Thursday, February 29, 2024

The white dwarf with a metal scar is one thing that has never been seen before.

"This artist’s impression shows the magnetic white dwarf WD 0816-310, where astronomers have found a scar imprinted on its surface as a result of having ingested planetary debris. When objects like planets or asteroids approach the white dwarf they get disrupted, forming a debris disc around the dead star. Some of this material can be devoured by the dwarf, leaving traces of certain chemical elements on its surface". (ScitechDaily, Cannibal Star Discovered With Metal Scar – “Nothing Like This Has Been Seen Before”)

"Using ESO’s Very Large Telescope, astronomers found that the signature of these chemical elements changed periodically as the star rotated, as did the magnetic field. This indicates that the magnetic fields funneled these elements onto the star, concentrating them at the magnetic poles and forming the scar seen here. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada" (ScitechDaily, Cannibal Star Discovered With Metal Scar – “Nothing Like This Has Been Seen Before”)

The white dwarf WD 0816-310 is a magnetic white dwarf. That magnetic field can drive metals to its poles. But it is also possible that this star's metal scar formed in the case. That the impacting object was very small or the metal mass was so low, that metal cannot cover the entire white dwarf. 

White dwarfs are star remnants. Those stars used their fuel and then detonated in a nova eruption. The thing that makes white dwarfs interesting is that our sun's fate will be white dwarfs. Most of the white dwarfs are carbon stars. They are very dense objects. And that means they have quite strong gravity fields. 

Sometimes they pull some other object into the impact course. And if there is some kind of metal object, that metal will usually spread on that star's entire shell. The situation on white dwarf WD 0816-310 is that there is only metal at the pole of that dwarf star. 

That could mean that there was so little metal mass on the object that formed that scar on the white dwarf's pole. In that case, there is not enough metal that can cover the entire white dwarf. And that thing causes a very interesting hypothesis about the origin of that scar. Maybe a large metal asteroid impacted the white dwarf. But nobody knows the shape of that object. 

The small mass of metal can cause the theory that maybe the humanoid spacecraft formed that strange scar. The fact is that a small metal mass causes a situation where there is not enough metal to cover the entire white dwarf. 

Another interesting thing is that metal did not vaporize and fly to space or turn into some other element when that object impacted with white dwarf  WD 0816-310 causing a very high energy level. And that thing can cause a situation in which atoms melt together. Or they formed a fission that ripped the atoms into pieces. It is possible. That metal scar is formed from some very rare radioactive material. Or maybe some still unknown isotope or element formed that mysterious scar.

The new microchips can make a new path for real-time data-analyzation.

"Edge computing receives a significant boost from a new optical device developed by researchers from the Tokyo University of Science, capable of real-time signal processing across various timescales. This device, demonstrating high classification accuracy on the MNIST dataset, represents a leap forward in efficient and cost-effective computing at the edge, offering a promising solution for applications requiring rapid data processing and analysis". (ScitechDaily, Revolutionizing Real-Time Data Processing: The Dawn of Edge AI)

The problem with traditional systems is that they use a fixed time scale. The new microchip can use signal processing in various time scales. And if the processor uses multilayer multicore architecture. That thing makes it possible for the processor can use different time scales at the same time. Finding the right answer from the data, stored in the databases. 

The new AI systems have a combination of photonic and electric processors. That thing makes those systems more powerful than today. And they can analyze mission-critical data at extremely high speed.  The double-speed system can analyze data in two stages. The first and faster data analysis happens in photonic processors. And behind them, data travels in the photonic system. That thing allows the system to compare the results that it gets. 

In traditional systems, there are two main paths for the data-handling process. The problem is that those systems use only the electric components. The thing in error correlation is in error detection. And if the system uses a stage model with different types of processors, that makes error detection easier. The same errors that affect photonic systems do not affect electric systems. 

In the traditional system, the transmitter sends a copy of the data pack to error detectors That it sends to the receiver. Then the receiving system sends a copy of the received data package to error-detection servers. And that server can see if there are differences. If there are no differences between those data packs. That server gives a promision to begin the operation. 

In the new systems, the data that travels in the different routes using different systems the server sees that if there are no errors the action is authorized. 

There are systems. That collects data from different input devices. And then there are the systems whose mission is to involve data storage. The idea is that when the system sees something that compares data from sensors with data stored in memories. And then, the system will make a decision. 

The problem with this type of system is that time-critical systems must react very fast the system must make an error detection. And then start the right reaction during that reaction because there is no time for long-term analysis. 

Or otherwise, we can say in that case the decision is that. When the system finds a match with data that comes from the sensor and data stored in some database, that thing connects the reaction to the observation. So the system has a description of things that it should react to, and incoming data matches that description. That thing starts a reaction. 

But when the system requires a fast reaction it must multiply the data at the same time the system sends that data to all servers because that makes sure that the system gets data very fast. But the problem is that if two servers interpret that data applies to them. That thing can cause conflict, and for that thing, the system must have a hierarchy in those servers.

Freezing positronium with lasers is the new way to understand antimatter.

"Positronium cooling. The AEgIS collaboration at CERN has experimentally demonstrated the laser cooling of positronium using an alexandrite-based laser system. Credit: CERN – Politecnico di Milano" (ScitechDaily, Freezing Positronium Atoms With Lasers To Unlock Secrets of Antimatter)

Positronium is a particle pair where normal negative electrons and electrons mirror particle anti-electron or positron orbit each other. There are tests where another particle's energy level has risen and that thing causes asymmetry in the orbiting speed. So in those cases, another particle can stop, and the other will start to orbit it. 

In some tests, the laser ray will shoot over the positron-electron pair vertically or horizontally. And that thing locks them into the static position. And that thing might have many uses in military and civil technology. 

Positronium is one of the artificial particle pairs. That thing is a combination of electrons and positrons that orbit each other. There is a model that positronium can used as qubits. In those cases, the quantum computer creates quantum entanglement between electron and positron. That kind of thing is one of the most ideal things to create the quantum entanglement. But the problem is that the positron is the electron's antiparticle. That means positron and electron have opposite polarity. And this opposite polarity makes them hard to control. 

"An electron and positron orbiting around their common centre of mass. An s state has zero angular momentum, so orbiting around each other would mean going straight at each other until the pair of particles is either scattered or annihilated, whichever occurs first. This is a bound quantum state known as positronium." (Wikipaedia, Positronium)

If electron and positron are in static positions the opposite polarity between electron and positron pulls them together, and that causes powerful annihilation. Otherwise, if the laser can freeze the positronium in a static position the positive and negative particles are ideal for qubits. 

The long-standing qubit is quite hard to make because when two heads of the quantum entanglement turn into the same energy level, they form a standing wave between them. And that breaks the qubit. But if the participants of the quantum entanglement have plus and minus polarity. That electromagnetic effect keeps them in form. And that's why electron and positron qubits can keep superposition longer than usual. 

