Monday, January 2, 2023

Tachyon and time reverse.

Is tachyon particle in WARP-bubble? Or is it rather a phenomenon than a particle? Or is tachyon only wave motion that travels just behind neutrino or some other particle? 

There is the possibility that the hypothetical tachyon particle does not exist. Or time-traveling tachyon particles do not exist. 

It's possible. That all hypothetical tachyons are not transporting information back in time. Or even if those particles transport information to the past, that information cannot interact with other particles. In that case, the faster-than-light particles are traveling back in time, but they cannot send their information to other particles. 

The reason for that is linear spacetime model causes a situation where regular, slower-than-light particles are traveling forward in time. And the hypothetical faster-than-light particle is traveling back in time. So those particles are like in elevators where another particle is traveling down, and another is traveling up. 

If tachyons are traveling back in time there is the possibility that interaction between tachyons and other particles is so short that there is no time to detect that interaction. But if that thing is real and tachyons are traveling back in time. That forms a model where dark energy comes from tachyons. 

There is also the possibility that those hypothetical particles exist. But they just cannot interact with the material. So is the ability for interaction requirement for existence. 

There is the possibility that the hypothetical tachyon particle does not exist. Or time-traveling tachyon particles does not exist. There is also the possibility that those hypothetical particles exist. But they just cannot interact with the material. So is the ability for interaction requirement for existence. 

But the fact is clear nobody has seen tachyon yet. And maybe that particle does not exist. If tachyon exists that particle makes it possible to send information to the past. 

Proving the influence of that thing is very difficult. Because even if we send information the receiver must have the ability and be willing to follow that information. Then if that information causes some reaction. The past has always been to us. So it's hard to prove the success of that information transfer. 

And the reason for that is that. When in this hypothetical case, we send information to the past. The effect that this information cause is that the new reality replaces the old one. So the new reality stands from the point where that information is received. 

But that new reality has always been similar to us. So the reality is substance, and time and dimension are attributes. Two substances cannot share the same attribute. So there cannot be two realities at the same time. In the same dimension. And at one point in spacetime can be only one reality. 

But then we must realize another thing. If tachyons are faster-than-light particles they should be in the fourth dimension. So the shape of the tachyon in our third dimension could be the missing quantum-size black hole. The idea is that the tachyon's energy level is so high that it cannot interact with other materials. And that means it's out of our universe. 

Is tachyon particle in WARP-bubble? Or is it rather a phenomenon than a particle? Or is tachyon only wave motion that travels just behind neutrino or some other particle? 

In some models, a tachyon is a so high-energy particle that the quantum field around it forms WARP-bubble around that particle. That thing causes the situation where tachyon can travel faster than light. So in some models, a tachyon is only an electron or neutrino that's energy level is so high that it can travel faster than light in a short moment. Then that particle transforms into a photon and a Higgs boson. But there can be some kind of medium between the photon and the Higgs boson. So that means when the tachyon starts to interact it changes to some other particle. In that model, the tachyon is the particle with the lowest energy level in the fourth dimension. 

There is a couple of theories about the shape of the tachyon. 

*Tachyon does not exist as a particle. That means a tachyon could be some structure or phenomenon rather than a particle. So that means gravitons are particles with extremely high energy levels rather than fast-moving particles. 

*Tachyon could be flat or it's the bite of wave movement. So that means tachyon is not a particle in the form we know it. 

*In some theories tachyons are the same thing as gravitons. That means tachyons could be the source of gravitation waves. 

*In that model gravitational wave would be the channel that is forming when the tachyon travels in the universe. Or if the tachyon is the same thing as graviton gravitational waves are the tornado-shaped structure. That is forming in those quantum-size black holes. One of the most remarkable things is that graviton, tachyon, and quantum-size black holes are all hypothetical things. 

*Tachyon exists only in limited circumstances. That means tachyons could exist, as an example in black holes behind the event horizon. In some theories, a particle transforms into a tachyon when it crosses the event horizon. 

*Or in tachyon can form when some particles. Like neutrino is following some other particle that travels near the speed of light. In that case, the neutrino forms the cone where light can travel faster than other places in the universe. 

*There is a possibility that tachyons are forming in miniature voids in the universe. That thing means that when neutrino or some other particle travels in the void. And there is hitting wave movement that thing can form a situation where the neutrino's speed rises faster than it should. And that causes short-term crossing of the speed of light. And that time could be about zeptosecond class. 

