What if gravity is a series of fast-spinning particles?
It's possible. That gravity is forming when some unknown particle spins very fast. A very fast-spinning particle forms a structure that looks like a neutron star. The ultimate fast spin pushes the quantum field away from the particle. That is not slight. Some structures make roughness on the particle's shell. And those structures make a quantum vacuum near the particle.
At the same time, the spin on the particle starts to create quantum spirals around the spin axle. That quantum spiral is the point where superstrings weave together. And at that point, gravity should push things away. The reason why we cannot see that antigravity is its effective area is so small that the gravitational pulling effect covers that small point. Another reason is that those superstrings are so narrow that they travel straight through the particles.
"Scientists from several universities are collaborating on an experiment named ‘MAST-QG’ (Macroscopic superpositions towards witnessing the quantum nature of gravity).to determine if gravity has quantum properties. The experiment, which involves levitating microdiamonds in quantum superposition, aims to unite general relativity and quantum mechanics. Despite its complexity, this research could fundamentally alter our understanding of gravity and has broad implications for physics. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily.com/Is Gravity Quantum? New Experiment To Probe Universe’s Deepest Mystery)
*Scientists are developing an experiment to test whether gravity is quantum
*In quantum mechanics, which describes the behavior of atoms and molecules –objects behave differently to everything we know: they can be in a quantum superposition of being in two places at the same time
*Now, scientists are investigating a way to determine whether gravity operates in this way, by levitating micro diamonds in a vacuum
*If gravity is quantum, it will ‘entangle’ the diamonds – an intriguing phenomenon that strongly links two objects in ways impossible in everyday life
* This research will help drive understanding of black holes, the Big Bang, and the universe
(ScitechDaily.com/Is Gravity Quantum? New Experiment To Probe Universe’s Deepest Mystery)
Can antigravity be possible?
The other question is can we someday benefit from it? If antigravity is possible. The use of that thing requires that the system control the gravitational sources. And we are not sure, what is the source of gravitation. The reason why antigravity should be possible is that all other interactions have pulling and pushing forms.
Or it transfers so small an energy load to those particles that it's hard to see that reflection. Gravity is the same kind of radiation as other radiation. When it hits to object it loads energy into it. When an object's energy level rises higher than its environment it sends radiation to its environment. That thing called reflection makes an object visible. The visibility of the object is based on reflection.
Antigravity could be possible if the system can put gravity radiation sources in the same position where their spin axles are in the same diraction. And act synchronously. The problem is that we don't know the source of gravity. If the mysterious and still hypothetical graviton exists and we could control it, that makes it possible to combine the forces of those energy strings from the graviton spin axle. And that thing can make the antigravity possible.
Could a hypothetical WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particle) slowly spin particles where the energy level inside it is the same as the environment? In that model, the whisk-looking superstring structure is the only part of that particle, where energy transfer between WIMP and its environment happens.
So, can we find graviton from superstrings, if they exist?
This superstring structure may look a little bit like a pearl necklace and the gravitons are pearls in that string. The idea is that graviton is smaller than a gluon and if superstrings form gravitons that explains why we cannot see that hypothetical or theoretical gravitational transporter particle, that should exist.
If the object's energy level is the same as the environment it will not exist, because there is no energy travel between that particle and its environment. This is one possibility that hypothetical WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) are not visible.
The WIMP would be a whisk-looking structure like all other particles. Inside that structure is the same energy level as its environment. The only place where energy transfer happens is the strings of that slow-rotating whisk, which surrounds that particle. The whisk is the only structure that interacts with its environment.
If the particle's energy level is lower than the environment it can turn visible, because quantum fields travel to that particle, and then reflect from its core. When energy reflects it must raise that reflection wave's energy level higher than the object's energy level that impacts to particle. When the universe expands the size of particles turns bigger. And they harvest more and more radiation because their shell's size expands. That increases the power of the reflection radiation.
That effect destroys particles sooner or later because a little part of that energy remains in its superstrings. And energy travels to the spin acle. When the energy level in superstrings turns high enough, that pushes them away from each other.
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