In those tests, lasers make the quantum shadow that should lock the positronium in a static position. And then there is the possibility of creating quantum entanglement through that electromagnetic shadow. The system must keep positron and electron in static positions. Then at the begin of superposition, it must keep the positron away from the electron. In nature, the orbiting movement keeps electrons and positrons away from each other. 

In that case, the system must use some kind of magnets that pull the positron and electron away from each other. Or maybe the Hall field or potential barrier that formed between slowing particles can keep them away. Then the system must start to create superposition and entanglement. Then the system can keep the receiving part of that qubit in a little bit lower energy level than the transmitting part.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Nanoprinters revolutionize material research.

"Georgia Tech researchers have innovated a cost-effective and rapid method for printing nano-sized metal structures, using light-based technology that could revolutionize nanoscale 3D printing. (Art concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Light-Speed Leap in Nano Printing: Faster, Cheaper Metal Structures)

The difference between the nanostructures and regular structures is that the nanostructures and nanomaterials are created atom by atom. If we think about the titanium bricks that the next text handles the nano-version is similar. Only the size of the objects that create the structure is different. The nano-size structures are like atom chains. They can raise the strength of the material to a very high level. 

The nanotubes can involve other materials than carbon. The ion systems can make it possible to put some other atoms and molecules between graphene nanotubes. Those other atoms are making that structure stronger. Because they allow carbon atoms can load energy into those pockets. 

This is the reason why carbon gives strength to steel. The Damascus steel involves fullerene, where iron can dump energy when it hits something. The fullerene nanotubes can conduct impact energy out of steel. And the fullerene can also be put in titanium material, where titanium replaces steel. That thing allows to creation of the Damascus titanium alloy. 

Researchers created a very hard titanium structure that is also very light. The idea is that this titanium network or 3D structure using nano-printers gives strength and lightness. The 3D structure has a lot of space and is also lightweight. Because there is space between those titanium structures. That makes it able to deliver impact energy to that space. The nanotechnical titanium bricks can be small in size. And that structure denies the damage to growth. 

This kind of lightweight structure can used in ground and aerial vehicles and in things like submarines. It's nanoversion can used in things. Like firerm strutures. The best solution would be the thin composite armor there is one layer is about one or two atom layers. Then that titanium structure will be below it. 

"The direction of an electron spin is determined by the direction of motion of electrons. Credit: © Hans-Joachim Elmers / JGU" (ScitechDaily, The Altermagnetism Breakthrough: A New Dimension of Magnetism Explored)

The network structure can used in submarines there that structure can also deny echoes. And the modern lightweight titanium composite armor could look like the thing that is seen in the second image from the top. There could be titanium or some other very strong material outside. 

That material can be graphene, polymer, and titanium composite, where those layers are like in hamburgers.  And then the titanium structure is in the middle of those plates. Titanium structure can replaced using an "altermagnetic" structure. 

"Metamaterials with specific microstructures outperform solid materials in resisting supersonic impacts, offering potential for advanced protective solutions. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Engineering the Unbreakable: MIT’s Microscopic Metamaterials Defy Supersonic Impacts)

If that outside plate lets sonar impulses travel through it, that system can also deny the acoustic echo. When radar impulses hit that structure that thing can also cause the situation. Their radio impulses start to jump between those metal wires. And that makes material invisible to radar. In that system, electricity is transported from the upper layer to the lower layer, and the system should only deny the echo. 

The idea is that the system can deny echo simply by transporting electricity from the upper layer to the lower layer. The new state of magnetism called "Altermagnetism" is one of the things that can make things like antimagnetic structures possible. The structure in those titanium bricks can replaced using an altermagnetic structure. In that structure is no outside magnetic field. And that thing makes it possible to create antimagnetic structures for submarines and aircraft. The "Altermagntism" denies the use of magnetic sensors to detect submarines.

The "second sound" is seen in 2D superfluid.

"For the first time, MIT physicists have captured direct images of “second sound,” the movement of heat sloshing back and forth within a superfluid. The results will expand scientists’ understanding of heat flow in superconductors and neutron stars. Credit: Jose-Luis Olivares, MIT"  (ScitechDaily, Superfluid Surprise: MIT Physicists Capture Images of “Second Sound” for the First Time)

That second sound is also one of the reasons why electricity cannot travel in the system forever. Crossing waves decrease each other's energy level. And the second reason is that in waving material. Atoms are not in line. When waves travel in that material some part of the waves or energy travels over another atom or particle. That means there is a power loss in that system because energy travels for magpies. For traveling forever the system requires the ability to transport 100 % of wave movement from transmitting to receiving particles. 

In electric wires some part of heat forms in the cases that atoms or some electrons move backwards. This was the theory until researchers found the "second sound". When atoms or electrons move backward, that thing forms electromagnetic fields or potential barriers in the wire. Those potential barriers transport energy into the internal structures in wires. The electric signal travels at the shell of the wire. The thing that forms those electric fields that create the hall effect is wire can form a second sound. 

Then electrons or other particles turn in opposite directions when radio or electric wave travels through them. That effect forms the standing wave in the electric field that travels on the wire. Then that electric flow will start to pump energy into that Hall field. 

The term "second sound" means that when a soundwave travels in a certain type of material that soundwave rotates those molecules or atoms around. That means that thing forms two ways of traveling soundwave, which is one of the most interesting things in history. This is one thing that can used for energy storage and new types of nanoacoustics. In nanoacoustic systems or nano-tweezers, the system can use the second sound for rising objects. 

In that system the superfluids are put in a shaped structure there are two or four atoms in rows. Those nanotapes are in fullerene nanotubes.  Then system sends sound waves through those nanotapes. And they can used to create new complex nanostructures. 

The things in the nano-world can used to model things in the quantum world.  This effect can used to model things like radar echoes. It's possible to create the material where is walls of one-atom nanolattices. That means the material looks like an extremely small box, which can make things like radar impulses travel out from the shell. 

One of the reasons for the echo is those backward traveling soundwaves. Lots of that echo forms when atoms and particles wobble back and forth. In a superfluid, sound can form, and the lattice can store sound waves as a whirling structure. 

Then that system can release that energy slowly from the particles. And this is one way to store energy. Acoustic waves store energy in the atoms in superfluids in the form of sound waves. That stored energy can released. 

There is a possibility that the single-layer atoms can form box-shaped structures. And that means that the soundwaves can travel in routes that make it impossible to get an echo. Returning soundwaves can used to create a structure that will pull all echoes in it. 

But the 2D atom layers that create the second sound can also used to make pure, high-accurate sound that is targeted in one position. The 2D or single-layer quantum lattice makes it possible to create many things that felt impossible a short time before this. 

