Friday, October 21, 2022

Long-lasting pulse of high energy radiation swept over Earth.

The extraordinarily long-lasting, record-breaking gamma-ray burst crossed the Earth's trajectory on Sunday, October 9, 2022. The source of that GRB could be just the born black hole that pulled the supernova remnants inside it. That kind of case where a black hole pulls the molecular cloud around the exploded star back into the black hole can form extraordinary long-term GRBs. The knowledge of the GRB is limited. 

Those eruptions remain for a very short time. And they can cause problems for probes and manned spacecraft. If those GRBs are impacting those things. On Earth magnetic field and atmosphere protect people and computers. But in space, there is not that kind of protection. And that means the GRB can be very dangerous. 

But another reason why researchers are researching that phenomenon is that it is the most high-energy reaction in the universe. If researchers can capture the GRB they could create energy for years. 

And there is another thing that can be possible in the future. That thing is the possibility to create synthetic GRB. The form of the GRB is in the material disk around the black hole. The main question is are black holes sending GRBs in one direction? Or are they sending two gamma-ray pikes in opposite directions? 

When that material starts to whirl around the black hole. Its temperature rises because of friction. And sooner or later, that whirl starts to send gamma- or X-rays. The problem is that the gamma rays are forming very close to the event horizon. That kind of whirl is theoretically possible to create by using two plasma rays. 

In the middle of the plasma, whirl will put the plasma pike. Then the plasma whirl will put to orbit that plasma pike. And that thing could increase the speed of the plasma to so high level that it can create the X- or even gamma rays. 

Aiming for those gamma rays is theoretically a very easy thing. A practical solution is not so easy. Shooting those gamma rays by using lasers that thing could make it possible to aim for the highest energy radiation in the universe. The system bases that system adjusts energy levels of the plasma around the gamma rays and aims that thing in a certain direction. 

Thursday, October 20, 2022

The new honeycomb-like quantum material has new kind of abilities.

The image above introduces how the new honeycomb quantum material behaves. The text below the original image goes like this "By exposing a honeycomb-like material with a specific kind of magnetic field, yellow arrow, researchers can create order among the loop currents, light blue, within that material. Electrons, in green, can then pass through the material much more easily. Credit: Oak Ridge National Laboratory" ( Beehive: Physicists Probe “Astonishing” Morphing Properties of Honeycomb-Like Quantum Material)

The next generation of quantum materials can make layers invisible and allow them to make crafts that act like UFOs. And that thing makes quantum technology more powerful than we ever imagined. 

Quantum materials can also use in quantum computers where the quantum processor is connected to the core material. And that makes it possible to create long-distance probes where the entire craft is a quantum computer. That kind of system can operate at Kuiper Belt. 

The thing is that this kind of material can be key to even more astonishing materials where all electrons are in synchronized positions. But what happens, if all electrons on the material's core are precise at the same position comparing their atoms? 

That thing would create a new type of material that can conduct energy and light in a certain direction. The diagram of that material could be similar to the image above, but the blue arrows would be electrons that are orbiting their atoms synchronized. 

That thing makes it possible to conduct electromagnetic fields and photons through that kind of quantum version of the Gauss track. If that kind of structure is at the outer layer of the disk-shaped object that thing allows the creation of the system that makes the object invisible. 

The idea is that the system uses counterwaves to suspend the echoes from its core. And that kind of quantum stealth system can operate in the area of visible light. So that kinds of systems can make an object invisible. 

The quantum layer makes the new type of ion systems possible. 

But there is a possibility that this kind of system can operate as a quantum ion engine which can change the direction of ions wherever the system operator wants. That kind of system can pull ions over its layer. And that means the craft doesn't need traditional ion engines. The ion flow over the layer will make the craft move. 

That kind of technology makes undersea systems and flying machines more capable than ever before. The quantum layer can operate in both roles, stealth, and engine. 

That kind of futuristic technology can be possible someday in the future. But the fact is that quantum is the technology of tomorrow. It can change the game in every possible way. That kind of quantum material can revolutionize technology in both civil and military systems. And the only thing that limits innovation is the lack of imagination.


10 000 times quicker production speed will be a boost for medical nanorobots.

The 24-h process of stem cells attaching to the microrobot surface (top) and Cell staining results to identify cells attached to the microrobot surface (bottom). Credit: DGIST (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology) (,000 Times Quicker: New Breakthrough Could Change the Field of Medical Microrobots)

Nanorobots are powerful tools. But the problem is how to control them and how to produce enough nanomachines. 

"There are many approaches to building microrobots with the goal of minimally invasive targeted precision treatment. The most popular of them is the ultra-fine 3D printing process known as the two-photon polymerization method, which triggers polymerization in synthetic resin by intersecting two lasers". (,000 Times Quicker: New Breakthrough Could Change the Field of Medical Microrobots)

New production methods can increase microrobot production. And that can make medical nanorobots more common and effective. When the number of times when the nanorobots increases. Researchers can get more data and experience how to control those things. Microrobots are extremely powerful tools. 

They can carry medicals and things like stem cells to the right position in the human body. And they can also release medicines just at the right point in the human body. This thing makes it possible to create new types of medicals. Nanomachines can also remove tumors simply by cutting the cancer cells in pieces. But the problem is how to produce those systems. And another question is how to control those machines. 

DNA plasmids are a good tool for controlling organic nanomachines. When an organic nanorobot reaches the hostile cell there that system can simply push the enzyme fiber in that cell. And then that thing can destroy the targeted cells. In that kind of system, the fibers that it uses to move can equip by using some nutrients. That is only non-wanted cell use. The targeted cell will pull the nutrient inside it. 

