also affects elementary particles. When as an example electrons and positrons impact that impact also turns those particles into energy. 

In some forms, the gluon is two particles that form a lower energy point that pulls quarks into one entirety. The strong interaction is the thing that keeps baryon or baryonic hadrons like protons and neutrons together.  The strong nuclear interaction effects also in mesons. Mesons are short-living quark-antiquark groups, and they are other hadronic particles. 

When we are looking at the strong interaction we can see that interaction in annihilation. In annihilation, the particle and its mirror-particle called commonly antiparticle turn into the energy or wave movement.  Otherways saying annihilation releases energy that is stored in the bonds between quarks. In other cases where the quark impacts with its antiquark pair, the annihilation releases energy stored in the quark's structure. Electrons behave similar way as quarks. When an electron meets its antiparticle pair called positron that impact releases energy, that is stored in the electron's structure.

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