Waving 2D atom lattices can be put between graphene layers. And that thing can used to create material where that cannot get radar echo. The waving material is like a mattress. There is an idea. This material can rise to make touch with graphene when radar impulse hits it. Then that waving ion, atom, or anion structure transports energy into itself. Then inside that material, the electronegative particles pull extra energy out from it.

Beyond Moore's law (Virtual quantum computers)

 Beyond Moore's law (Virtual quantum computers) 

"Researchers at City University of Hong Kong have introduced a groundbreaking approach in semiconductor technology using mixed-dimensional transistors. This innovation paves the way for more efficient, high-performance electronics, overcoming the challenges of traditional downscaling and highlighting a significant leap towards advanced, multifunctional integrated circuits." (ScitechDaily, Beyond Moore’s Law: New Strategy for Developing Highly Versatile Electronics With Outstanding Performance Discovered)

The virtual quantum computer. 

The new state of magnetism called "alter magnetism" makes it possible to create a microprocessor tower, where each layer acts as one state of the qubit. The University of Hong Kong developed a multi-state transistor. There is the possibility that the next-generation binary computer microchips can involve multiple binary processor layers. Those processor towers can act like virtual quantum computers. In those systems, the AI-based operating system shares data flow into those microchip towers. In those towers, each microchip is one state of the qubit. 

And then to the cloud-based systems. 

Today, advancement in computer technology is faster than ever before. Open source artificial intelligence and the internet. Along with quantum computers, it is possible to create new and more accurate calculations than ever before. Nanotechnology and quantum engineering don't follow Moore's law. 

The quantum computer has shown its ultimate power. The new internet-based solutions make it possible to create multi-level systems that act like quantum computers. There could be multiple networked development units that work with the same kind of tools. The AI-based platforms can see things that they did. And then connect their work into one entirety. 

The modern microchip development is more than just making wires and other things. The system is the entirety where the software is integrated with the physical layer. Those nanotechnology-based solutions are more powerful than ever before. Quantum computers are excellent tools, and they can operate robots and other things through binary computers. In those systems robots, the system can use binary computers, that the quantum computer controls through the internet. 

The morphing neural network can turn the regular, binary networked computers into a system that acts like a quantum computer. In those systems, each binary computer that is in the network operates like one state of the qubit. 

The system shares data with each workstation like in a quantum computer. Each binary computer is one qubit state. And then those workstations operate with the data row bites like quantum computers. When the data passes those systems the AI will connect it into one entirety. 

However, the AI-controlled environment makes it possible to network multiple binary workstations into one entirety. That system would be the virtual quantum computer. 


The calculation system operates like the human brain, in a virtual quantum computer. The system makes the data row like it makes in the Internet and quantum computers, and then it shares the data with multiple binary workstations. In virtual quantum computers, each binary workstation acts as one qubit layer or state. That makes those systems more effective than they have been before. 

The AI can break the language barriers between developers, and cloud- based development environment makes it possible for the developer not to travel around the world physically. The person who does R&D work in the USA can use remote desktops and cloud-based workspaces from Stockholm and Helsinki, and the new nano-printers make the new composite materials and other things on the other side of Earth. 

Advanced CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) systems can create all things in the world, using CAD (Computer Aided Design) images. This is the Internet of Things. The CAD designer makes images and plans like material lists and then sends that thing to the manufacturing platform. The holographic systems allow designers to see what thing like furniture looks like in the room. 

The AI sees also things that people will not recognize. The AI can see errors in material homogenous structures. Error detection in the materials is urgent in nanotechnology. Laser-stroboscopes that give attosecond energy bursts can see the individual molecules and even individual electrons. New things like high-temperature superconductors and "Altermagnetism" are the ultimate tools for nanotechnology. 

That thing is the tool for making new types of wires, that don't form magnetic fields around them. In some cases, altermagnetism can replace superconducting wires and that thing can make it possible to create new and powerful microchips that don't make the heat around them.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The nanodroplets and nanopolymers can be the next-generation tools for nanotechnology.


"A schematic illustration depicting the generation of microdroplets through the integration of inverse colloidal crystal structures into a microfluidic system. The system demonstrated the capability to produce over 10,000 droplets per second. Credit: Masumi Yamada from Chiba University" (ScitechDaily, Pore Power Unleashed: Revolutionizing Microfluidics With High-Speed Droplet Production) 

The high-speed droplet production can benefit systems that transport lots of viruses. Or otherways packed genetic material in the targeted cell cultures. The high-speed droplets can used to clean electric components or remove non-wanted cells from layers. Those systems also can destroy targeted cells shooting them with high-speed droplets. 

The nanodroplets can revolutionize fluids. The nanodroplets can used as acoustic transmitters. In that case, the droplet that can be gelatinous or hard will send in the structure. Then acoustic system makes that thing resonate. That resonance will send sound waves through the structure. However, the nanofroplets can used to carry polymers into the cells. 

Those droplets can carry the "Pumbler's Nightmare" BCP (Block copolymers) nanopolymers in the wanted points of the cells. Those structures are created using the Block copolymers, that can order autonomously. 

Scheme of a micelle formed by phospholipids in an aqueous solution (Wikipedia, Micelle). In micelle, the hydrophobic tails of other lipids can connect with the hydrophobic head of those lipids in the ball-molecule. 

The Micelle ball- polymers can act as touchpoints. And those balls can turn into long chains. Or they can be used to adjust the way how other polymer chains touch each other. The system can also create long polymer chains using those ball-shaped polymers that touch together. 

Researchers at POSTECH have successfully created the complex “plumber’s nightmare” structure in block copolymers, a groundbreaking achievement that paves the way for new applications in nano-technology and material science. This discovery demonstrates the potential for crafting diverse polymer nanostructures with tailored properties. (Artist’s concept). Credit: SciTechDaily (ScitechDaily, Turning the Impossible Possible: Korean Scientists Have Created the Notorious Plumber’s Nightmare Structure)

Visualization of nanostructures realized using di-end-functionalized BCPs. Credit: POSTECH (ScitechDaily, Turning the Impossible Possible: Korean Scientists Have Created the Notorious Plumber’s Nightmare Structure)

The new material called "Pumbler's Nightmare" is one of the examples of the new nanopolymer structures. 

Self-assembling and self-forming materials are the newest tools that AI and nanotechnology can create. The idea of those fundamental nanomaterials is that they are based on long polymer chains and there is no limit to the length of polymers. That thing makes it possible to create crystal-type materials. That can form certain structures. And that thing makes the new technology about things like self-repairing structures possible. 

In that material nanotechnology makes it possible to create the material that can make many things. Those nanomaterials can used to control tube leaks. Or they can used to replace antibiotics. 