And then that uncovers the enzyme that destroys the targeted cell. Or if the nanomachine is non-organic it can use kevlar fibers for that purpose. In that case, the kevlar fiber destroys the targeted cell. The abilities of nanomachines are limitless. But the problem is that they need new production methods. 

And another thing that is needed is a new thinking way. Building a large number of microchips and injecting them with bacteria is difficult. The DNA plasmid is a good tool for controlling the nano-size robot. But if somebody wants to create a chemical control code to control the miniature submarines that person must be careful. 

If there are some artifact base pairs. That thing can cause the nanorobot acts unexpectable. So researchers require more information so that they can make powerful and accurate tools for serving medical and other kinds of staff.


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Researchers solved how bacteria move. And, that thing makes it possible to create new types of nanomachines.

Things like meat-eating bacteria are the most horrifying organisms on Earth. But what if researchers can control those bacteria? What if they can drive those bacteria to the tumors and give them order to begin eating in that precise place? This thing can make it possible to remove tumors by using extreme accuracy. 

Researchers can make that thing true, by using microchips that control the DNA plasmid. Those microchips are turning the DNA plasmid's position that controls the bacteria's functions. 

Bacteria have long fibers that are made of a single protein. By moving those fibers like screws. The bacteria use them as propellers. And that thing makes them move. What makes that thing interesting? Researchers can copy the bacteria's movement to nano- and miniature machines. 

If we are thinking of a miniature submarine that size is the same as some medical capsules that kind of miniature device can swim in the cooling water system of a nuclear reactor or a chemical plant's wastewater. And those systems can make measurements of radioactive material or toxic chemicals. Those miniature submarines can use kevlar fibers for movements. 

But when we are thinking about the nano-submarines that can operate inside the human body, we can mean genetically engineered bacteria whose surface antigens are the same as the human where researchers put them to swim. 

The idea is that bacteria will connect the genome that is taken from the person under research.  And that genome turns the surface antigen of bacteria similar to a person's blood cells. That denies the immune system can attack those miniature submarines. Researchers must remove those bacteria's ability to create descendants. 

But nanotechnology makes it possible to encode the DNA plasmid of that bacteria. And if that DNA plasmid is microchip-controlled it allows driving that bacteria to the right position. Then the controller can order bacteria to create pepsins that can destroy tumors and other non-wanted cells.  

The bacteria can transform into miniature submarines or "bio-submarine" by putting the microchip in it. The microchip can control the DNA plasmids. The movements and other kinds of things of bacteria are controlled through that DNA plasmid. 

 And that makes it possible to remote control those bio-subs wirelessly by using a remote controller. The miniature microchips can have miniaturized cameras. In those cameras, the retina cells of the small bug will interact with nano-size microchips. The DNA that makes bacteria split is destroyed because that thing removes their ability to create descendants.

The dwarf galaxies are the key to alternative gravitation theory.

"The dwarf galaxy NGC1427A flies through the Fornax galaxy cluster and undergoes disturbances that would not be possible if this galaxy were surrounded by a heavy and extended dark matter halo, as required by standard cosmology. Credit: ESO" ( Discovery Indicates an Alternative Gravity Theory)

The dwarf galaxies are interesting things. Dwarf galaxies are small star clusters, colder than giant galaxies and closer than ultra-diffuse galaxies or UDGs. That is very far from us. 

Conditions in dwarf galaxies are sometimes similar to the UDGs. That thing is true if there are lots of old stars in the dwarf galaxy. 

Some dwarf galaxies are following Milky Way. They are not as bright as Milky Way or Andromeda galaxy. And that allows for observing black holes in the middle of those small galaxies. In the cases of the Milky Way and Andromeda, the brightness of the dust hides the black hole behind them. 

Their lack of material is the result of larger galaxies' gravitational effect. Some dwarf galaxies or ball-shaped stellar clusters. Along with open stellar clusters are full of blue supergiants. And those stars are extremely hot and bright. 

That allows observing energy interactions inside those small galaxies. There is the possibility that there is star formation in dwarf galaxies. But the gravitational effect of the larger galaxies pulls dust and gas away from those star clusters. Also, a large number of blue supergiants can push material away from the galaxy. 

By observing galaxies is possible to research things, like how the bubble of dark matter that surrounds the dwarf galaxy interacts with visible material. And if the bubble of dark matter will pull material from both sides, that thing makes it possible that the shape of a dwarf galaxy turns into a disk. 

The difference between a star cluster and a dwarf galaxy is not very big. Sometimes is introduced that the star cluster is where new stars are forming. And that are separated from the galaxies are dwarf galaxies. 

The difference between dwarf galaxies and normal galaxies is their size. In dwarf galaxy is normally 1000 up to several billions of stars. There are 200-400 billion stars in Milky Way. 

In some dwarf galaxies is only young or old stars. 

The difference between open and other star clusters is that there is no dominating gravitational center in open star clusters. In other, ball-shaped star clusters is the gravitational center. And other stars are orbiting that gravitational center. 

In embedded star clusters there are forming stars all the time. Those star clusters are full of young stars. And the globular clusters are opposite to the embedded clusters. 

The oldest known stars are in the globular star clusters. And there is a possibility that the globular star clusters are sometimes the remnants of dwarf galaxies. 

In those cases, larger galaxies pulled the material away from the dwarf galaxy. And that thing turns the dwarf galaxy into a globular star cluster.  The age of the stars in that type of star cluster is almost the same as in the universe. So star clusters and dwarf galaxies are fascinating things.


Superconductivity and small-size quantum computer.

 "Scientists have uncovered a link between superconductivity and the fundamental constants of nature, showing that room-temperature sup...