"Quantum research supports Penrose’s theory that black holes obscure singularities, with the quantum Penrose inequality linking black hole entropy to space-time structure." (ScitechDaily, Guardians of the Universe: How Quantum Black Holes Hide the End of Space and Time)
The event horizon is like a membrane or veil between the singularity and the universe. Or it's a veil between a world where time travels opposite to the world where we live.
The cosmic censorship means. That there cannot be naked singularities in the universe. All black holes have a membrane between them and the outside world. That membrane forms into the distance from the singularity where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. And we call it the event horizon. In that theory, there can be miniature, quantum-size black holes even in every single elementary particle.
In Einstein's models, the mass of a black hole can be unlimited. But there is no minimum mass for a black hole either. That means energy can press quarks or gluons into the black hole. Inside the event horizon time should go backwards.
And if time is like a whirl we can make a model where the time that travels forward the whirl is also rotating certain direction. If time moves backward. That whirl rotates opposite direction. So if we think that the event horizon is the point where time stops, we can ask: could there be a point where there is no time at all?
In the most interesting models can those opposite rotating time whirls cause "time friction"? Could the time be some kind of radiation?
Or we can think that those whirls are the time arrows that move in opposite directions. If the time arrow travels near some object it pushes energy into it. And that pushes them back in time. But what if the object is between two-time arrows that travel in different directions?
The friction in time is an interesting thing. If those time whirls or time arrows travel in opposite directions forming a ball-shaped surface or event horizon between them there should be whirls on that structure. Those whirls are the entropy in the black hole.
So, if the black hole is the onion-shaped structure the entropy is the 2D whirls between those layers. Those structures form when quantum fields and material fall into the black hole following the spiral trajectory. Those whirls can make small holes in the event horizon.
And maybe hypothetical Hawking radiation could be radiation that the centripetal force pushes through those holes. Or maybe Hawking radiation turns gravitational waves. Just when it escapes from the black hole. The spin of a black hole is enormous. That means there can be also a centripetal effect that is very powerful. Also, small asymmetries in falling energy and materials can form situations in which some radiation or particles can escape from the black hole.
If a particle escapes from a black hole its speed should cross the speed of light. That causes a violation of the cosmic speed limit. But if those particles slow their speed very fast, that can cause a situation where we cannot see the slowing.
When a particle comes through the event horizon its speed could decrease immediately. When that happens there forms a powerful quantum shockwave ahead of the particle. That shockwave can form a false vacuum. That stretches particles like rubber bands.
That releases ultimate energy levels. And that can explain the temperature and energy level in the acceleration disk. So maybe we cannot see those particles but we should see the shockwaves that they send when they impact with the Higgs field.
And that means there is entropy also inside the black hole. That entropy causes quakes in the black hole. And we see those quakes as the gravitational wave bursts.
The next part is a loan from:
"Cosmic Censorship Conjecture"
"Given high enough densities, Einstein’s theory of general relativity predicts that matter can suffer a cataclysmic collapse to a point-like region where both the density of matter and the curvature of spacetime diverge (tend towards infinite values). This is referred to as a singularity, and also describes the formation of a black hole."
"In the case of a black hole, the singularity is hidden from view by an event horizon, but there is nothing in general relativity that says that this has to be the case. In other words, general relativity does not preclude the existence of naked singularities. This is very disturbing on both theoretical and observational grounds, as physical conditions become increasingly extreme, and ultimately the laws of physics break down entirely, as one approaches a singularity."
"To avoid this situation, in the late 1960s Roger Penrose proposed that there be some physical principle, as yet not understood, that excludes naked singularities as solutions to the equations of general relativity. In other words, every singularity must possess an event horizon that hides the singularity from view. This is known as the ‘cosmic censorship conjecture’."
When we think that a time arrow that travels forward pushes objects backward in time. We can say that sometimes an arrow travels in the opposite direction that thing moves objects around it forward in time. That is the Eddington model of the time arrow. And it's one model of the gravity and spacetime models.
Albert Einstein and Roger Penrose made those models. The Penrose model. Where naked singularity is impossible. At least in our universe.
Those ideas about the impossibility of naked singularity. Based on the idea. That quantum fields. And acceleration zones will cover the singularity. That means we cannot see the event horizon either. Because those acceleration zones are so bright.
If we want to make the naked singularity we must remove all material and quantum fields from around the black hole.
The naked singularity can exist outside the universe. Where there is not so much material and quantum fields. As in our universe.
That means. The energy and material might not be able to cover the singularity. The naked singularity denies us to see the future. And that could be a fundamental step in the research of Einstein's Theory of General relativity.
The Theory of General Relativity is not completed. Gravity waves may behave another way on the edge of the universe. In that place is possible that gravitational waves stretch at the edge of the universe and that turns gravity into another wave movement. This means without resistance gravity exists as gravity ends.
This thing causes interesting visions. If there is some kind of system. That forms a real vacuum. Or conditions that exist outside the universe. And that thing can make antigravity possible. That is one of the reasons why those black holes are so interesting.