In the ideal case, that material could change its form between solid and liquid. The system could turn those nanomaterials or molecules in different positions to make bonds or cut them between those molecules. If that thing is possible to make using acoustic impulses that material can replace some antibiotics and cytostates. 

The self-assembling complicated nanomaterials can also used in medical treatment for closing blood veins and filling injuries. The "Pumbler's Nightmare" is a hard nanostructure. Their nanopolymers form foam-like hard structures. The "Pumbler's Nightmare"  can also used to destroy cells, like bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. In the ideal cases. That kind of nanomaterial could return to the liquid form when it gets some kind of signal. In some ideas, the acoustic system can turn those nanoparticles in a different direction. And then they cut the bonds between those molecules.

Some neurons predict what we say before we say it.



"A new study utilizing advanced Neuropixels probes, provides insights into how the brain’s neurons enable the formulation and verbal expression of thoughts, revealing the pre-verbal planning of speech sounds. This breakthrough research, offering potential for developing speech prosthetics and enhancing treatments for language disorders, underscores the complexity and efficiency of the brain’s language production capabilities".(,

The existence of so-called predicting- or router neurons is proven in terms of speech. There are neurons that predict what we say before we say it. Those neurons could be the router neurons, whose mission is to prepare neural tracks between the brain area to the motoric areas. That thing means that also human movements can require those router neurons, even if the only confirmed router neurons are connected with speech. 

If somebody asks how Jedi from Star Wars movies can see things that person will make? The answer could be that Jedi simply hacks the router neurons that predict the speech. And maybe other things that people do. Only confirmed router neurons control the speech or they predict what people will say. 

But logically thinking the other physical things like moving hands and legs require that the neural tracks be connected to the right muscles before a person can move those limbs. The router neurons are neurons whose mission is to make those connections and check them before neuromotor neurons start to operate. 

Researchers found new types of neurons that predict our speech before we say anything. This neuron type is probably created to prepare and connect neural tracks that impulses travel in the right route from the brain shell into the neuromotor area that controls physical actions like moving the muscles in the mouth. Those predicting neurons are probably not unique in the human brain. 

That means there could be another predicting neuron whose mission is to prepare other neural tracks like tracks that control the muscles. This thing is interesting because that is similar to the actions on the internet when routers are routing data from the server to the client. Those router neurons are the gate to the things that predict people's movements and all other things that a person can think. 

"Scientists have discovered how neuron connections in the brain contribute to decision-making, revealed through a study involving mice navigating a maze. This research, led by neuroscientists at Harvard Medical School, marks the first to integrate structural, functional, and behavioral analysis to understand the neural underpinnings of choices. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, How Does the Brain Make Decisions? Harvard Scientists Shed New Light)

The researchers also make new observations of how people make decisions. 

How does our brain select what is the best solution? That is one of the most interesting questions in history. The Princeton researchers found that also neural tracks determine how the neural tracks affect the decision-making process. 

The thing how the person makes decisions has not been uncovered yet. There is a model that the brain will compare memories with observations. And then they select the best way to act by connecting and comparing models that neurons stored in memories. That means the brain selects the right neural tracks for making the solution. 

That seems best in that case. So by following this model the reason for violence is that the brain uses the wrong neural tracks in the wrong situations. And if we continue that model longer that thing means that things like panic are the result, because those predicting or routing neurons will misoperate. 

When the neuron sends the operational order to the cells that should make the movement series, and they do have not those connections that means they cannot send a reply for the request that the mission is complete. Then  the router neurons must find the right neural track so that the signal can find the right neuron group.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Quantum field theory vs. String theory.


Are gravitons rolled photons? 

In some models, those superstrings are the photons or the waves or wave-shaped photons that turn into rolls. If that quantum field is like a roll that thing can explain many things. 

And this can be the mysterious graviton. The photon that is turned into the tunnel will impact the structure and then energy flows into that quantum tunnel. 


The quantum field theory and string theory can explain things, like photons' ability to change their shape between wave motion and particle. 

The quantum field theory and string theory are different. Or they describe the different things. And the thing is that the quantum field theory is difficult to fit into the quantum field theory. And the main problem is that the scale of those theories is different.

The quantum field theory is the theory about quantum fields that surround particles. And the string theory is the theory about things inside that quantum field. The string theory is the theory that some kind of superstrings are things that make the material from the wave-particle duality. 

There is the suggestion that the superstring is the wormhole. And the photon's particle-wave property is one thing that is proposed as evidence of the superstring's existence. The idea is that when the photon or its wave movement form travels in the universe, it sometimes hits with a superstring. That thing presses the wave movement into the wave-shaped wrinkles. That causes the photon to turn shorter. Then photons can slip into the superstring. And turn back into wave movement. And that thing just pulls photons straight. 

Another thing is the photon's energy stability. In some models, the photon travels in the universe. And quantum fields make the shockwave around that photon. In the field model. That shockwave or bubble is the thing, that we call a photon. 

Then those quantum fields or quantum strings connect back in the photon, and then that thing pushes the photon forward. There is a model that a superstring travels through a photon, or photons travel around that string. And then, the photon transports energy into the superstring. Then that structure transports energy back to the photon. 

Same way. When we think about the Theory of special relativity, it feels right because observing large entirety is easier, than observing small systems. 

The theory of general relativity becomes more effective when we close to the strong gravitational fields. The reason why the Theory of Special relativity is easier to prove than the Theory of general relativity is that the Theory of Special relativity describes or handles larger entities. We must have a certain accuracy. That we can start to use the Theory of general relativity. 

The theory of general relativity is suitable near the massive gravitational centers. But to observe that thing, we must stand out from that center's gravitational pothole. 

And if we want to make observations about the systems. And measure changes in the system, we must be outside it. If we are middle of the system we are part of it. And when something happens that thing happens to us and the system. At the same time.  Things like speed and energy levels are relative. 

The energy level is relative to its environment. And if the observer is in a system where the energy level rises, let's say about 1000 times, the observer's and its environment's energy level rises the same way. The observer will not see anything special. That thing requires that the system will not start to leak energy away. 

When we are in a hot room energy travels to the environment from the the room's wall. That thing causes energy flow in the room. Energy flow and differences in energy levels in our body are the things that we feel as heat. If we want to increase energy levels to deny aging we should raise energy levels in every single particle in our body and our environment. Precise at the same time. If that thing is not done, energy flow destroys the material. 

That means standing energy does nothing. The energy that flows makes things work. This is the main problem in things like interstellar flight. We can raise the energy level in the craft very high. 

And that stops aging. But the universe expands. That thing causes that energy level to decrease. When our astronaut steps out from the craft, that thing causes energy to flow out from the astronaut, and it causes an explosion. The outflowing energy just rips the astronaut or craft in pieces. And that is one version of the reasons, why interstellar travel is very difficult. 

Spiral structures in optical and gravitational lenses.

