Saturday, March 8, 2025

Superconductivity and small-size quantum computer.

 "Scientists have uncovered a link between superconductivity and the fundamental constants of nature, showing that room-temperature superconductors could exist. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, The Holy Grail of Physics: Superconductivity Without the Cold)

The superconductivity is the tool that changes everything. But the problem is that this thing requires a very low temperature. Another way is to create a system where high pressure stabilizes atoms in superconducting. The Hall field. Or resistance will be lost. Those Hall fields are discontinuous in the wire. And electricity travels on the wire. Those discontinuities form standing waves. 

When electricity impacts the Hall field it must pack so much energy at the front of it that it can break that vertical field. In low temperatures, the quantum fields around the wire turn united. Because that field turns to the same entirety the electricity will not face resistance. The low temperature removes oscillation. 

The oscillation forms when energy travels back and forth between the atoms and the space between them. That thing increases entropy and entropy destroys information. Or entropy doesn't destroy information. It just mixes it into a form that we cannot read it. Or the computer cannot understand it. Theoretically in limited systems entropy cannot be unlimited. 

That means. By knowing the system the AI can recalculate or restore the information that travels through the wire and is mixed by entropy or disorder. The system must "just" calculate the original form of the information. So in that case the wire is virtually superconducted. But that is a very hard thing for computers. 

And the Hall field is the thing that mixes information. The superconducting means that the data can remain in the same form. That means the superconductor is a vital component in the quantum computer. The problem with table-size quantum computers is that the superconductor requires a high-power freezer. The thing that uses energy in the quantum system is the freezer. 

However, the superconductivity at room temperature is not ruled out. But miniaturized pressure chambers and compact-size cryogenic systems can make the small-size quantum computers possible. The small size can mean the system that fits in a van. Or maybe, the quantum computer can be the size of a dustbin. 

Theoretically is possible to create materials that are superconducting at room temperature. There is the possibility that the material will be in the miniaturized pressure chambers. And the electromagnetic coolers can decrease temperatures. The high pressure will raise the superconducting temperatures. 

The carbon rings that close the nanotechnical wire inside them can used as tools where the laser beams make the pressure. Those rings can be around a nanotechnical metal wire. The symmetrical laser beams can lock those atoms into the static position. If there is a pressure chamber in the cryogenic unit the temperature must not be so low as otherwise.

Friday, March 7, 2025

The universe's giant structures can tell about dark matter and maybe uncover Axion's lifetime.

"Using advanced infrared spectroscopy, researchers set record-breaking limits on the lifetime of a dark matter candidate called the axionlike particle. Their findings refine our understanding of dark matter while hinting at possible anomalies that could bring us closer to discovery. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, The Universe Is Hiding Something Huge – And Scientists Are Closer Than Ever to Finding It)

The mystic web in the universe can be the key to dark matter and maybe to dark energy. Those very large structures in the universe could uncover dark matter's nature. In some models, dark matter forms extremely large strings whose diameter can be billions of light years. 

Dark matter does not exist at all points in the universe. And that thing can explain some part of dark energy. The axion, or hypothetical dark matter particle can send wave movement that makes it interact with other axions. 

Can Axion be the WIMP? Both of them are hypothetical particles. So, maybe we can think that the axion and WIMP are the same thing. But are those particles real or quasiparticles? Can the axion be a particle in superposition with a hole that is similar to an exciton? If that superposition is possible that means the particle can send its radiation to its hole and that can make the particle invisible. 

The axion can be WIMP, or WIMP can be an axionlike particle. So, we can write about axion and WIMP as the same particle until their existence is proved. And their real nature is uncovered. 

But axions (or axionlike particles). Weakly interacting massive particles WIMPs are so different than visible material that they cannot have other types of interactions. There is the possibility that the axion spins so fast that the radiation slides over it causing a situation where there is no reflection. The new observations tell about the theoretical limits of the axion or WIMP lifetime. Another thing is that those megastructures are interesting. 

They are things that put energy into moving in the universe. And maybe those things help open the dark matter mystery. If a dark matter particle exists and it turns radiation that particle sends radiation that affects other dark matter particles. 

"The quantum fluctuations inherent to space, stretched across the Universe during cosmic inflation, gave rise to the density fluctuations imprinted in the cosmic microwave background, which in turn gave rise to the stars, galaxies, and other large-scale structures in the Universe today. This is the best picture we have of how the entire Universe behaves, where inflation precedes and sets up the Big Bang. Unfortunately, we can only access the information contained inside our cosmic horizon, which is all part of the same fraction of one region where inflation ended some 13.8 billion years ago." (BigThink, Ask Ethan: Does the multiverse explain our fundamental constants?)