*Tachyon could be the thing that is traveling inside particles or neutrinos. If the particle is like a whisk. And there is some other particle inside that cover-particle and that sub-particle moves ahead. That thing can form a tachyon. 

*So tachyon exists only short time. And that's why it's almost impossible to detect. In some visions, a tachyon is the forward-moving wave movement that leaves Higgs boson when its speed is slowing. 

*Tachyons can be a situation where the particles like photons or Higgs bosons spin in the direction where those particles are moving. That means tachyon is a rather phenomenon than a particle. 

But when we think of graviton as time traveling particle we face one remarkable thing. If we want to prove time reverse, we are in very big trouble. We must prove that information that we send changed something in history. But history always exists for us. And even if we change something in history, that thing always exists for us. So we cannot prove that we changed history. 

Albert Einstein predicted that tachyons allow transmitting information backward in time. The thing, that makes this problematic is that if we send information back in time. How can we prove that the information we send, caused some kind of effect? The past and its effect always exist on us.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

What if a tornado-looking structure could explain the shape of gravitation?

What if the form of gravitation is a coil-spring-looking structure inside all particles? 

The difference between black holes' extremely strong gravitational field and quantum gravitation is the strength of those fields. Otherwise, those phenomena are the same. 

Probably there is a gravitational tornado inside the black hole. That gravitational tornado looks a little bit like a coil spring. There is a coil spring-looking superstring around the electromagnetic low-pressure. 

That coil-sping-looking gravitational wave transmits information to the poles of the black hole. There is lower pressure or a "colder" area in the middle of that tornado. And maybe there is a standing gravitational wave inside that gravitational structure. The most out-core of the gravitational tornado transmits information out from that powerful gravitational maser effect. 

If that structure exists. It could explain the form of gravitation. If gravitation is energy or a tornado that gravitational waves forming, that tornado could explain the gravitation. 

The gravitational or electromagnetic tornados could act like an antenna that pulls energy out from the center of the black holes and particles. Energy or wave movement acts like water. If something transfers it away the structure's outcoming wave movement will start to replace that energy. So if a gravitational tornado is a form of gravitation. That means outside wave movement pushes particles together. The difference between a black hole's extremely strong gravitational field and the quantum gravitation that surrounds protons and neutrons is the strength of that field. 

When we are thinking about the form of the black hole's gravitational field, that structure acts like all other wave movements. If some point of that gravitational field is stronger than others that stronger gravitational field pushes the weaker gravitational field away. And that means the gravitational tornado transmits information out of the black hole

When a neutron star is forming the massive gravitational field pulls quantum fields away from atoms. That gravitational field causes an effect where electrons are dropping through the neutron star. Or they are flying to space because of a massive shockwave. At that moment the only thing that remains in that star is neutrons. The reason why neutrons are forming those extremely dense stars is that they are polar particles. 

But also the outcoming material and wave movement pushes the neutrons in one structure. If there is some kind of gravitational tornado that thing pulls wave movement through the neutron star. That wave movement that travels through that structure will pull neutrons together. 

When protons are coming too close to each other electromagnetic forces push them away. Neutrons have north and south poles that tie them to one entirety. When neutron stars are forming, they start to spin, and the speed of that spin is extremely fast. And if some material hits to neutron star's core it turns to plasma and a magnetic field transports that material to the neutron star's poles. It forms a radiation pike known as a pulsar.

But then we want to think that the black holes are "only extreme versions of neutron stars. The spin of black holes is much higher than neutron stars. Their gravitational field is stronger. But there are also radiation pikes at the black hole's poles. 

So, does gravitation act like water? When black holes and neutron stars are spinning. There is forming structure in those objects, that structure is like a tornado or electromagnetic vacuum. This structure could explain the form of gravitation. Two down and one up quarks are forming neutrons. In the extremely high-speed neutron's internal structure is turning in one direction because of centripetal force. That structure is like a triangle and it transports electromagnetic wave movement inside the neutron star. 

Neutron stars and black holes are acting like some tops. In those extremely fast-spinning objects, electromagnetic fields act like water. They are starting to travel to the poles of those objects. And that thing forms those radiation pikes. But there is the possibility that the same effect can explain the model of gravitation.

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