"Researchers have developed a new type of lens that uses a spiral-shaped surface to maintain a clear focus at different distances in varying light conditions. Credit: Laurent Galinier" (ScitechDaily, Replacing Traditional Lenses: Scientists Develop Spiral-Shaped Lens for Clear Vision Across Distances and Lighting Conditions).

 Is it possible that the spiral-shaped magnetic field can form in the glass lens, which gives it a new ability? If that is possible that gives begin into the new types of multisensors. 

The new spiral lenses can revolutionize the optics. That structure can used to make models for systems that can focus on different wavelengths. 

The new spiral-shaped lens makes it possible to make clear vision from distant objects. Those things help to use optics as a model of things, like magnetic and gravitational lenses. 

This kind of spiral lens can be more effective than a regular lens. And that makes it possible to create more effective optics than ever before. The nano-glass can also make it possible to use the same technology in instruments that observe microcosmos. 

The thing with this shape is that the wave movement always acts the same way. And that makes it possible to create the same effect using nano- or quantum-scale structures. And that thing makes it possible. The spiral-shaped gravity waves can create shapes that lens gamma or even gravitational waves. Gravitational waves interact with both, other gravity waves and gamma rays. 

There are gravitational lenses also on a local scale. Black holes and neutron stars also act as gravitational lenses. Their effect on gravitational interaction might be more powerful than we believe. When we think of galaxy-scale gravitational lenses, those miniature lenses inside that structure are like grinding errors in glass lenses. 

Can the spiral structure of gravity waves interact in the same way, as a spiral optical lens? It's possible that a spiral nanotube where standing gamma rays can. Allows to create the new types of gamma-microscopes. 

We believe that in some models. The gravity waves always interact in the same way. And that thing makes it possible to benefit gravitational spiral as a model of gravitational lensing on a micro-scale. But in that case, we believe that all gravity waves have the same wavelength. Gravity waves may have two different wavelengths. Another interacts with the smallest particles in atoms. And then another thing interacts with quantum fields around the atom. 

If that second gravitational effect is real, we can model this hypothetical long-wave gravitational wave and that interaction as the model where the gravitational effect pushes the quantum field around the atom in one direction. And that thing forms the bubble or lower energy area in the atom's quantum field. That thing causes all particles in the atom to travel in that direction. So could those gravitational waves interact in different directions?  

"Collisions of heavy ions generate an immensely strong electromagnetic field. Scientists investigate traces of this powerful electromagnetic field in the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), a state where quarks and gluons are liberated from the colliding protons and neutrons. Credit: Tiffany Bowman and Jen Abramowitz/Brookhaven National Laboratory" (ScitechDaily, Unlocking the Nuclear Secrets of the Universe’s Strongest Magnetic Fields)

The spiral-shaped magnetic fields can focus the magnetic fields and radio waves at the same point similar way to some optical lenses. 

The reason why researchers are researching the most powerful magnetic fields in the universe is that things like neutron stars act like generators. The fast-spinning neutron stars form an ultra-powerful electromagnetic field. And the main thing is that this structure transforms kinetic energy into electric power. The thing is that when the particles of that fast-spinning object's shell move very fast they harvest electromagnetic fields. And then. That structure transforms that energy into the electromagnetic field.

The reason for that is simple. Neutron stars are not slight. Their surface is full of small nodes that are neutrons. When neutron star spins there is electromagnetic low pressure between those nodes. And that makes this particle possible. That it can harvest lots of electromagnetic energy from its environment. 

There is a theory that all electromagnetic fields or fields form in particles, and those particle's size determines what type of field it forms. So it's possible. That the extremely dense power field can interact with other field types. In that model extremely powerful magnetic field can interact straight with gravity. They both are wave motion, but their wavelength are different.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

The ability to calculate photons is one of the key elements in quantum computer's error detection.

"Advancements in superconducting nanostrip detectors have achieved high-fidelity, true-photon-number resolution up to 10 photons, marking a significant leap in quantum information technology. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Precision Unleashed: Expanded Superconducting Strips for Enhanced Photon-Counting)

Quantum precision makes it possible to count photons. And why photon counting is necessary? The quantum computers must know the number of photons. If it must create quantum entanglements using those photons. Without the ability to count the photons or anything else.

The quantum system is used for quantum entanglements. The quantum computer is unable to operate safely. In quantum computers, data travels between superpositioned and entangled particle pairs. And without knowing how many particles are in the superposition. The quantum computer is not able to operate. 

The thing that forms the power of quantum computers is that the system handles information in states. Or multiple layers at the same time. The quantum computer shares a mission with those layers. In that system, the system can handle in the same time multiple data rows. The quantum computer must not stop when it takes the next mission. 

And the thing that guarantees its safety is that data is stored in a physical structure. That means that for stealing data from the quantum system the attacker must know the frequency of the quantum entanglement. The requirement for superposition and entanglement is that two particles oscillate with the same frequency. And the other particle is at the lower energy level. 


The next-generation quantum computers can benefit photons' particle-wave nature. 

In regular quantum systems photons are trapped in the frame and then information will be transported to them using that frame. In some visions, the photon itself can turn into wave movement. Then that wave movement or photon string can transport information over the quantum system. In that system, a quantum computer transports information into the particle-form photon. 

And then. It turns photons into wave movement. That thing removes the need to create quantum entanglement between two particles. When information travels in one particle, that thing makes the system less sensitive to outside effects. But the problem is that the quantum computer should fully control the process that turns photons from particle to wave and backward. Without that ability, the system is unable to work. 

The ability to stop light means the quantum computers can stop photon clouds. This is one answer for the quantum computing systems. The ability to stop photon clouds means. The system can make multiple quantum entanglements using those stopped photons. The ability to send identical information flow through the quantum entanglements helps for error detection. 

The ability to measure time with very high accuracy also helps to find if there are some kind of outside errors. The idea is that the speed of things like cosmic rays and gravity waves is not unlimited. There is a difference between times when an error like FRB (Fast Radio Burst) hits quantum entanglements. That thing affects the quantum entanglements energy levels. The qubit transports information in a nanotube, that can also detect the changes in energy levels in its environment. 

The error detection system can see if there is a similar energy rise simultaneously in the quantum channels. The system can measure energy levels straight in the quantum entanglements. Or if quantum entanglements or qubits travel in the nanotube the system can detect changes in those nanotube's energy levels. 


However, the system is not safe if it cannot calculate those particles. In some models, the quantum computer can corrupted if there are extra photons. Those non-controlled photons can destroy the quantum entanglements. Or the system can misinterpret them as the qubits. And that thing causes errors. So the system must calculate the number of the particles that are under control. 