"This chart of particles and interactions details how the particles of the Standard Model interact according to the three fundamental forces that quantum field theory describes. When gravity is added into the mix, we obtain the observable Universe that we see, with the laws, parameters, and constants that we know of governing it. However, many of the parameters that nature obeys cannot be predicted by theory, they must be measured to be known, and those are “constants” that our Universe requires, to the best of our knowledge." (BigThink, Ask Ethan: Does the multiverse explain our fundamental constants?)

That can cause so-called dark energy interaction between those particles. If the WIMP that turns into energy can push other dark matter particles that thing can scatter the dark matter structures. And that decreases the dark matter gravitational effect. 

In some models the dark energy forms because there is some energy source outside the universe. This means that hypothetical radiation can form an electromagnetic shadow on the other side of the particle. That EM shadow makes energy travel in it. And that thing can cause a gravitational effect. The energy field that travels into the particles forms situations where particles store that energy. The universe's expansion and maybe the outside gravity effect can explain the universe's expansion acceleration. 

The particle releases that energy only if its energy level rises higher than the environment. Because the energy level around the particle is always lower the particle sends flashes that are stronger than it should. 

But that collective radiation model requires that there is another universe. Or some object that can send that radiation. Logically multiverse should exist. But getting evidence about that thing is very hard. 

The dark matter and dark energy are not closing each other away. If multiverse does not exist another good candidate for dark energy is the "vaporization" of dark matter. In some models, dark matter clouds outside the universe pull visible matter outward. That can explain the universe's expansions. And dark matter vaporization can explain some things like dark energy and why the universe expands faster than it should. 

When dark matter turns into radiation or wave movement, that thing decreases dark matter's gravitational effect. The thing that can push dark matter particles away from each other can be another dark matter particle. That sends radiation. When it transforms itself into energy. 

This model means that the other universes send so pervasive radiation that it travels through other particles. The idea is that this hypothetical radiation can push quarks in the protons and neutrons like rolls and travel between them. 

The problem is that the proton is more complicated than those three quarks. But it's possible that this kind of string-shaped radiation can travel between subatomic particles without causing reflection. That radiation string can travel over those particles and then the energy cannot travel to the particle. 

It can impact with quantum field. If there is little space between that energy string that energy can travel to that lower energy space. And then the thin energy field or superstring can push it back to the particle.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

The new clock is more accurate than before.

"UCLA scientists have successfully excited a thorium-229 nucleus with lasers, paving the way for nuclear clocks with unparalleled accuracy. By developing thin thorium films, they overcame key challenges of scarcity and radioactivity, making this breakthrough practical for real-world applications. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, 

The new, most accurate clock uses thorium-229 isotopes excited lasers. That makes the clock very highly accurate. The highly accurate clocks, used in the GPS. Those systems can make it possible to measure things like gravity waves. The system can also measure things like how energy and speed affect time. 

Gravity fields cause time dilation that the high-accurate clocks can measure. The most interesting thing about those super clocks is that they can used for gravity-based navigation systems. Earth's gravity field is not the same everywhere. The system that measures time dilation can navigate things like submarines and other things that cannot use satellite navigation. 

The problem with inertia is that the system uses the gyroscope-clock combination. The submarine travels at a certain speed in a certain direction. When it gets the time mark, it turns in a certain direction. The problem is in the cases. Where the submarine must change its speed. That thing causes problems with inertia. 

The system is the weight that is on the libra. The gravity field affects the weight weight. Connecting that system with the ultra-high accurate clock makes it possible to use that clock with inertia. The system uses highly accurate clocks as chronometers. 

The system includes acceleration measurement systems, sonars, and other active and passive systems. There is the possibility to use the underwater versions of the TERCOM but there are problems with similarities with underwater structures. The gravity maps help to determine the location of the vessel. 

When the system makes gravity maps. The system searches for differences in the oscillation of the thorium-229. The AI-based system can see how often the Thorirum "crystal" sends a time mark. The system can have two atom clocks on opposite sides of the Earth. The system searches for differences in time marks of those clocks. The system uses three clocks there the third clock synchronizes the system's ability to work.

Superconductivity and small-size quantum computer.

 "Scientists have uncovered a link between superconductivity and the fundamental constants of nature, showing that room-temperature sup...