If the high-energy photon transfers a non-controlled effect into the quantum system, that thing destroys information. There are two ways to react to those non-controlled photons. The system can just let them without notice. Or it can shoot them away using electromagnetic wave movement.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

The new AI, lasers, graphenes, and room-temperature superconductivity are the next-generation tools for quantum processing.

"A quantum scientist has developed a method to enhance quantum simulators, devices crucial for exploring unsolved problems in quantum physics. This advancement could significantly impact various fields, including finance, encryption, and data storage, by making quantum simulators more controllable and versatile. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, The Dual-Laser Revolution: A New Design for Quantum Computers)

The dual-laser system is the new tool for quantum computing. The quantum microchips can use laser rays for data transmission. In three-state qubits, there is one laser ray. That tells when the system is on. And two other laser rays that transmit states one and two. The calculation of the number of states begins from zero. 

Another way is to measure the state or energy level of the laser ray. And the other tells if the system is on. There could be an electric system that gives the quantum computer's AI-based operating system prediction if the system will turn off. And that helps the quantum computer predict that the system will shut down. 

"The fractional quantum Hall effect has generally been seen under very high magnetic fields, but MIT physicists have now observed it in simple graphene. In a five-layer graphene/hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) moire superlattice, electrons (blue ball) interact with each other strongly and behave as if they are broken into fractional charges. Credit: Sampson Wilcox, RLE" (ScitechDaily, Fractional Electrons: MIT’s New Graphene Breakthrough Is Shaping the Future of Quantum Computing)

In a binary system, the first laser sends bit one. And the second laser transmits zero bit. In quantum computers, the photons that transport information can be shot in the stable laser rays. 

The AI that can share data handling missions into pieces and the multiple workstations that can be supercomputers or some school's computers that networked into one entirety can help to solve the quantum mysteries. In those systems, every single workstation is one state of qubit. 

"An international research team has made a pivotal discovery in high-temperature superconductivity by quantifying the pseudogap pairing in fermionic lithium atoms. This discovery not only deepens our understanding of quantum superfluidity but also holds promise for enhancing global energy efficiency through advancements in computing, storage, and sensor technologies. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough in High-Temperature Superconductivity)

The system works using TCP/IP protocol. That means the system can transmit the data as segmented rows. Every single data segment has a number. Then the system drives those data segments into a qubit. The remarkable thing is that the same data row model can turn into a DNA molecule. In that model, certain DNA sequences form a certain data segment. In some sources, those data segments are called data frames. But in this text, data frames are called data segments. 

So the TCP/IP protocol makes it possible to read chemical qubits. In that system, the data row is tuned into chemical form into the DNA. The system must just turn those base pairs into electric data. The system can use lasers, electron microscopes, laser spectrometers, and other kinds of tools. To decode information from the DNA into a form that the AI can understand it. 

"Illustration of a quantum simulator with atoms trapped into a square lattice with lasers. The small spheres at the corners are atoms in their lowest energy state. The ones inside a blue sphere are exited (higher in energy) by the first laser, the ones inside yellow spheres are excited by the second laser (even more higher in energy). Credit: TU Delft" (ScitechDaily, The Dual-Laser Revolution: A New Design for Quantum Computers)

Graphene can be the next-generation tool for quantum computers. In that system, the nanotubes can act as electron traps. In the most advanced version. There could be some atoms hovering in those nanotube pillars. Then laser ray can turn that atom's electron shells into a certain position. In some models, the most out electrons will turn against each other. And then the system will create superposition and entanglement between those most out electrons. 

Then laser rays will shoot to those electrons. That thing forms an electromagnetic shadow that can lock photons in a certain position. Then the system can make quantum entanglement between those photons. The simpler way is to create quantum entanglement and superpositions straight between those electrons. 

In some models, the Hall field can be used to connect the electrons. The field will act as the power field between superpositioned and entangled electrons. The laser rays can control that field. So that the system can used in solid-state quantum computers. The data can travel in the Hall field between superconducting wires. 

"Altermagnetism introduces a third magnetic phase, combining the non-magnetization of antiferromagnets with the strong spin-dependent phenomena of ferromagnets. Discovered through international collaboration, this new phase offers significant potential for spintronics, bridging previous gaps in magnetic material applications. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, New Fundamental Physics Uncovered – Experiments Prove the Existence of a New Type of Magnetism)

There is a breakthrough in room-temperature superconductivity. And the new type of magnetism is called " an altered magnetic phenomenon" or "altermagnetism". Can also offer a new way to make superconducting wires. It's possible. The "altermagnetic" field can altermagnetic material's atoms close together. And that thing removes the crossing hall field from those atoms. The remarkable thing about altermagnetism is that. There is no magnetic field outside that material. If atoms pulled close enough. That thing makes it possible. That the atom's cores and electron fields would be under the same quantum field. 

A portable or solid quantum computer system requires superconductivity. This means that the data must stay in the same form while it travels through the wire. In regular superconductors, the extremely low temperature turns atoms too close to each other. Then the system stabilizes those atoms and removes the Hall effect or potential barrier, (also known as the "potential wall or Hall field") out from between those atoms. That thing makes electricity travel without resistance. 

The crossing Hall field is the thing that destroys data. But if the Hall field is lengthwise or parallel to the conductor. That thing can close the magnetic field in and out from it. And in that case, the Hall field can protect the information that travels into wires. In this case, the internal magnetic field can pull those atoms close to each other. And that could remove the crossing Hall field.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

There is a suggestion that dark matter may have deformed another universe.

The researchers suggest that dark matter is the deformed dark universe. Or in the most exciting theories, dark matter is the dark universe inside our universe. In that theory dark matter is entangled with the visible material. That theory is taken from the multiverse theory. There our visible universe is one of many universes. The other universes can be invisible because their electrons and quarks are different sizes. And that thing makes those other universes invisible to us. 

Another hypothesis is that the hypothetical other universes send radiation that radiation from our universe pushes away. Things like invisible 9th. planet causes ideas that maybe there is another universe in our universe. The thing that makes the mysterious dark matter interesting is that. The dark matter can form structures that can be similar to visible material. But those structures are not visible. 

The multiverse theory is not new. The thing in that theory is that there are multiple universes at this moment, in parallel universe theory those multi-universes have different energy levels. And some of them are in another dimension. In that model, the energy levels between those universes can be so big, that they cannot interact. With each other. Or those universes send radiation that our universe's radiation whips away. 

So those hypothetical other universes send radiation that is like cosmic hum. That is the monotonic radio signal that cannot travel across the oort could and the sun's impact wave. 

Plasma flow from the sun with radio waves from the sun will not let that hum come to our solar system. Voyager spacecraft found that cosmic hum. 

The thing is that some theorists say that there should be some kind of impact wave around our universe. If outside our universe is nothing, or a great, real vacuum, there are no electromagnetic fields, radio waves, or any other wave movement, that vacuum should pull all material into straight wave movement. 

"Although we now know that light, as well as all quanta, can be described as both a wave and a particle under specific physical circumstances, the debate over whether light was wave-like or corpuscle-like goes all the way back to the 1600s. In many ways, both sides of that ancient argument can lay claim to being correct today." (Big Think, The surprising origins of wave-particle duality)

And that causes the mass of the universe should decrease very fast. So if there is some kind of wave movement outside the universe there must be some kind of source for that wave movement. 

And if the wave-particle duality formed our universe, that thing requires that there is more than one source for those waves that cross and form the material and dark matter. 

In some models, the dark matter is the crossing wave movement that forms so-called virtual particles. In that model dark matter particles are like standing waves. And when a photon impacts those virtual particles it blows it away. 

Nobody has seen dark matter yet. That's why all things written about WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) are purely hypothetical. But if there are some kind of WIMPs that look like fermions, that thing can form the new model of the material. 

Most of the mass of the atoms is in hadrons or baryons called protons and neutrons. The baryons contain quarks. And there is a quantum field around those quarks. In that model, dark matter would have similar structures with visible materials. 

If dark matter is similar material with visible material, and some still unknown fermions form this material, those dark matter hadrons may have quantum fields there quarks are somehow looser in attachment to each other. In that model, the photon that impacts those quarks pushes them away. Or if the WIMP's structure is not so tight that it can cause reflection. If the photon impacts with WIMP that takes the photon's energy in it. 

Then that particle has spin, it can transmit that energy off from its poles. Or if the WIMP's structure is loose, that thing can cause the internal structure of WIMP is wobble. And that causes weak or slow energy transfer out from its structure. In that model, the hypothetical WIMP is like a rubber structure that is too low energy that we can see that interaction.

The quantum computers are not ready yet.


"Researchers from São Paulo State University have developed a new method to quantify quantum entanglement, challenging traditional theories and potentially advancing quantum computing. This study emphasizes the importance of entanglement in enhancing processing power and offers insights into the limitations of classical computing, highlighting the rapid progress of quantum technology led by companies like Google and IBM". (ScitechDaily, Challenging Traditional Theories – Physicists Develop New Method To Quantify Quantum Entanglement)

Physicists develop new Method to quantify quantum entanglement. 

They just must put down the Hellman-Feynman theorem. "The study showed how the Hellmann-Feynman theorem breaks down under specific conditions. The theorem describes the dependence of the system’s own energy on a control parameter and is a key part of quantum mechanics used across disciplines from quantum chemistry to particle physics. (ScitechDaily, Challenging Traditional Theories – Physicists Develop New Method To Quantify Quantum Entanglement)

“Simply put, we propose a quantum analog of the Grüneisen parameter widely used in thermodynamics to explore finite temperature and quantum critical points. In our proposal, the quantum Grüneisen parameter quantifies entanglement, or von Neumann entropy, in relation to a control parameter, which may be a magnetic field or a certain level of pressure, for example,” ”(ScitechDaily, Challenging Traditional Theories – Physicists Develop New Method To Quantify Quantum Entanglement)

Valdeci Mariano de Souza, last author of the article and a professor at IGCE-UNESP, told Agência FAPESP. “Using our proposal, we demonstrate that entanglement will be maximized in the vicinity of quantum critical points and that the Hellmann-Feynman theorem breaks down at a critical point. (ScitechDaily, Challenging Traditional Theories – Physicists Develop New Method To Quantify Quantum Entanglement)

The problem with quantum computers and quantum entanglement is that the entropy level rises in the system. The reason for that is the "non-targeted" or non-controlled energy. That thing is seen in all different size quantum systems from the simplest quantum entanglements to the extremely complex quantum entreties. The problem with entropy is that increases the non-controlled effects in the system. In the smallest and simplest quantum system, it transports energy between the energy bridges in quantum entanglement. 

While researchers make things like error detection for quantum computers, they are in trouble. That system is 47 years faster than any other computer. A quantum computer calculates in seconds calculations, which takes 47 years using regular computers. And that thing makes it problematic to detect errors in the quantum system. The quantum computer is more sensitive to outside effects like fast radio bursts than regular computers. And that limits its use. 

The problem with error detection is that the only system that can produce information with the same power as the quantum computer is another quantum computer. The receiving system can send a copy of the received qubit back to the transmitting system. 

Then the transmitting system can check the information that travels back into the quantum computer. To make sure that the receiver gets is identical to the data units the transmitting system sends. 

This is a quantum version of the TCP/IP protocol. But how to make sure that information that travels back is identic with the transmitted information? And how to send information that passes the receiver system In the case that there are corrupted qubits in the system. Theoretically thinking the system should transport information faster than it sends it. And that seems impossible. 

The system can send qubits back through the nanotube or electromagnetic wormhole. The main thing in those systems is that they should remove the potential barriers from the qubit's route. The potential barriers or Hall effect is the thing that destroys the information on the qubit. 

"Theoretical physicists have found a way to potentially enhance quantum computer chips’ memory capabilities by ensuring information remains organized, similar to perpetually swirling coffee creamer, defying traditional physics’ expectations". (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough: New Method Preserves Information Against All Odds)

The ability to store information in the particles is the thing that can be the most remarkable in quantum computing. The system can shoot this particle through the line there are no potential barriers that can disturb superpositions and destroy information. 

The quantum computers are not ready yet. 

The problem with quantum computers is that cosmic rays like FRBs and even gravitational radiation can disturb qubits. One of the solutions to that problem is to follow cosmic radiation and XRBs, GRBs, and FRBs. If there is some kind of extraordinary activity that can make a situation, where all quantum computers must retake their actions. 

In some models, quantum entanglements store their data in the electrons and photons always in certain periods. Those quantum memory storages can offer the possibility to compare data. And if there are errors. That thing can seen in differences in stored data. 

There is a possibility that quantum computers make the ring, where their data travels in waves. That allows the system to compare data that travels in the quantum system. The FRBs and other high-energy phenomena are not very long-lasting. And that means that if another quantum computer follows the first machine, that thing allows it to pass the fast energy pulse. 

If there is a difference that means there could be errors in qubits. The quantum entanglement can also used for making the new types of quantum sensors that detect differences in energy levels of the qubit. Quantum data storage makes it possible. That system can store data in quantum form. And then those things can put in superposition and entanglement.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Black holes are the brightest objects in the universe.

"This artist’s impression shows the record-breaking quasar J059-4351, the bright core of a distant galaxy that is powered by a supermassive black hole. Using ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile, this quasar has been found to be the most luminous object known in the Universe to date. The supermassive black hole, seen here pulling in surrounding matter, has a mass 17 billion times that of the Sun and is growing in mass by the equivalent of another Sun per day, making it the fastest-growing black hole ever known. Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser" (ScitechDaily, Brightest Object in the Universe Discovered – Powered by Supermassive Black Hole Eating a Sun a Day)

The brightest object in the universe eats a sun in a day. That supermassive black hole is in quasar J059-4351. The paradox is that the black holes are the brightest objects in the universe. The paradox is that the black hole itself will not send any radiation, but its transition or material disks are very bright. 

The Sagittarius A* gives new data about the time dilation and speed of light.

Supermassive black holes are the most powerful objects in the universe. Things like rotation speed or spin is the thing that makes supermassive black holes interesting. The spin of the Sagittarius A*, or Sgr A* is about 60% of the speed of light. When material falls into the supermassive black hole, it forms a transition disk, the spiral structure around the mass center. The spiral continues behind the event horizon, or the point. Where escaping velocity crosses the speed of light. 

That means inside the event horizon photon and other particles travel with the same speed. The speed of photons is higher than other photons because the massive gravity effect pulls it from the front side. When a particle closes the black hole, massive gravity starts to pull it into a form that looks like spaghetti. This effect will turn things like quarks into elongated things. 

When we think that black holes are like potholes, that gravitational pothole turns the universe smaller. The reason for that effect is this black hole collects more information into that pothole. There is no reflection because all photons and other material and wave movement travel into the black holes. And the last particle that can escape from the massive gravity is the photon. 

Black holes also prevent the Hall fields or potential walls from forming because they pull all energy inside it. Some electrons and photons whirl around the event horizon. Those whirling particles get their energy from the material disk, which sends radiation also inside the black hole. That raises those particle's energy levels to extremely high. 

"This artist’s illustration shows a cross-section of the supermassive black hole and surrounding material in the center of our galaxy. The black sphere in the center represents the event horizon of the black hole, the point of no return from which nothing, not even light, can escape. Looking at the spinning black hole from the side, as depicted in this illustration, the surrounding spacetime is shaped like an American football. The yellow-orange material to either side represents gas swirling around the black hole. This material inevitably plunges towards the black hole and crosses the event horizon once it falls inside the football shape. The area inside the football shape but outside the event horizon is therefore depicted as a cavity. The blue blobs show jets firing away from the poles of the spinning black hole. Credit: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss" (ScitechDaily, Warp Speed Ahead: How Our Galaxy’s Black Hole Bends Spacetime)

One reason for high-power gamma- and X-ray impulses is in the relativistic jet. When particles at the edge of a relativistic jet and the jet's energy fields interact with gas around the black hole, that effect forms intensive high-energy radiation. The radiation forms when energy from those particles and energy fields transfers into the material disk. When particles hit that material cloud they deliver energy. And that energy transfer is the thing, that forms gamma- and X-rays. 

The weight of the Sgr A* is over four million suns. Accurately its mass is 4,30 million suns. Still, that thing is like a rugby ball. There is the possibility that the relativistic jet pulls the Sgr A*'s energy fields with it. And that forms a cosmic vacuum that stretches the black hole. Or some kind of energy tunnel travels through the black hole. In the third model, the fast spin curves the gravity fields, and that causes the rugby-ball-shaped structure. That means gravity in its poles is a little bit weaker than in other points in it. 

There is suspicion that hypothetical Hawking's radiation forms when those photons in hyper-high energy levels make a superposition. The requirement for that is this: the other electron or photon is in a different energy level. And they oscillate with the same frequency. The idea is that the lower photon (or electron if that thing is an electron pair) has a lower energy level because a black hole pulls energy out from it. 

At the point of the event horizon, gravitational waves can also orbit the black hole. Standing gravitational waves can transport energy into the particles or other wave movements that travel through the event horizon. So Hawking radiation can come from the energy bridges between superpositioned and entangled particles. And because the radiation comes from the end of those energy bridges its wavelength is very small and wave rise is not very high.  

The standing gravitational waves that harvest energy from their environment can turn very high energy levels. In that model, gravitational waves interact like all other wave movements. That means higher energy gravitational waves transport energy to the lower energy gravitational waves. And they also can push those gravitational waves away. That thing can explain why black holes send wave movement. 

When those superpositioned particles touch the event horizon their energy positions change places suddenly. The lower energy particle turns suddenly into a higher energy participant of the quantum entanglement. That thing sends an energy impulse to the upper particle. So that means Hawking radiation can come from that kind of photon pairs or energy bridges between them. 

It's possible. That event horizon can transport energy into the energy bridge that travels between superpositioned and entangled particles. 

When those superpositioned particles fall into the black hole through the event horizon the energy level of the lower photon turns suddenly higher, and that sends an impulse through the energy bridge when that thing travels through the event horizon. In that model, the other photon pumps energy to the photon that was in a higher energy level just before the lower photon touches the event horizon. 

A black hole's speed cannot cross the speed of light if we look at the things outside the event horizon. But as we know speed is also energy. The thing is that the virtual crossing at the speed of light is possible. In that case, the outside energy that impacts the particle along with the kinetic energy can raise its energy level to a level that is higher than the speed of light causes. 

Kinetic energy is wave movement that the particle traps. When a particle travels in the universe, quantum fields touch it like plaque. That plaque is the kinetic energy. The reason why particles cannot cross the speed of light is that in the critical moment, the energy jumps away from the particle and starts to travel to the environment. This thing denies crossing the cosmic speed limit. 

But virtually crossing the speed of light is a very easy thing. At the quantum level. Speed is similar to in our size world. That means the same rules that affect vehicles like cars can used for modeling speed and impacts of subatomic particles. 

The thing is that when two particles like electrons impact with speed of 60% of the speed of light, the impact speed is 120% of the speed of light. In that case, a high energy level causes virtual crossing at the speed of light. In the same way, objects can hit denser energy fields at extremely high speeds. And that thing could load more energy into it than it normally does. 

The reason why anything that has mass cannot cross the speed of light can be the same as the thing. That nothing that has no mass, cannot have unlimited slowing speed. When particles like electrons travel in a vacuum and then suddenly hit the water they take that impact into their quantum field. The electron's internal structure jumps forward and that movement in the quantum field causes photon's formation. 

One down quark and two up quarks form the proton. In neutron, there are two down and one up quark. Those quarks form a structure, that looks like a trapeze. In that structure, one quark hangs between two quarks. In a proton, two up quarks hang one down quark. When a proton or neutron hits water with its maximum speed one quark jumps forward and starts to rotate around those structures. 

That rotation movement is like a bolt that we can rotate between our hands keeping the wire from both ends. That movement pumps energy out from the proton. When a particle moves energy into its environment. It must form a photon. And then that photon transports energy out from that particle. That is the thing, that we see as Cherenkov radiation.

Superconductivity and small-size quantum computer.

 "Scientists have uncovered a link between superconductivity and the fundamental constants of nature, showing that room-temperature sup...